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Finding yoga-poses constellations in the night sky

found constellations

Story Time

At its first meeting in 1922, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), officially adopted the list of 88 constellations that we use today. These include 14 men and women, 9 birds, two insects, 19 land animals, 10 water creatures, two centaurs, one head of hair, a serpent, a dragon, a flying horse, a river and 29 inanimate objects. As many of us have (frustratingly) witnessed first hand while star-gazing - most of these bear little resemblance to their supposed figures. Instead, it is more likely that the ancient constellation-makers meant them to be symbolic, a kind of celestial "Hall of Fame" for their favorite animals or heroes.

This begs two questions I sought to answer with this project:

  1. Can we 'do better' now with the WL's StarData[] curated data and Machine Learning functionality?
  2. What if the ancient constellation-makers were slightly more creative? Say they looked up at the sky, and only saw yoga-poses!

Some examples of the found yoga-pose constellations, projected on images of the night sky are shown here, with a walk-through of the code below:

example yoga-pose constellations

Yoga Poses

First things first, finding images for yoga poses. Turns out, the WL has a built in YogaPose Entity Class with 216(!) available entities and their schematics. A lot of these are very similar (e.g. palms facing up/down) and we therefore only select a subset of them, which differ substantially from each other:

yogaposes = EntityClass["YogaPose", All] // EntityList;
chosenPoses = 
  List /@ {4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 23, 25, 28, 35, 38, 43, 51, 54, 56, 59,
     63, 65, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 84, 88, 90, 98, 100, 102, 103, 110, 
    111, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119, 125, 126, 133, 139, 142, 149, 152, 
    153, 154, 155, 156, 160, 164, 165, 167, 172, 177, 178, 180, 182, 
    183, 184, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197, 202, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 
    212, 215, 216};
Shallow[Extract[yogaposes, chosenPoses]]

We write a wrapper to ensure the schematics are padded to give a square image and visualize our 73 constellations:

makeSquare[gr_, size_, bool_: False] := 
 Block[{range, magnitudes, order, padding, newRanges, res},
  range = AbsoluteOptions[gr, PlotRange][[1, 2]];
  magnitudes = Abs[Subtract @@@ range];
  order = Ordering[magnitudes, 2, Greater];
  padding = Subtract @@ magnitudes[[order]]/2;
  newRanges = {{-1, 1} padding + Last[range[[order]]], 
  res = Show[gr, PlotRange -> Reverse@newRanges[[order]], 
    ImageSize -> size];
  If[bool, Rasterize[res], res]]

 makeSquare[#["SimplifiedSchematic"], 64] & /@ 
  Most[Extract[yogaposes, chosenPoses]], 9, Frame -> All]

constellations graphic

Neural Network

Our problem now can be worded as a classification one: given 5-10 stars, classify them as one of the 73 yoga-poses constellations The problem with that formulation of-course is that 5-10 randomly selected points inside the constellation region isn't specific enough to differentiate between constellations. The image below shows that although 1000 sets of 10 points will define the shape, 10 points alone fall short:


Instead, we compute the Voronoi diagram of the points, using DistanceTransform to leverage already-optimized convolutional neural nets used for classifying images. Note that, even if (naturally) the results are less clear with fewer points (left to right) - the result with only 10 points at the far right is still quite recognizable to a human eye:


With this in-mind, we create a neural network similar to the VGG16 neural network, with successive 5x5 convolutions, ReLu activation functions and Max pooling layers. Finally note that we use an average pooling instead of fully connected layers to reduce the number of parameters and the use of dropout layers.

conv[output_] := ConvolutionLayer[output, {5, 5}, "PaddingSize" -> 2]
pool[size_] := PoolingLayer[{size, size}, "Stride" -> size]
lenet = NetChain[
  {conv[32], Ramp, conv[32], Ramp, pool[2], conv[64], Ramp, conv[64], 
   Ramp, pool[2], conv[128], Ramp, conv[128], Ramp, conv[128], Ramp, 
   PoolingLayer[{9, 9}, "Stride" -> 9, "Function" -> Mean], 
   FlattenLayer[], DropoutLayer[], 73, SoftmaxLayer[]},
  "Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Class", Extract[yogaposes, chosenPoses]}],
  "Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", {64, 64}, ColorSpace -> "Grayscale"}]

