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[WSG22] Daily Study Group: Cryptography (begins January 31!)

A new study group devoted to Cryptography begins next Monday!

I will be leading this group daily, Monday to Friday, over the next three weeks, until February 18. The curriculum follows the upcoming Wolfram U course "Introduction to Cryptography". A list of daily topics can be found on the Daily Study Groups page. The study group sessions include videos and reading materials for the course and time for discussion and Q&A. After the study group will help you may complete the course quizzes and achieve the "Course Completion" certificate for the "Introduction to Cryptography" .


About This Study Group: Cryptography has existed for thousands of years and currently is a fascinating topic to study because of the close ties it forges between theory and practice. It makes use of bitwise computations, advanced algebra, string operations and everything in between. The Wolfram Language, with functions that provide basic building blocks for modern cryptography, makes a great tool for hands-on understanding of various concepts. In this Study Group, you will follow video lessons from the new Wolfram U course Introduction to Cryptography and learn about the concepts, underlying math and connections to real-world scenarios.

enter image description here

P.S: Don't worry if you are unable to attend every session live: the recordings will be sent out to those who registered!

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna
169 Replies

Looking forward to this!

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson

Over 200 attendees joined the first session of this study group today. Thanks @Dariia Porechna for your presentation. Thanks to the attendees for remaining engaged throughout the session. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Interesting start. Maybe not only I ask myself, where I can see some of these machines. Here is a list of museums with Enigmas

POSTED BY: Andreas Rudolph
Posted 3 years ago

Interesting historical perspective of cryptography from day 1 - looking forward to the next sessions!

POSTED BY: Updating Name

I was also curious about the lesser-known Lorenz machine: Not a lot of them still present!

For anyone interested in seeing actual historical equipment, the NSA runs the National Cryptological Museum in Maryland. It has an amazing collection from ancient times through Cold War to modern times including Enigmas and they have the only surviving Bombe (the machine designed at Bletchley Park to decrypt Enigma -- the British destroyed all of theirs and had to rebuild one for their recently opened Bletchley Park museum).

POSTED BY: Neil Singer
Posted 3 years ago

Ahead of the presentation, I am hopeful that the explanation of RSA will include an examination of its usage in SSL, i.e., how is it employed to exchange the symmetric key?


This will be covered more ahead in Hybrid Cryptography lesson.

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

The "Spy Museum" in Washington DC is also a good place to see an Enigma machine:

POSTED BY: Gustavo Delfino
Posted 3 years ago

please make test bigger on Zoom lecture now

POSTED BY: Peter Aptaker
Posted 3 years ago


"I came, I saw, I conquered"

POSTED BY: Luis Marin

It helped to notice that it was three words of four characters that start with the same character (and a lot of "L"). It cannot be "alea iacta est" or "aut Caesar aut nihil" for that reason. :-)

Though I did a brute force to confirm it.

Posted 3 years ago

As Caesar encrypted with a shift of 3, shifting by 23 will decrypt CaesarCipher["yhqlylglylfl", 23]

Producing a famous quote from Caesars Gallic Wars.

Table[ResourceFunction["CaesarCipher"]["yhql ylgl ylfl", i], {i, 1, 26}] 

shows the decrypted message in item 23.

POSTED BY: Arturo Silva

Here is my more "formal" analysis of this, assuming that the first word should be in Mma's Latin wordlist.

text = "yhql ylgl ylfl";
alpha = Alphabet[];
latinWords = WordList["KnownWords", Language -> "Latin"];
candidates = {StringReplace[text, 
      Thread[Rule[alpha, RotateLeft[alpha, #]]]]} & /@ Range[26];
MemberQ[latinWords, StringSplit[#][[1, 1]]] & /@ candidates;
Pick[candidates, %]

Update: Changed an old "A" to "alpha". Thanks, Luis!

Posted 3 years ago

Nice, just a corretion in the code (A -> alpha)

Thread[Rule[alpha, RotateLeft[alpha, #]]]]} & /@ Range[26];

Update: Code is already corrected in original post.

