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Version 12.1 Default FontSize

Posted 5 years ago

The Default stylesheet in V 12.1 now has FontSize 15pt which gives far too big fonts in notebooks. This has always been 13pt up to V 12.0.

Is there any reason for that useless change? What is the easiest way to undo that change without writing my own stylesheet? (Magnification 75% is not really helpful because it influences Graphics and the like as well)

*Supplement March 30, 2020: Meanwhile it is clear that there are no changes in formal font sizes. Only their appearance has changed. The problem is much more complicated. See below.*

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
21 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

Werner, I cannot see any change between V 12.0 and V 12.1, they are both the same:

  • Text cell 15 pts
  • Input cell 13 pts

Same in V 11.3

I am using Windows 10, Desktop

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

The issue you’re seeing might be associated with the changes described in this wolfram technology conference presentation.

POSTED BY: Ian Williams
Posted 5 years ago

You are right. There is no difference in Option Inspector.Formatting Options.Font Options.

But nevertheless, the appearance is totally different. The following picture shows a notebook Text-cell and an Input-Cell. Once opened with the new 12.1 desktop (Wolfram|One). Once with an elder 12.0 desktop (Programming Lab).

enter image description here

The 12.0 version in the foreground is what I expect. The 12.1 version in the background has far too large fonts. Despite the fact that font sizes are 15pt (Text) and 13pt (Input) in both cases.

This happens on a Windows 10 laptop with a 1920 x 1080 pixel display.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks, Ian, for that presentation. It explains the problem on hi-res monitors and why many things get larger under V12.1.

Unfortunately, it doesn't tell anything about fonts and style sheets. And it doesn't tell how to get back to reasonable font sizes for standard text and input.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger

Unfortunately, from my experience, this is an important area where the documentation is uncharacteristically poor. And I haven't seen any mention in the 'release notes'. For my work I will need to understand the implications of these 12.1 changes, but haven't had time to look at it yet and probably won't do so until I hit a snag. In the meantime I'd suggest that a WR insider would be best placed to offer some guidance. Sorry I can't be more helpful, Ian

POSTED BY: Ian Williams
Posted 5 years ago

I experienced this issue, but I have HiDPI displays.

I was able to resolve the issue by:

Options Inspector->Global Preferences->Notebook Options->Display Options->Magnification->0.75

I'm using 100% magnification (on the bottom status bar) for my individual notebooks. All my graphics and fonts display well.

I don't know if this will help, but it might be worth a try.

Posted 5 years ago

Please run the following command and share the exact release id of your 12.1 kernel.


Some 12.1 users are complaining while others are not.

POSTED BY: Muhammad Ali

I understand that under Windows fonts now look larger. What I don't understand is why some fonts look smaller. In particular I am talking about the suggestions when typing a command and the command templates as shown below. These are now tiny regardless of the magnification setting: enter image description here

This problem goes away if I change the MS Windows 10 magnification from 125% to 100%.

POSTED BY: Gustavo Delfino
Posted 5 years ago

I have:

In[123]:= SystemInformation["Kernel", "ReleaseID"]

Out[123]= " (6776260, 2020031901)"
POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks, David. This Global Preference makes fonts, graphics, etc. smaller. Even a bit smaller than in the former 12.0 version. Good enough as a temporary bypass.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago

This seems to be a pretty tricky problem. Meanwhile, I issued a Wolfram support question for it.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago

@Hans Milton

What product are you using and please share your release id as well by running the following command:

POSTED BY: Muhammad Ali
Posted 5 years ago
Posted 5 years ago

BTW: One can set/get that Global Preference with:

In[164]:= SetOptions[$FrontEnd, "Magnification" -> 0.8]

In[165]:= Options[$FrontEnd, "Magnification"]

Out[165]= {Magnification -> 0.8}
POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago
In[3]:= SystemInformation["Kernel", "ReleaseID"]
Out[3]= " (6764119, 2020031402)"

My display is 1366 x 768

In[4]:= CurrentValue["ConnectedDisplays"]
Out[4]= {{"Region" -> {{0., 1366.}, {0., 738.}}, 
  "FullRegion" -> {{0., 1366.}, {0., 768.}}, 
  "PixelDimensions" -> {1366, 768}, "BitDepth" -> 32, 
  "Resolution" -> 72., "Scale" -> 1.}}
POSTED BY: Hans Milton
Posted 5 years ago

This is a very interesting discussion on StackExchange.