The training set then consists of generating 10-15 points inside the constellation region (resized and padded to allow for rotations later), and taking their DistanceTransform:

meshes[n_] := 
 meshes[n] = 
     yogaposes[[chosenPoses[[n, 1]]]]["SimplifiedSchematic"], 44], 10]
trainingSet[n_, m_, iter_] := 
 With[{reg = 
    ImageMesh[meshes[n], CornerNeighbors -> False, 
     Method -> "MarchingSquares"]},
        DistanceTransform[Image[SparseArray[# -> 0, {64, 64}, 1]]]], 
       "Grayscale"] & /@ 
     Clip[Round@RandomPoint[reg, {iter, m}], {1, 64}] -> 
    yogaposes[[chosenPoses[[n, 1]]]]]]
exampleTrainingSet = 
 Flatten[trainingSet[#, 10, 1] & /@ RandomInteger[{1, 73}, 10], 1]

The net took a couple of hours to train on ~100,000 examples on my CPU. Here we import the trained net:

lenetTrained = Import["constellationsNet.wlnet"]

Night Sky

We're almost ready to classify the night sky. We first need the location of the 10,000 brightest stars along with their Right Ascension and Declination:

brightest = 
   "Star", {EntityProperty["Star", "ApparentMagnitude"] -> 
     TakeSmallest[10000]}], {"RightAscension", "Declination", 

We can plot these on the night sky using no projection (i.e. RA Vs Dec), using the sinusoidal projection (taken by Kuba's excellent answer in SE) or on the celestial sphere given by the following transformations respectively:

$$sinusoidal:\{(\alpha -\pi ) \cos (\delta ),\delta \}$$

$$map to3D:\{\cos (\alpha ) \cos (\delta ),\sin (\alpha ) \cos (\delta ),\sin (\delta )\}$$



Finally, we use these 10,000 brightest stars to compute a multivariate smooth kernel distribution out of which to sample from and a Nearest function to compute neighboring stars. We need to of-course use our own distance function on the celestial sphere:

wrap[list_] := Block[{xs, ys},
  {xs, ys} = Transpose[list];
  Thread[{Mod[xs, 2 \[Pi]], Mod[ys, \[Pi], -\[Pi]/2]}]]
mapTo3D[\[Alpha]_, \[Delta]_] = {Cos[\[Alpha]] Cos[\[Delta]], 
   Cos[\[Delta]] Sin[\[Alpha]], Sin[\[Delta]]};
dist[{u_, v_}, {x_, 
   y_}] := (#1[[1]] - #2[[1]])^2 + (#1[[2]] - #2[[2]])^2 + (#1[[
       3]] - #2[[3]])^2 & @@ mapTo3D @@@ {{u, v}, {x, y}}
pts = wrap@QuantityMagnitude[UnitConvert[brightest[[6 ;;, ;; 2]]]];
nf = Nearest[pts, DistanceFunction -> dist]
sm = SmoothKernelDistribution[pts]

Our search algorithm is therefore defined as follows:

  1. Pick a random position from the night sky distribution
  2. Compute its 5-10 nearest neighbors
  3. Classify those stars and their rotations by $\frac{2 \pi }{15}$
  4. Select the rotation which gives the highest accuracy
  5. Associate constellation to running association and repeat

    rescale[list_] := Block[{xs, ys},
      {xs, ys} = Thread[list];
      Thread[Rescale[#, MinMax[#], {11, 54}] & /@ {xs, ys}]]
    rotate[\[Alpha]_, pts_] := 
         Round@RotationTransform[\[Alpha] , {65/2, 65/2}][rescale[pts]] ->
           0, {64, 64}, 1]]
    sky = <||>;
    accumulate[] := 
     Block[{pts = 
        nf[Mod[RandomVariate[sm] + {0, \[Pi]}, 2 \[Pi]] - {0, \[Pi]}, 
         RandomInteger[{5, 10}]], \[Alpha], pred},
      {\[Alpha], pred} = 
         First /@ 
             lenetTrained[rotate[\[Alpha], pts], 
              "TopProbabilities"]}], {\[Alpha], 0, 2 \[Pi], (2 \[Pi])/
            15}], Last]];
      If[Not[KeyExistsQ[sky, pred[[1]]]] || 
        TrueQ[sky[pred[[1]], "Accuracy"] < pred[[2]]],
        pred[[1]] -> <|"Accuracy" -> pred[[2]], 
          "Image" -> 
             64], {PointSize[Medium], Red, 
             Round[RotationTransform[\[Alpha], 65/2 {1, 1}][rescale@pts], 
              0.5]}], "Points" -> pts, "Angle" -> \[Alpha]|>], Nothing];]