POSTED BY: Luis Marin

Thanks, Luis. I've changed it in my post.

The code is based on the one in the "04Classicalciphers.nb", but in the last minute changed "A" to "alpha" since it's not recommended that variables start with an uppercase. But forgot to change it everywhere. :-)

Common words appearing as cypher texts of common words when using Caesar Cyphers

  alpha = ToUpperCase[Alphabet[]],
  enCommon = Select[
    Complement[Characters[#], alpha] == {} &]},
   shift -> Intersection[
      Thread[Rule[alpha, RotateLeft[alpha, shift]]]]
   {shift, 25}],
  Length[Last[#]] &]]

{5 -> {"FIE", "FIT", "IT", "ITS", "KNEE", "PH", "STY", "UM", "YA"}, 
 21 -> {"ADO", "ADZ", "DO", "DON", "FIZZ", "KC", "NOT", "PH", "TV"}, 
 2 -> {"CUR", "DAG", "ETA", "GAG", "GO", "IQ", "KEG", "ME", "MY", 
   "NAG", "OW", "TAG", "TWO", "URGE"}, 
 24 -> {"ASP", "BYE", "CRY", "EM", "EYE", "GO", "ICE", "KC", "KW", 
   "LYE", "MU", "RUM", "RYE", "SPEC"}, 
 1 -> {"BE", "BEE", "BIB", "BY", "DIBS", "EVE", "FOE", "IF", "IN", 
   "JUT", "KPH", "OFF", "PEE", "PI", "PIN", "PIP", "SIP", "TI", "UFO",
 25 -> {"AD", "ADD", "AHA", "AX", "CHAR", "DUD", "END", "HE", "HM", 
   "ITS", "JOG", "NEE", "ODD", "OH", "OHM", "OHO", "RHO", "SH", "TEN",
 9 -> {"AN", "ANY", "ARENA", "ARK", "ARM", "BRA", "BRAN", "BUNNY", 
   "BURY", "BYRE", "CANT", "CARP", "CRY", "DB", "KHAN", "LARK", "NAN",
    "NAP", "NUT", "PRAM", "RAT", "RUT", "TRY", "URN", "WRY"}, 
 17 -> {"BYRE", "CRIB", "ELK", "ERE", "ERG", "GIRD", "ILK", "IRK", 
   "KIP", "LIE", "NIP", "RE", "REP", "RIB", "RID", "RIVER", "SIR", 
   "SIRE", "SLEEP", "SLIP", "SPIV", "TIP", "TREK", "TRIG", "US"}, 
 11 -> {"ALE", "ALTO", "APE", "AS", "AT", "DALE", "DATE", "DAZE", 
   "DAZED", "DEFY", "ELF", "ELM", "ESPY", "ETA", "EYE", "FA", "IT", 
   "LAP", "LO", "LOO", "LYE", "PI", "SPA", "SPY", "STOP", "TO", "YES",
 15 -> {"AD", "ADD", "ANT", "APE", "EX", "HEN", "HEP", "HIDE", "ID", 
   "NTH", "ODD", "PAID", "PAT", "PET", "PH", "PI", "SPAT", "SPIT", 
   "SPOT", "SPOTS", "STUN", "TAB", "TAU", "THEN", "TIP", "TNT", "UP", 
 3 -> {"DOE", "DOS", "DUN", "EH", "ERA", "ERE", "ERG", "ERR", "FROG", 
   "GRUB", "HA", "HOP", "HUH", "ID", "IRE", "IRON", "KHZ", "LOO", 
   "ODE", "ORE", "PH", "PLOW", "PROW", "RUE", "SHH", "SHOW", "SHUN", 
   "SOB", "SUB"}, 
 23 -> {"ALB", "ALP", "ARK", "BE", "BOB", "BOD", "BOO", "BOX", "COLD",
