User Portlet User Portlet

MovingAverage: or KalmanFilter: I don't know statistics to justify either one. But which one would you recommend to do...
You may use `Join`: In[1]:= Join[{{a, b}, {c, d}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}, 2] Out[1]= {{a, b, 1, 2}, {c, d, 3, 4}}
I used `Export` because your question said "a button ,,, that would export the data". You didn't mentions `Save`. `Save` writes its output to a file as front-end code; i.e., in the same form as if it were stored in an Mathematica notebook file....
![enter image description here][1] If the y-axis in the image corresponds to MLT, and we are looking at a number of orbits. How do you interpret the way the lines are with respect to an orbit? If I zoom in closer: ![enter image description...
SetDirectory["desired directory"] SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]] (* Set to the directory that the notebook is in. *)
Hi Rohit, this worked.
Hey Shenghui, can you refer me to resources on how to do this? I've never heard of this before. Thank you