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Can Mathematica support a quadriplegic teenager in his learning journey?

Posted 4 years ago

My 14-year-old son is medically complex, including being a quadriplegic. He currently uses software (Grid 3) to communicate ideas and an eye tracker (Tobii) with software that allows him to "type" using his eyes.

I am looking for tools that will allow him to work out a math problem through its various steps (since he cannot hold a pencil and write on paper to show his work), and I thought Mathematica might be a tool that could help.

Has anybody successfully used Mathematica using mouse movements alone and not typing anything on the keyboard?


POSTED BY: Myles Dear
32 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

A sad piece of news : my wonderful son passed away in my arms on July 31st of this year.

I would be honored if you could join us in the celebration of his life by subscribing and viewing the five videos we have produced :

This topic remains incredibly pertinent, however, as the lack of an onramp for those with physical disabilities to the Wolfram ecosystem remains a barrier that must still be surmounted.

I strongly believe, more so as I continue to listen to Stephen Wolfram's videos, that having this kind of onramp for those with physical disabilities who rely on assistive technology to perceive the world and interact with it would expose many fine new minds to the wonderful ecosystem Stephen has created. I truly believe we need EVERY voice to move forward to develop this New Kind of Science.

Who is with me?

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks very much to Eric Schulz for posting this sample / possible implementation.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for the input, Kyle. I showed this to my son today and I have a few early reactions :

1) Any font smaller than around 25 point will be too difficult for my son to see easily, keep in mind the eye tracking computer must be around 19 inches from his face.

2) I think a better approach rather than integrated functionality and help text would be to have an "action" mode and a "help" mode where the real estate is used differently. The action mode would execute a function when a symbol is picked, while the help mode would display a help screen when the same symbol is picked. So we would have two identical inputs leading to two different outputs depending on the mode in which he was in. He should be able to transition between modes easily.

3) I don't like the idea of a "two hit" approach, as each click has a cost. I'd rather have a WSIWYG approach where when he selects a function it either does that function or displays help about that function. I don't see that the "Play" button would be very useful to him.

4) I don't quite understand the different between the play button and the check mark in your template.

5) I don't understand what the "Eye" icon is supposed to do.

6) Please be advised that my son's Grid 3 control is either programmed to operate in dwell-to-select or zoom-to-select mode, it is not possible to have him change between these two. Thus, he would use a zoom mouse to select all content. It may be excessive to consume real estate for big buttons because they themselves would be magnified 5x when my son zooms in.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear

I think there are two big misunderstandings. I'm misunderstanding how the eye tracking software is used and you are expecting something from the buttons that I'm not. Can you send a video of the "zoom and click" process, either all example from YouTube or one you create. Is it true that no matter what when your son like at a specific spot on the screen it will zoom 5x and click wherever he ends up looking after the zoom? So every button should be the smallest possible size, which is limited to be larger than 25pt font. Is that correct? These constraints are what allow a specific sketch to be made. Also please feel free to sketch ideas, it's often much more effective than words with me.

For the second misunderstanding about the workflow of a mathematica notebook we should be explicit about whether the standard workflow is what you expect. Normally one edits a piece of code by applying multiple templates in succession to create a large expression. Then one executed that expression to Connor the result. It does not behave like a calculator where you got one button at a time and each button performs an operation. If you want the calculator workflow then there are other simpler options. The editing process of a standard notebook is going to be cumbersome, but will allow your son to create more complex things from scratch. If you want the calculator workflow then you might want to explore a scientific calculator that saves a history of calculations and executes the calculation at every button press. Those exist and making a custom one here might end up worse.

Also, I've clearly done a bad job explaining my drawings, sorry I don't know how to be clearer.