    "DORY", "ELM", "ERE", "EX", "FA", "FOB", "FOLK", "HEW", "ILL", 
   "LAB", "LOB", "ME", "MILT", "MOLT", "ORB", "PEE", "PELT", "PERK", 
   "PLY", "PRY"}, 
 13 -> {"AH", "AHA", "ANT", "BALK", "BAR", "CRAG", "CREEL", "ENVY", 
   "ER", "FLAP", "FUR", "GAG", "GEL", "GNAT", "IRK", "NAG", "NU", 
   "NUN", "ONE", "ONYX", "PENT", "PERRY", "RAIL", "RE", "SHE", "SYNC",
    "TANG", "TNT", "TRY", "VEX"}, 
 7 -> {"AH", "AHA", "ALL", "APTLY", "DOLL", "DOPA", "FLAP", "FLU", 
   "GLIB", "HA", "HE", "HO", "IF", "ILK", "ILL", "JOLLY", "LO", "NUB",
    "OBI", "OH", "OLD", "OPT", "PA", "PILE", "SH", "SHALE", "SHE", 
   "SPA", "SPUR", "THY", "VIP", "WHO", "WHY", "WOLD", "ZOO"}, 
 19 -> {"AH", "AT", "AX", "BED", "BEE", "BY", "CHEER", "EH", "GNU", 
   "HA", "HEW", "HIM", "HUB", "IBEX", "IT", "LA", "LATEX", "LAX", 
   "LINK", "LIT", "MAR", "OBI", "PAH", "PAR", "PHEW", "SHH", "TA", 
   "TAT", "TEE", "TIMER", "WHEE", "WHIT", "YEN", "YETI", "ZEBU"}, 
 8 -> {"AIL", "AWE", "AWL", "BIAS", "BIB", "BIZ", "CAM", "COP", "EM", 
   "EMIT", "EWE", "I", "IF", "ILL", "JIB", "JIG", "MOIL", "MOO", 
   "MOW", "MU", "NIB", "NIL", "OIL", "OW", "OWL", "PI", "PIE", "PIG", 
   "PIX", "RIG", "SPIV", "TI", "TIE", "TWIN", "TWO", "UM", "WE", 
   "WET", "WIN", "XI", "ZIP"}, 
 18 -> {"A", "ADD", "AX", "BAT", "BAY", "EGAD", "EGG", "EGO", "EM", 
   "FAD", "FAT", "GAD", "GO", "GOD", "HA", "HAP", "HAW", "HAY", "JAY",
    "KHAN", "LA", "LAW", "LOAF", "LOG", "ME", "OAF", "OW", "OWL", 
   "PA", "RAH", "SAD", "SOD", "SOW", "TAR", "TASK", "TAT", "UGH", 
   "USE", "WE", "WEAL", "WOW"}, 
 10 -> {"BED", "BONY", "BOON", "BOP", "COD", "COG", "COO", "COWS", 
   "CRED", "DEW", "DRY", "DYED", "GO", "GOD", "GOO", "GOON", "GROG", 
   "KC", "KW", "LEI", "LIDO", "LO", "LOO", "LOOP", "MEN", "MONO", 
   "NOON", "OH", "OW", "OWE", "OX", "POI", "POX", "RED", "ROB", "ROW",
    "SNOW", "UM", "WE", "WEN", "WOOD", "ZED", "ZOO"}, 
 16 -> {"AM", "AS", "BE", "BEE", "BEEF", "BUY", "BYTE", "CEDE", "CUD",
    "DEED", "EM", "EMU", "EN", "EX", "FEN", "FEY", "HEM", "HER", 
   "HUT", "IDEM", "KC", "MEET", "MU", "MUD", "PEE", "PUT", "REDO", 
   "REED", "REF", "RUT", "SEE", "SEMI", "SET", "SEW", "SHUT", "THO", 
   "TOUT", "TUM", "WE", "WEE", "WEED", "WET", "WHEW"}, 
 4 -> {"AIR", "EAR", "EEL", "EH", "EPOCH", "ER", "EX", "FEE", "FER", 
   "FIX", "GET", "HEAR", "HERO", "IQ", "JERK", "KEPI", "KIP", "LEA", 
