I'm trying to expand on the anole example, but apparently iNaturalistSearch is limited to a maximum of 200 observations, even though 3046 observations for the brown anole were counted for Houston. I'm unable to use the Page and MaxItems options to automate the extraction (although I can brute force it by manually extracting 200 observations at a time into separate variables and then using Join. I also tried to extract 3 different species using the Or ("|") operator, but that did not work. My goal is to visually show the displacement of the green anole by the brown anole over the last 20 years in Houston.
In Jofre's stink bug example, he used a SemanticImport of a *.csv file, but I'm not sure of its source.
In my meandering around the web, I became aware of another invasive lizard that's beginning to get noticed in Texas, the Argentine tegus - they're the size of a dog and grow to about 4 feet long. Oh, and BTW, they're voracious omnivores!