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane
Posted 4 years ago

Hi, Kyle. For your first point, please look at the enclosed video that will hopefully explain exactly what a Grid 3 zoom mouse control looks like (which I call zoom-to-select in my earlier comment). First, the function (left click, right click, double click, drag) is selected, and then the user moves their eyes and fixes their attention on a point. The zoom proceeds, with the user making course corrections during the progress of the zoom until the exact point is identified. The zoom ends, the original screen is restored, and the mouse action then occurs.

If my son deselects the zoom function he would then be free to read the contents of the screen without "interference" from the zoom process, and my request is that all text in the non-zoomed screen be 25 point or larger. He would not be reading anything while the zoom mouse is active. I understand that this means he might have to traverse several screens in order to see a whole sentence of help text.

For your second point, I am not looking for just a simple calculator workflow, I want to open up the full power of the tool to my son, whether it be typesetting, entering functions, or even writing programs. I understand that in order to get a cell ready for evaluation that it may take multiple palette functions to enter the data appropriately before evaluating the entire cell's contents, and I see now why the play button is necessary in order to trigger that evaluation. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks very much, Kyle, for the sample draft palette framework. Thanks, Eric, for the reply also.

I've done a little more research and here's what I came up with, more details about what I'm looking for:

Questions : How can I make a workbook automatically execute a series of commands when it first loads (ie. set magnification to 150%, and re-evaluate the workbook) ?


  • Define a core Palette GUI framework that can be expanded on as my son moves from grade 8 math to more advanced math.

  • If a symbol (such as !) is available instead of an underlying function (Factorial), hide the function and promote use of the symbol, go for simplicity, hide underlying transformations whenever possible (ie. + instead of Add). Only expose functions that don't have an underlying symbolic representation.

  • Ensure complex interactions can occur with the minimum amount of input. Each input event (ie. click, double-click, drag, right click) has a cost (each of these takes a physical toll and is time consuming - takes at least five seconds to zoom in and select a particular point, ten seconds for click/drag manoeuvres).

  • Consider creating an outline browser If multiple levels of menus end up having to be created, provide a way to interact with this browser via simple pointer movements (which naturally follow my son's eye motions and have much less cost than the events mentioned above). Dwelling on a control for longer than a minimum length of time would cause it to be selected.

Constraints :

  • My son uses a Tobii I12+ eye tracking PC, with 1024x768 resolution, 9.5" wide and 7.5" tall, which requires 20% of the width of the screen for an eye tracking computer control (which appears as a single or double-column rectangle on the right or left of the screen).

  • My son uses a zoom or dwell paradigm to select a palette cell (for dwell, targets must be no smaller than a 1" (105 pixel) diameter circle, but for zoom the targets can be as small as a 1/5" (21 pixel) diameter circle with the 5x zoom this feature offers, since the computer zooms into a particular part of the screen until a more exact point can be picked). Dwell is faster (only around 1/2 second to click) but also greatly limits the number of targets possible on the screen. Zoom takes around 5 seconds to zoom in and click, but offers greater accuracy.

  • As part of his eye tracking controls, my son can bring up an eye tracking keyboard, this will consume the bottom half of the screen, overlaying the palette, which must also take up the bottom half of the screen and 80% of its width.

-The notebook would consume the top half of the screen.

  • The Tobii I12+ requires a nominal distance of around 24 inches from the eye, making a 125-150% magnification factor required in order for my son to be able to most easily perceive and access the notebook.

Required use cases :

  • Typesetting (as opposed to free form drawing on a paint app)

  • Manual step-by-step equations, introductory algebra, functions

  • Inequalities and graphing

  • Plotting / visualization

  • Basic geometry and area/perimeter calculations.

Required functionality:

  • Core

    • evaluate current cell

    • Evaluate current workbook

    • New cell (wolfram lanaguage)

    • Keyboard - like in Class Assistant - As an alternative to my son using his eye tracking keyboard as this allows zoom to click.

    • Typesetting (from Basic Math Assistant, Typesetting, superscript tab) - ?? some duplication from calculator - where would be the best place for these ???