   "LET", "LIT", "MU", "NIX", "OLD", "PEA", "PEAR", "PEG", "PET", 
   "PIE", "PIER", "PIX", "PSST", "REF", "SAP", "SHH", "STEP", "STIR", 
   "TEA", "TEAR", "TEMP", "TIE", "TIGER", "TYRO", "VET", "VEX", "WEB",
 22 -> {"AAH", "AD", "ALKYD", "AN", "AT", "AWN", "BAA", "BAN", "BET", 
   "CAP", "DANK", "DAWN", "EM", "FANG", "GALE", "GEL", "HAP", "HAW", 
   "HEP", "IQ", "JET", "KHZ", "LAC", "LAP", "LAW", "LAWN", "LEA", 
   "LEAN", "LET", "LOOP", "NAB", "ODD", "OPAL", "OPEN", "OWL", "PAIL",
    "PAW", "PAWN", "PEA", "PECAN", "PUNK", "RAP", "RAT", "SAP", "SAX",
 12 -> {"AT", "BAP", "BEEF", "BUS", "DAMP", "DUB", "DUN", "FA", "FAB",
    "FAD", "FAY", "FAZE", "HUB", "HUM", "IMP", "IQ", "ME", "MEW", 
   "MIX", "MUD", "MY", "NAB", "NAN", "NAP", "NUN", "OAF", "OAK", "PA",
    "PAPA", "PAS", "PUB", "PUP", "PUS", "RAJ", "RUN", "SANE", "SAP", 
   "SKY", "SURF", "TA", "TAB", "TAN", "TAP", "TUB", "UP", "VAN", 
   "YAP", "YE", "ZAP"}, 
 14 -> {"AIR", "AM", "AS", "ASK", "AWL", "BIB", "BOB", "BOD", "BOP", 
   "COT", "COY", "DID", "DIG", "DIP", "DO", "DODO", "DOG", "FIB", 
   "FOX", "GIFT", "GOBS", "GOD", "GYM", "HIP", "HO", "HOB", "HOD", 
   "HOP", "ID", "JOB", "MOD", "MS", "NOD", "OH", "PIG", "POD", "PSST",
    "RIB", "RIP", "ROAD", "TO", "TOM", "TONS", "TOP", "TOR", "VIA", 
   "VIP", "WAD", "WE"}, 
 6 -> {"AS", "BOG", "CORE", "CORK", "COT", "COTE", "COZY", "CURL", 
   "CUT", "DO", "HAJ", "HALL", "HAM", "HAS", "HAT", "HAY", "HE", 
   "HOT", "HUE", "HUG", "HUH", "HUM", "HUSH", "INGOT", "JAM", "JOT", 
   "JUT", "LAM", "LATTE", "LAX", "LAYOUT", "LOT", "LOX", "MALL", 
   "MARL", "MAT", "MATTE", "MOM", "MOT", "MU", "NAN", "NEST", "NO", 
   "NOB", "NU", "OUT", "OW", "PARE", "POSSE", "PUNT", "RAM", "ROUT", 
   "RUIN", "RUM", "SATIN", "SO", "SOD", "TA", "TAT", "TOR", "TUT", 
   "TUX", "VAT", "WAG", "WAGE", "YAK", "YETI"}, 
 20 -> {"BIN", "BOA", "BOB", "BOG", "BOMB", "BOY", "BUD", "BUFF", 
   "BUG", "BUM", "BUN", "BUS", "BY", "CHAIN", "DIN", "DON", "DUG", 
   "FIN", "FIR", "FUG", "FUNNY", "FUR", "FUSION", "GIG", "GIN", "GO", 
   "GUFF", "GULF", "GUN", "GUNNY", "HI", "HIV", "HO", "HUH", "HYMN", 
   "ION", "IQ", "JIMMY", "JOHN", "JULY", "LION", "LOCH", "LOG", "LUG",
    "MI", "MIX", "MUNCH", "NIL", "NON", "NOR", "NU", "NUN", "PUN", 
   "QUA", "QUAY", "SUE", "SYNC", "UM", "VIA", "WILE", "WILY", "WIN", 
   "WINY", "WITS", "WOLF", "WON", "XI"}}