We can import a precomputed association with 20 such constellations:

selectedAsc = Import["skyAsc.m.gz"]


Finally, we orient the schematic based on the optimally found angle and (manually) connect the dots.

orient[pts_, \[Alpha]_] := 
 Round[RotationTransform[\[Alpha], 65/2 {1, 1}][rescale@pts], 0.5]
lines = {{{10, 7, 3, 1, 4, 9, 2, 5, 8}, {2, 6}}, {{7, 3, 1, 9, 
     6}, {10, 2, 1, 8}, {4, 3, 5}}, {{7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 2, 10}, {1, 2, 6,
      5}}, {{10, 2, 1, 3, 9, 5}, {7, 1, 4, 6, 8}}, {{5, 4, 1, 2, 
     3}}, {{10, 4, 5, 7, 9, 3, 8}, {6, 1, 2, 3}}, {{9, 5, 6, 3, 1, 2, 
     7}, {7, 4, 8}}, {{7, 6, 2, 3, 5, 8}, {9, 5, 4}, {3, 1}}, {{6, 2, 
     1, 3, 4}, {2, 5}}, {{5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 8, 3, 7}}, {{10, 6, 3, 2, 
     7}, {5, 2, 1, 4, 9, 8}}, {{9, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7}, {6, 3, 8}}, {{6,
      10, 4, 2, 1, 3, 9, 7, 5, 8}}, {{6, 7, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5}}, {{10, 8, 
     3, 6, 7, 2, 5, 9}, {5, 1, 4, 3}}, {{6, 5, 2, 1, 3}, {1, 4}}, {{5,
      1, 2, 3}, {1, 4}}, {{6, 3, 2, 1, 4}, {3, 5}, {2, 7}}, {{3, 6, 8,
      2, 4, 5, 1, 7}}, {{3, 1, 2, 6, 5}}};
makeSquareAndScale[gr_, \[Alpha]_, size_, opacity_] := 
 Block[{range, magnitudes, order, padding, newRanges, s},
  range = AbsoluteOptions[gr, PlotRange][[1, 2]];
  magnitudes = Abs[Subtract @@@ range];
  order = Ordering[magnitudes, 2, Greater];
  padding = Subtract @@ magnitudes[[order]]/2;
  s = size/First[magnitudes[[order]]];
  newRanges = {{-1, 1} padding + Last[range[[order]]], 
      gr[[1]], {ScalingMatrix[{s, 
         s}], -1 First /@ (s Reverse@newRanges[[order]])}], 
     RotationTransform[\[Alpha], (size + 1)/2 {1, 1}]]}, 
   ImageSize -> size]] 
With[{l = Map[Line, lines, {2}]},
      "SimplifiedSchematic"], -selectedAsc[[i, -1]], 64, 0.25], 
      rescale[selectedAsc[[i, -2]]], {l[[i]], Red, PointSize[Large], 
       Point /@ Sort /@ Flatten /@ lines[[i]]}]], 
    ImageSize -> 150], {i, 20}], 5, Frame -> All, 
  Appearance -> "Horizontal"]]

found constellations

These can also be superimposed on the full night-sky:

Graphics[{With[{l = Map[Line, lines, {2}]},
     selectedAsc[[i, -2]], {Orange, Thickness[Large], l[[i]], Red, 
      PointSize[Medium], Point /@ Sort /@ Flatten /@ lines[[i]]}], {i,
      20}]], Opacity[0.25], PointSize[Small], 
  Point[Complement[pts, Flatten[Values@selectedAsc[[All, -2]], 1]]]}, 
 ImageSize -> 750]

found overlay

sinusoidal[\[Alpha]_, \[Delta]_] = {(\[Alpha] - \[Pi]) Cos[\[Delta]], \
Graphics[{With[{l = Map[Line, lines, {2}]},
     sinusoidal @@@ selectedAsc[[i, -2]], {Orange, Thickness[Large], 
      l[[i]], Red, PointSize[Medium], 
      Point /@ Sort /@ Flatten /@ lines[[i]]}], {i, 20}]], 
  Opacity[0.25], PointSize[Small], 
  Point[sinusoidal @@@ 
    Complement[pts, Flatten[Values@selectedAsc[[All, -2]], 1]]]}, 
 ImageSize -> 750]

found sinusoidal

It is then a matter of Overlaying these found constellations to existing images of night skies to produce the images at the beginning of the post:

overlay[{img_, constellation_}, {size_, loc_, opac_}] := 
      "SimplifiedSchematic"], -selectedAsc[[constellation, -1]], 64, 
     opac], Graphics[
      rescale[selectedAsc[[constellation, -2]]], {White, 
       Thickness[0.0075], Line /@ lines[[constellation]], White, 
       Point /@ Sort /@ Flatten /@ lines[[constellation]]}]], 
    ImageSize -> 1000], size], Scaled[loc]]