      • fraction
      • square root
      • superscript (ie for powers)
      • matching parenthesis
      • matching square brackets
      • matching braces
      • matching single vertical lines (for absolute value)
      • Add < and > symbols to allow inequalities to be typed.
    • Color controls

    • Navigation

      • Add tab and shift/tab for traversing function templates, these are missing in current template
    • Calculator from basic math assistant

      • basic tab - mostly the same as the built-in palette,

        • Create Input Cell (create Wolfram input cell)

        • remove "input from above and output from above"

        • add Previous output (%), two outputs ago (%%), %%%, etc. to allow relative access and progressively solve an equation step-by-step manually. Relative reference are important to ensure the workbook doesn't get messed up if "evaluate workbook" is selected .

        • Single equals (assignment)

        • double equals (to express equations) Equals[]

        • remove "Create text cell" and "make template".

        • add semicolon so multiple lines can be provided in a single input without expecting any output.

      • advanced tab

        • add create free-form input cell or alpha input cell (double-check work by use of Alpha step-by-step feature).

        • remove all integration, derivative, definite product and matrix typesetting, keep definite sum and definite product

    • Basic commands

      • math constants and functions tab

        • mathematical constants : remove "more"

        • numeric functions : remove all the "Wave" functions

        • trig : only sin/cos/tan

      • algebra commands / expressions and equations

  • Basic equation handling

    • Add/subtract/multiply/divide both sides of an equation (AddSides, SubtractSides, MultiplySides, DivideSides)
    • simplify / expand / factor / reduce
  • Visualization

    Plot, Plot3d, Graphics

  • Geometry

    Point, Line, Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, Polygon, Parallelogram, Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone

POSTED BY: Myles Dear

Hi Myles, sorry i got sick after the holidays and missed your message. Here is my proposed interface that I think accounts for all constraints in a fairly usable way. Everything is drawn to scale for a total control area of 384x820 pixels. The large squares are 105px wide so they can be clicked directly without zoom, only the most essential and frequent operations get that size. Everything else will require some amount of zoom and click (the text box buttons and template buttons).

The top view will apply the template directly in the notebook to the current selection when a template button is activated and the bottom view will display the extra info when a template button is activated. In the bottom view you can apply the activated template button by clicking the check mark.

The operations in the smaller menu illustrated by the 'Cell Operations' will not get any extra info and will be limited to the common interface operations that are typically in the standard menu bar or are usually performed with a mouse and keyboard like clicking a cell bracket and hitting some key combo.

The play button will run the code in the current cell, all other notebook operations will be less common and should go into the smaller menu on the right, such as "run all cells in notebook from top".

Let me know what you think... ideally you will print the image to the correct scale so you can hold it in front of your kid to ensure they can read all text and recognize the tiny template buttons. I will also email you the powerpoint that I used to make the mockup so you can change things to test other symbols.

Instead of tiny template buttons we can alternatively use function templates, I will tweak the powerpoint and send another image in a minute.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane

Ah I think you want him to write things that look like typeset math not code but here is the code-ier version which we could use for some of the subtopics even if some subtopics are using templates. Having simple code commands might be very useful for things like Simplify[] and Solve[]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane
Posted 4 years ago

Hi, everybody. A few more details of my son's computer. The resolution is 1024/768 on a Tobii I12+ Windows PC. The eye tracking click menu takes between 10% and 20% of the screen width and all of its height (as per the enclosed snapshots). The eye tracking keyboard takes the bottom half of the screen.

I'll actually be using the desktop version of Mathematica rather than the cloud version, since my son needs palettes, but since I'm having some license problems I thought I'd post these to give everybody an idea of the playing field.




POSTED BY: Myles Dear

This is good info Myles.

What is the size (in pixels) of a single on-screen keyboard button? If we stick a tiny template indicator inside of a button of the same size, will your son be able to see it? Currently the keyboard buttons have just a single easy to read letter in each button, will a template with thin lines inside of their work? Can you verify the smallest template that will be comfortable for him to read?