I think there was a lot of interest (including my own!) in the Q&A around random number generation now and historically. I decided I will list a few things I've come across and welcome any other clever ways you've seen to generate real randomness, starting with a relevant crypto-stack-exchange question: How were one-time pads and keys historically generated?

One of the answers mentions SIGSALY, wherein the US Army awarded Bell Labs (with Alan Turing & Claude Shannon in their employ) a contract to build a system for encrypted radio calls in 1942, using vinyl records of digitized noise as the one-time-key, employing a source of true entropy and making use of the newly invented vo-coder to minimize the data that needed to be encoded, simultaneously inventing voice compression. The podcast "99% Invisible" has a great episode:

The SIGSALY used the heat of giant vacuum tubes as a source of noise, but I've also come across how-to guides for using a reverse-biased zener diode to produce "shot noise", apparently something to do with total, natural randomness of quantum tunneling, don't ask me!

A talk on squeezing games into the extreme constraints of the 8 bit Nintendo, including some tiny algorithms to introduce a little entropy to make the game a little less predictable (starting at 19:25). Tetris uses xor + shift on a 16 bit fibonacci sequence. Final Fantasy uses a lookup table of 256 precomputed random values. Contra uses spare cpu cycles to increment a variable that is used whenever a random number is desired.

And of course our man Wolfram figured out you can use Cellular Automata as good sources of entropy (default in mathematica) links thanks to Q&A staff (sorry I missed your name!)

POSTED BY: Colten Jackson

Another take on this, though it might be overkill for this problem. But let's say that - for some reason - we don't want to test all the possible Caesar shifts, for example if they are too costly

Then we can use the observation that the letter "l" is more frequent than the other letters:

text = "yhql ylgl ylfl";

This shows that "l" is most frequent character.

<|"l" -> 5, "y" -> 3, " " -> 2, "f" -> 1, "g" -> 1, "q" -> 1,   "h" -> 1|>

What will be the first substitute to test, i.e. what is the commonest character in Latin?

Unfortunately, there is no letter frequency for Latin in WL:

LanguageData["Latin", "LetterFrequency"]

outputs Missing["NotAvailable"]

So we have to roll our own:

latinWords = WordList["KnownWords", Language -> "Latin"];

which outputs the following, showing that the character "i" is the most common character in Latin.

<|"i" -> 6307, "e" -> 6008, "s" -> 5359, "a" -> 5324, "u" -> 5276, 
 "o" -> 5189, "r" -> 5013, "t" -> 4035, "n" -> 3395, "c" -> 3240, 
 "l" -> 2763, "m" -> 2490, "p" -> 2220, "d" -> 1609, "b" -> 1004, 
 "g" -> 946, "f" -> 896, "v" -> 869, "h" -> 469, "x" -> 409, 
 "q" -> 363, "y" -> 97, "æ" -> 94, "j" -> 51, "C" -> 38, "A" -> 34, 
 "H" -> 19, "M" -> 16, "z" -> 13, "I" -> 12, "T" -> 11, "P" -> 11, 
 "B" -> 10, "S" -> 9, "R" -> 8, "L" -> 8, "V" -> 6, "G" -> 6, 
 "*" -> 5, "O" -> 4, "F" -> 4, "N" -> 3, "E" -> 3, "D" -> 3, "k" -> 3,
  "Æ" -> 3, "Z" -> 2, "\[Hyphen]" -> 2, "U" -> 1, "-" -> 1, "Q" -> 1|>

Let's now use this knowledge to first test the shift that replaces an "i" with "l":

alpha = Alphabet[];
shift = LetterNumber["i"] - LetterNumber["l"];
keytable = Thread[Rule[alpha, RotateLeft[alpha, shift]]];
StringReplace["yhql ylgl ylfl", keytable]

Which happens to be the correct one:

veni vidi vici

Note: The shift found is -3 which is the same as shift 23 (26 + -3 = 23).

