I noticed that the anole downloads from GBIF are labeled as *.csv files, but the don't open properly in Excel (which is easier for me to use for filtering the data). They appear to be either space or tab delimited files. I tried to import them in Excel several different ways, but nothing worked, The files do import fine in Mathematica, however, using SemanticImport.
I assume the process Jofre used to load the iOS mushroom app was for his iPhone only, and did not place the app in the Apple app store - Correct?
In the quiz, none of the possible answers for Question 5 will work because of a syntax error. I'm pretty sure I've seen this same question on previous quizzes with the same error.
UPDATE: I just discovered that my earlier post about the syntax error in Question 5 of the quiz is wrong. Some operators (those that contain multiple characters) need to be entered using key combinations between Escape ... Escape. Apologies for any confusion.