Quintessence: Pixel-, point-measurements are a mess for tens of years within the Wolfram-world. Version 12.1 tries to clean that up but doesn't.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 5 years ago

Here the complete information for my system:

I am running Wolfram|One Personal on a Lenovo ThinkPad laptop workstation W530 with a 1920x1080 Display under Windows 10 Pro in Germany.

In[218]:= SystemInformation["Kernel", "ReleaseID"]
Out[218]= " (6776260, 2020031901)"

In[219]:= SystemInformation["Devices", "ScreenInformation"]
Out[219]= {{"ScreenArea" -> {{0, 1152}, {0, 648}}, 
  "FullScreenArea" -> {{0, 1152}, {0, 648}}, "BitDepth" -> 32, 
  "Resolution" -> 120.}}

In[220]:= CurrentValue["ConnectedDisplays"]
Out[220]= {{"Region" -> {{0., 1152.}, {0., 648.}}, 
  "FullRegion" -> {{0., 1152.}, {0., 648.}}, 
  "PixelDimensions" -> {1920, 1080}, "BitDepth" -> 32, 
  "Resolution" -> 120., "Scale" -> 1.66667}}

In[221]:= Options[$FrontEnd, "Magnification"]
Out[221]= {Magnification -> 0.8}

The last Magnification setting is a bypass which was set by Options Inspector->Global Preferences->Notebook Options->Display Options->Magnification->0.80 or programmatically by:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, "Magnification" -> 0.8]
POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Anonymous User
Anonymous User
Posted 5 years ago

I have vision problems. I enjoy using Apple iMac. I just hold Control and swipe my mouse (apple has magic mouse with touchscreen action built-in), and my whole screen gets larger or smaller seemlessly as a swipe.

It's a great aid for the "vision impaired" and "i need my glasses". I have troubles with my PC font sizes but don't want to install 3rd party hacks that crash software. For this item - I really like Apple iMac.

NOW TO YOUR ISSUE: no, 12.1 does not default to size 15, the default doesn't change. What you need to do is completely follow the directions for un-installing before you upgrade (I am repeating the instructions when I say that). Old settings, if left to linger, can interfere with new ones and cause issues.

I realize you may know allot more about Mathematica than I, but I suggest trying to re-install with more effort upon the un-installation part of things.

You can go to Format->Options Inspector from your main shell menu and change your defaults - there are many defaults than can be changed and you can see current settings (15, your problem, will not be a default, so if you find it and click "default", it will be normal again)

despite it is easily fixed, I suggest you may have further problems and should attempt re-installing if that isn't too inconvenient

ONE MORE WORD OF CAUTION. Make sure you are meaning "default for new notebook" and not "when I open old notebook", since an old notebook could contain an old font who's only available size is 15. (but if you open a new notebook, the default would be, say, 12). Make sure your problem is default size and not "missing font" before you try to fix it. (but again don't fix it - just re-install)

My default Font Size is this (after upgrade probably before it as well).

FEPrivate`If[FEPrivate`$OperatingSystem === "MacOSX", Inherited + 1, Inherited]
POSTED BY: Anonymous User
Posted 5 years ago

Hi John, you say that one should uninstall the former 12.0 version before installing 12.1. Actually the standard Windows installation process does exactly that and after 12.1-install c:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Wolfram Desktop\12.0\ has no more files anymore. Hence I cannot see what a manual uninstall could change and how it could be done. The former product Wolfram Desktop 12.0 is no longer visible within system settings and therefore cannot be uninstalled.

For your other assumption that an old stylesheet default.nb could be used: The old stylesheets are uninstalled and do not exist anymore. To be sure I changed the stylesheet to anything and then back to Default. This doesn't change anything with our font size problem.

Maybe install/uninstall works totally different on MacOS. But I run on Windows 10.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger

I've seen a couple other glitchy behaviors with that drop down menu with dual monitor setups. If you haven't already, please report this to tech support. And please include which monitor that notebook is on... CurrentValue["WindowResolution"] and CurrentValue["ConnectedDisplays"].

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

Dear All,

For your information only.

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POSTED BY: Jos Klaps
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