Posted 3 years ago

You're welcome, I just notice the "A" out of place and tested the code. :-)

POSTED BY: Luis Marin
Posted 3 years ago

The SIGSALY used the heat of giant vacuum tubes as a source of noise, but I've also come across how-to guides for using a reverse-biased zener diode to produce "shot noise", apparently something to do with total, natural randomness of quantum tunneling, don't ask me!

[LINK] A Fast, Cheap, High-Entropy Source for IoT Devices

Thanks for mentioning this. It is possible to "deplete the entropy pool" when doing more business than usual, so HWRNG are worthwhile "weird machines", which could be studied in their own right. How do you think graphene sheets could / should be adapted to this purpose? : :

Vacuum tubes can still be used for some fun experiments on the photoelectric effect, or if you have excess medical grade equipment, possibly for making Geiger counters.

However, as you've said, much of more recent technology has already shifted toward diodes and laser diodes, which are also incredible little devices for any hobbyist's citizen lab. Have Fun! --Brad

POSTED BY: Brad Klee
Posted 3 years ago

This is a somewhat simple-minded check for English words which result in other English words when encrypted with the Caesar Cipher (and only using a shift of 3 characters). It considers a word valid if it is contained in the "common words" returned by WordList[]. The results would be different if DictionaryWordQ[] was used to validate the result.

CCipher[x_String, offset_Integer : 3] := 
 Mod[LetterNumber[x] + offset - 1, 26] + 1 // FromLetterNumber //   StringJoin
Attributes[CCipher] = Listable;
    // Intersection[#, WordList[]] & \
    // Thread[CCipher[#, 23] -> #] & \

{"alb" -> "doe", "ark" -> "dun", "be" -> "eh", "box" -> "era", 
 "bob" -> "ere", "bod" -> "erg", "boo" -> "err", "cold" -> "frog", 
 "dory" -> "grub", "ex" -> "ha", "elm" -> "hop", "ere" -> "huh", 
 "fa" -> "id", "fob" -> "ire", "folk" -> "iron", "ill" -> "loo", 
 "lab" -> "ode", "lob" -> "ore", "milt" -> "plow", "molt" -> "prow", 
 "orb" -> "rue", "pee" -> "shh", "pelt" -> "show", "perk" -> "shun", 
 "ply" -> "sob", "pry" -> "sub"}


After I posted this code, I read Michael Schreiber's solution which used StringReplace rather than LetterNumber and FromLetterNumber and wondered about the relative efficiency of the approaches. I changed my code to use Michael's approach and the the speed increased by a factor of more than 60. Thank you Michael for demonstrating this approach.

Updated code:

rules = Thread[Rule[Alphabet[], RotateLeft[Alphabet[], offset]]];
rulesRev = Thread[Rule[Alphabet[], RotateLeft[Alphabet[], 26 - offset]]];
wl = WordList[] // ToLowerCase;
StringReplace[#, rulesRev] -> # & /@ 
Intersection[wl, StringReplace[wl, rules]]
POSTED BY: Richard Hewens

I came, saw and won.

Posted 3 years ago

A longer list. DictionaryWordQ has more words than WordList.

WordList[] // 
AssociationMap[ResourceFunction["CaesarCipher"][#, 3] &] // 
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

As a question/suggestion: isn't it common to define the term "information security system" for the set of properties i.e. confidentiality, authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation.

This question may be more related to a future crypto lesson.

I was toying around with encrypting/decrypting data (using Mathematica 12.1 functions) with DES, using the "Electronic Cookbook" (ECB) block mode, and was surprised by some obtained results, see below. I would like to know the reasons of such behaviour, as well as whether it's possible to know and/or control what data padding is being used by default, in these settings?

