Glad you enjoyed it. Anamorphism is really an exciting subject with an intriguing combination of mathematics, imagination and art.
The anamorphic transformation code I took from my former demonstrations. After I discovered the new Printout3D, I got really interested in 3D printing and it uploads automatically to e.g. 3DHubs. The advantage of 3DHubs is that it is some type of 3D printer sharing service. It connects to people in your area who have excess printing capacity and try to sell it. So I found an industrial design student at 3 km from my home and the guy printed it overnight. So the whole "enterprise" took no more than a couple of days. With thanks to the power of Mathematica!
If somebody is interested, I am willing to help and we could make a larger scale or more sophisticated object to demonstrate an example of something like: "from code to 3D art in one day with Mathematica"! Could make an exclusive conversation piece for any math geek's office...