Conclusions / Lessons Learned

  • It IS possible to find collections of stars in the night sky matching all sorts of shapes. Other built-in entities to try are Pokemons, Dinosaurs etc
  • Not all the found constellation work 'perfectly'
  • Machine Learning is a powerful tool, and the WL implementation makes it easy to get started
  • Reformulating the problem to an easier, already solved problem (e.g. points -> 2D image input) can help Classification Accuracy
  • Perhaps the most interesting aspect of neural networks now, is diversifying its applications - so be creative

This work was presented at the 2017 WTC (as part of a larger talk entitled "(De)Generative Art").
I look forward to any comments/suggestions.


PS The editor doesn't seem to let me attach the .wlnet and .m.gz files.

9 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you for this post George. This looks like a fun project and I am eager to try it out with different images as you suggest.

I can use your code and train the network lenetTrained, but I have trouble calculating selectedAsc. Could you please explain what is necessary to calculate selectedAsc without importing skyAsc.m.gz ?

Many thanks in advance!

POSTED BY: Philip Anon
Posted 7 years ago

WOW - really impressive. It would be good to implement it in the real planetarium. I am owner of the planetarium in Poland and can implement it into planetarium software. I need some more information. May I ask for:

  1. Names of yoga poses you presented.
  2. Numbers of the stars of new constallations as Hipparchos number of the star (or equivalent)

I will implement it into Stellarium sky culture and share it here.



POSTED BY: Radek Pior

What a great idea! I hope @George Varnavides gives you the info you need. I am curious, @Radek Pior, what type of planetarium you own? Perhaps you can give more details on equipment, size, maybe some images?... I sometimes visit Poland, it would be great to visit and see the Yoga Constellations on display!

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

Hey Radek,

That sounds awesome indeed, looking forward to seeing how it turns out! Please see below and the attached files for the information you asked for and let me know if I can be of any more help.

I've attached a hierarchical dataset representation, here's how it looks like: enter image description here

and a more detailed look for one of them: enter image description here

Note how they are grouped in lines (joining them in this order should give you the constellation shape).

Excited for this!


I am thrilled that you shared this work George! Such an interesting synthesis of computing techniques!

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane

This is another awesome contribution in a series of others (e.g. Transfer an artistic style to an image, or [WSS16] Image Colorization, etc.) using neural networks! Thanks for sharing! I would so much like to understand what you people are doing - is there any chance?

I mean is there some good and condensed material to learn just as much as needed to use those NN-Mathematica tools, and to avoid using them absolutely brainlessly without knowing what's going on?

Best regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Glad to hear you've enjoyed the project Hernik! I must admit I may not be the best person to answer your question - but I can provide some links which helped me, I had also never used/studied ML before Mathematica rolled them out in version 11.1.

  1. For implementation of NN functionality in the WL, The Neural Networks Documentation Guide is VERY extensive. A nice summary of possible task-types can be seen under Applications on the NetTrain man page.
  2. For importing state-of-the-art architectures, have a look at the nicely curated Wolfram NN Repository page.
  3. For understanding some of the concepts better, I would suggest the easy-to-follow blog by Google's Christopher Olah (I particularly enjoyed his Recurrent NNs section).
  4. Another nice summary blog (this one focuses on Convolutional NNs). In-fact using Spatial Transformer (implemented in WL) layers to identify constellation rotations is another direction one could go with this.
  5. Finally if you ascribe to a Feynman-esque* method of learning, I would suggest coding a simple perceptron in WL to solve a linearly-separable problem and a back-propagation algorithm for a small network to solve a non-linearly separable problem.

Cheers, George

*Richard Feynman quote:

What I cannot create, I do not understand.

... but I can provide some links which helped me, ...

Dear George, this is exactly what I was hoping for, many thanks!

Best regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

enter image description here - Congratulations! This post is now a Staff Pick as distinguished by a badge on your profile! Thank you, keep it coming!

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