For an (a priori) empty byte array, the encrypted data length is much longer than for a one-byte array:

In[1]:= Encrypt[desKeyECB, ByteArray[{}]]["Data"] // Normal
Out[1]= {238,110,253,99,228,27,8,224,142,28,87,146,1,47,70,240,237,69,176,169,25,122,166,240}


In[2]:= Encrypt[desKeyECB, ByteArray[{0}]]["Data"] // Normal
Out[2]= {177,216,132,168,6,11,203,72}

which is shorter.

Finally, while it is known that DES works on 64-bit data chunks, I noticed that the encrypted data's length will increase already the 56-bit

7-byte (i.e. 56-bit)-long data: gives an encrypted block of 64 bits:

In[3]:= Encrypt[desKeyECB, ByteArray[{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}]]["Data"] // Normal
Out[3]= {62,54,162,174,211,50,208,182}

However, 8-byte (i.e. 64-bit)-long data would give a longer encrypted block of 2 x 64 bits:

In[4]:= Encrypt[desKeyECB, ByteArray[{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}]]["Data"] // Normal
Out[4]= {83,131,254,213,181,242,11,15,151,186,160,29,255,217,246,70}

Interestingly, the last 8 bytes in the example above appear to "encode" an empty byte array somehow:

In[5]:= Decrypt[desKeyECB, ByteArray@{151, 186, 160, 29, 255, 217, 246, 70}]
Out[5]= {}

But the empty byte array encrypts differently (see In[1] above). Finally, modifying one of these 8 bytes in In[5] would make Decrypt[] fail. Why is that so? Does this padding also contain some sort of checksum information?

What you see in In[1] is due to the fact that in Wolfram an empty byte array is actually a list:

In[1]:= ByteArray[{}]

Out[1]= {}

In[2]:= ByteArray[{}] == List[]

Out[2]= True

So since in WL you can encrypt any expression not just bytes or strings this gets treated as expression List[] and serialized as a generic expression. If you really want to encrypt an empty thing try empty string "". What you see in the inputs 3, 4, and 5 is related to a standard convention on padding, which will be covered in lesson "Block and stream ciphers next week" so I hope you wouldn't mind waiting for that.

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Earlier this week Linear Congruential Generators (LCG) was mentioned and I was trying to solve/attack the simple example that was mentioned in the notebook (09Randomnessand_psedorandomness.nb), but was not able to figure out how to restore the parameters a, b, and m in the LCG function.

Here's the definition of the LCG from the notebook and the first 10 generated numbers in the sequence:

a = 65539;
b = 0;
m = 2^31;
LCG[seed_Integer] := Mod[a*seed + b, m];

NestList[LCG, 1, 10]

(the output:)

{1, 65539, 393225, 1769499, 7077969, 26542323, 95552217, 334432395, \
1146624417, 1722371299, 14608041}

First some simple trials of getting back the used values of a , b, and m using different approaches that doesn't work:

FindGeneratingFunction[seq, x]

returns the following (which means that it cannot find a solution):

FindGeneratingFunction[{1, 65539, 393225, 1769499, 7077969, 26542323, 
  95552217, 334432395, 1146624417, 1722371299, 14608041}, x]

But I would have thought that either Solve, Reduce or FindInstance could give some answer:

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa * seq[[1]] + bb, mm]
    }, {aa, seed, bb, mm} \[Element] Integers]

Nope, it returns:

This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve.

What about a little larger equation system:

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa * seq[[1]] + bb, mm],
  seq[[3]] == Mod[aa * seq[[2]] + bb, mm],
  seq[[4]] == Mod[aa * seq[[3]] + bb, mm],
  seq[[5]] == Mod[aa * seq[[4]] + bb, mm],
  seq[[6]] == Mod[aa * seq[[5]] + bb, mm]
    }, {aa, seed, bb, mm} \[Element] Integers]

Same error/warning message.

I also tested this with Reduce and FindInstance but they all errors/warnings

Reduce::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Reduce.


FindInstance::nsmet: The methods available to FindInstance are insufficient to find the requested instances or prove they do not exist.

