User Portlet User Portlet

The latest version of the wolframscript package has been published in the official repository. While it is not necessarily needed or useful when wolfram-engine is already installed, there is also the possibility of cloud kernel use, i.e....
No. TCC is Telsa Compute claster. It uses TCC driver and not WDDM.
Much appreciated Prof. Ozer!
Congratulations! Your post was highlighted on the Wolfram's official social media channels. Thank you for your contribution. We are looking forward to your future posts. - [Twitter][1] - [Facebook][2] [1]:...
At the moment in Mathematica 13 the `Dataset` implementation is still less efficient than we'd like, but we are working on it.
[Resetting Mathematica][1] on **A** solved this problem. Input auto replacements now works. [1]:
This is a great idea. I'm struggling mightily with Workbench, which has been left in the dust behind WL's new paclet robustness. There are a number of issues right now that would be no-brainers for an active open-source dev. community to fix. ...
I share your concern about macOS support. It's no secret that Theo Gray was largely responsible for continued Mac support during the 'dark days', and the macOS seems to be getting a bit less love since he has moved on. I did find an issue with Big...
This particular key probably won't cause a problem but if it does feel free to reach out once again. However, it is due to some security/firewall feature enabled on your machine that is most likely the culprit.
Thank you very much!! I now have paclet 12.0.303 based on CUDA 10.1 working fine with gcc 8.2.0 !!