If we follow the keyboard button sizes, then we can fit a list of topics at the top, subtopics below that, a row of templates from the subtopic, and finally a row of commonly used buttons below that.

If the screen is 1024x768 and the tobii controls on the left are 15% of the width and we need the top half of the screen to display the math he is inputting, then we have about 870x380 pixels for the control area. I guess that means the buttons are around 65 pixels wide with 10 pixel padding on each side?

Attached is a notebook that you can modify to test various size buttons and layouts that will generate an image with controllable pixel size so you can open it on his computer to see if it look as you want and your son can read it.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks, Kyle, I'll take a look at this second draft skeleton. As noted below in my Dec 30 post, any buttons cannot be smaller than 21 pixels by 21 pixels (which will appear five times larger when completely zoomed into with his zoom mouse).

POSTED BY: Myles Dear

Attached is a notebook that creates a skeleton interface that we can use to further the discussion. Myles can you post your screenshot of your son's computer so people can see the dimensional constraints (i.e. how many pixels by how many pixels do we have available)? It would be good if you could indicate an ideal button size in pixels as well, that will help size the buttons.

Let me know what you think of the tab+page view generated in the notebook, screenshot attached. We can of course change the sizes and padding around the buttons, but I just wanted to make sure it is generally in the right direction.


POSTED BY: Kyle Keane

It is good to see that Kyle Keane has reached out to you. I am also curious if I can help a bit. Both the Basic Math Assistant and Classroom Assistant palettes were created with the idea that a keyboard was not available and they could be made large by changing the magnification level. However, as you have noticed, they are packed with functionality that is not useful to your son is this year. How would you suggest modifying the palette(s) so they could better serve your son? You can email me directly: ericschulz at

POSTED BY: Eric Schulz

Awesome, thanks Eric. I am thinking I will work to refine the design and code up a prototype and maybe you could take it from there to mature my implementation?

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane

Send me a PM and we can have a zoom chat. I teach assistive tech at MIT and am an avid Wolfram user.

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane

I just realized there is no private messaging on the community. you can email me at my email kkeane

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane
Posted 4 years ago

Regarding item #1, I believe I've found a link that may help, I'll investigate further :

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Regarding item 4, Andy D responded saying he didn't know why Graphics[] did not accept Rectangle[] but said that the developers must have had their reasons for doing it that way. Sometimes trial and error is needed to make things work !

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Hello Myles Dear,

I hope you find a great way for Mathematica to help your son! Regarding why Graphics[] did not accept Rectangle[], could you perhaps put an example? I couldn't find one in the notebook, but if there's one there, you can direct us to that. Both Graphics[Rectangle[]] and Graphics[{Rectangle[]}] (where you can add more items to the list in the curly braces) should work.

POSTED BY: Jibiana Jakpor
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Jiabiana. I was able to get my workbook evaluating correctly, after reading the documentation fine print, I see Rectangle accepts two points, while Triangle accepts a list of points. Both are working as inputs to Graphics[] now.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for the replies, everybody. I really appreciate your kind interest in my son's development.

  1. Could you please give me some pointers on how I can run Mathematica on my resource-constrained PC (using the palettes feature), while running the kernel on my more capable home-based server, with both located on my home network? Would doing this require more than one license?

  2. I had a meeting with Andy Giddens (Sales) and Andy Dorsett (Sales Engineer) and they explained I could set magnification settings on a palette to ensure the targets were bigger for my son. They also recommended use of the CreatePalette command. This looks like a fairly complex command, does anybody have any examples on its use (other than the very few examples in the product documentation)? I am a software developer and am a quick study.

  3. I looked at the built-in Classroom Assistant palette and although it had some good things my son would benefit from (basic algebraic entry, expressions and equations, navigation, evaluation to name a few), only around 40% of it would be immediately useful. Rather than starting from scratch, I'd love to be able to take a copy of the code that generated this template and cut it down to include only the basics for an early learner. Any idea how to best approach this ?

  4. I'm attaching a sample 2d exercise I created to demonstrate to my son's tutor that Mathematica could be used to help my son with his daily work. Any idea why the Graphics[] function did not accept a Rectangle[] object as input ?

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago

Hello Myles Dear,

For item #3, if you only want to remove some things from the Classroom Assistant Palette for your son's use, here is something you might try: 1. Open the Classroom Assistant Palette. 2. Right-click somewhere inside. 3. Click "Generate Notebook." 4. Manually select and delete parts of the palette in the new notebook graphically. 4. Select the cell in the notebook. 5. In the Palettes menu, click "Generate Palette from Selection."

This process may be tedious. I hope it helps though. Maybe someone has a less tedious solution.

POSTED BY: Jibiana Jakpor

To Myles Dear,

Mathematica Online might be what you are after. A web browser based way to do work in Mathematica. I've perused . I saw this note: Tobii Dynavox has announced the End of Sale of the I-Series+ (I-12+ and I-15+) As of December 13th, 2019, these devices will no longer be available for sale. Mathematica Online might be the solution as it is web based. If the Dynavox can reach the Internet then it should work. Whether it is Windows based or iOS, it should work. Alternatively the Mathematica Front End might work on the Dynavox. The Front End would communicate with a kernel. The kernel could be on your home server. Or outside the house. Again Mathematica Online is probably the way to go. Are you aware of Mathematica running on Raspberry Pi? The Dynavox could be linked to a Raspberry Pi. Mathematica runs on Raspberry Pi on a free license. I have not set up a Virtual Machine to run a Raspberry Pi. The hardware is under $100, but it has so many variations, options, versions. Windows can run on it too. Let this Forum know what ideas you need to help your son reach his computing goal.

POSTED BY: Stephen Wilson
Posted 4 years ago

I have downloaded a desktop copy of Mathematica onto my home server, this is a big software package, I'm not completely sure it would run on my son's small resource-constrained Tobii I12+ eye tracking computer. I'm quite interested in looking into palettes - I agree, the basic palettes that ship with Mathematica are much too small (typically eye tracking targets can be no smaller than the size of a nickel, and I haven't yet experimented with zoom-dwell-to-click control models with my son that might allow him access to smaller targets). Currently, he is using dwell-to-click against fairly large targets.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear

To Myles Dear,

By the way, have you been here: ?

In listening to National Public Radio, I learned much from Edward Reynolds Price (February 1, 1933 – January 20, 2011). His cancer treatment with surgery and radiation led to paralysis below the waist. Chuck Close,[Born: July 5, 1940 (age 80 years)], the artist came up with this phrase: ‘temporarily abled.’ Mr. Price embraced it and ran with it[so to speak].

POSTED BY: Stephen Wilson
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Stephen. My son does not have the head motor control to consistently operate head-based switches or to use a head mouse, but he does not have spasticity (in fact, his muscles are limp like wet noodles except for a very little amount of slow left-to-right neck movement). In contrast, his eyes are very fast and he has trained on how to use his gaze-based eye tracking system for several years and has become quite good at it. I think a raw command-line interface would not be feasible for him, but rather a series of graphical elements that allow for higher-level control.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear

Mathematica has a Command Line Interface as well. I am using a Macintosh. There is a terminal that can be used the way MS/PC-DOS is. Would that be a workable interface, Windows Command Prompt? In graphical mode, palettes can be used to enter data, symbols, equations and operators more readily than solely by keyboard.

You've told us your son is a quadriplegic. Can a head pointer be used? Is there enough head motion control? I suppose eye control needs a certain amount of stability to make a selection, and have the machine accept the input. I know of people with spinal cord injury, but this sounds more like motor control issues and possible spasticity. How accomodations can be made is interesting. I have followed what can be done for those with ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Technology has aided fighter pilots with on screen displays, to what the general public has available in automobiles as a better human machine interface.

POSTED BY: Stephen Wilson
Posted 4 years ago


Thank you for the additional information.

The Wolfram Language and Mathematica have several features that I think would make Mathematica more accessible to eye tracking software.

One place to start might be to have some custom palettes created. Palettes are on-screen windows that a user can enter things or trigger actions with a mouse. Unfortunately, the standard palettes that Mathematica ship with our too small for my aging eyes. (I have to keep buying bigger monitors every couple of years.). Fortunately, it is fairly easy to create any size custom palettes that I think can make the full power of Mathematica much more accessible. Check out How to Use Palettes.

If I am correct, custom palettes could bring the full power of Mathematica to your son. But, I must tell you, for many of us, the full power of Mathematica can feel like trying to drink from a fire hose at times.

So, while I suggest you also look into some of the other technologies and content that Wolfram has to offer students. For example Wolfram Alpha Pro for Students. Though, there are others as well. Though, I think Wolfram Alpha will require your son to still do some typing. It has a natural language interface, so you are not having to type so many symbols that can be difficult with on screen keyboards. Though, I think you indicated that on screen keyboards might not meed your needs.

Unfortunately, I do not have access to any eye tracking hardware to build you a custom palette to see if that could get you started that way. Though I wouldn't mind trying to build you one to see if it could work. The challenge though is that palettes do not work on the web. You would have to have a desktop copy of Mathematica.

Which version of Mathematica do you have? Or are considering? After looking at How to Use Palettes, do you think more reasonably sized buttons on a palette work work for your son?

What do others in the community think?

POSTED BY: Mike Besso
Posted 4 years ago

My son is nonverbal, so would rely on eye based access to interface with his computer. He is doing math at a Grade 8 level and we are bridging him with various online tools manually. However, he will reach a point very soon in which doing things in his head becomes next to impossible and he requires some kind of tool to allow him to write things such as algebraic equations so he can reduce/solve them. Rather than just having him use a "dumb" sketchpad app, I am looking for tools that could provide a higher level of value and help him engage with his math more independently.

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
Posted 4 years ago


I'm still new to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. But, as I understand things, Mathematica is a general purpose tool that for most functions require entering text in some fashion.

Given your question, I am assuming that your son would not be able to use a speech-to-text interface. But for those that can use speech-to-text, I think Mathematica's natural language interface would work well.

That said, I do believe it would be possible for someone to develop applications in Mathematica that would allow your son to work through math problems utilizing the power of Mathematica and the Wolfram language.

This is a great community that I'm sure would like to help. But first, it would help to understand what sort of math problems your son is ready to tackle.

POSTED BY: Mike Besso

Hi Myles
I don't have much experience with Tobii, but I know that it supports an on-screen keyboard with English layout. If your son can successfully click on the buttons of this keyboard using Tobii, then he probably will be able to use it to type in Wolfram notebook. If you are using Windows 10, this page can help

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna
Posted 4 years ago

Hi, Ahmed. Thanks for the reply. My son wouldn't be able to use a standard keyboard effectively, I am looking for a simplified graphical user interface to be a bridge between him and Mathematica. I understand Mathematica has a UIkit, so I'm wondering whether anybody has used this to develop a simplified interface to Mathematica online (access via web browser). Currently, my son uses a 5x4 grid (in which the screen is divided into 20 regions, with each region having a specific function that he accesses via fixing his gaze on the region and holding his gaze there).

The typical way he controls an external application (such as a web browser) is to shrink his grid to occupy only a part of the screen and allow his eyes to "become the mouse" and move/click onto the web page. Keyboard access is more tricky, which is why having a completely mouse-driven input model would be a much better idea.

Some links that describe current standards for online accessibility :

POSTED BY: Myles Dear
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