I assume it is the Mod function that makes this such a hard problem, or perhaps I just did some simple (or not so simple) mistake.

Are there some good principled ways to solve/attack LCGs (in WL)?

Posted 3 years ago

This group might be interested in a post a made a few months ago Twitter steganography.

The interesting use for steganography may be to send encrypted information attached to Twitter photos. As a communication channel it might be very hard to monitor and notice when encrypted information was actually being transmitted.

POSTED BY: Robert Rimmer
Posted 3 years ago

Just a small thing I noticed in the course notebook 11_Security features in the section with the collision for different hexadecimals hashed with MD5.
SameQ was returning True regardless of what type of hash I was choosing. I think it works when implemented with "@@" on the list returned from the hashing function. i.e. the SHA256 hashes are different.

In[17]:= SameQ[Hash[BaseDecode[#, "Base16"], "SHA256"] & /@ {hex1, hex2}]

Out[17]= True

In[18]:= SameQ@@(Hash[BaseDecode[#, "Base16"], "SHA256"] & /@ {hex1, hex2})

Out[18]= False

The MD5 hash is still identified as identical.

In[20]:= SameQ@@(Hash[BaseDecode[#, "Base16"], "MD5"] & /@ {hex1, hex2})

Out[20]= True
POSTED BY: Donnacha Gayer
Posted 3 years ago

Three years of Latin in high school helped confirm my decryption and translation. Good fun!

POSTED BY: Robert Lyons

Thanks for finding this!

In[120]:= SameQ[a, b]

Out[120]= False

In[118]:= SameQ @@ {a, b}

Out[118]= False

In[119]:= SameQ[{a, b}]

Out[119]= True

In[117]:= SameQ@{a, b}

Out[117]= True

Posted 3 years ago

Initialization cell to introduce the abbreviation seq ;-)

a = 65539; b = 0; m = 2^31; LCG[seed_Integer] := Mod[a*seed + b, m]; seq = NestList[LCG, 1, 10]

Hello Hakan,

If you "help" WL by specifying the bb = 2^31 and the shift bb = 0, you will get an answer:

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + 0, 2^31]}, aa \[Element] 

Even if you omit the shift bb = 0, you get an answer.

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + bb, 2^31]}, {aa, bb} \[Element] 

On the other hand, if you ask for mm, i.e.

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + 0, mm]}, {aa, mm} \[Element] 

your error/warning message will be reproduced. The same happens when you try the toy example

Solve[1 == Mod[15, x], x]

(Edit: Note, that Solve[1 == Mod[15, x], x, Integers] works, and likewise Solve[2022 == Mod[65539, x], x, Integers]. \Edit)

But you can get around that by running this:

Table[{k -> 
   Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + 0, 2^k]}, {aa} \[Element] 
     Integers]}, {k, 1, 40}]

By doing so, you get a whole bunch of solutions....

But I think we're moving from the Crypto topic to modulo computation now....

PS: Sorry I didn't post the output here, because the conditional expressions make the result very unreadable here...

POSTED BY: lara wag

Thanks for your insights and suggestions , Lara!

Perhaps it make sense that hard coding the value of the modulo works, it might be given in the specification of the used algorithm?

Some findings: Using the hard coded modulo with a single equation takes about 34s on my computer. But if adding one more equation to the system it's faster: about 7s.

Solve[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + bb, 2^31], 
       seq[[3]] == Mod[aa*seq[[2]] + bb, 2^31]
   }, {aa, bb}, Integers] // AbsoluteTiming

Adding more equations seems to be a little slower: 3 equations takes 7.4s, 4 equations takes 7.5s and 5 equations takes 8s.

But there are faster ways:

Using Reduce only takes 0.05s:

Reduce[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + bb, 2^31]}, {aa, bb}, Integers] // AbsoluteTiming

[FindInstance is not that fast and give solutions "all over the place" and I had to add the constraints that aa and bb are non-negative. Here we want 5 solutions.

FindInstance[{seq[[2]] == Mod[aa*seq[[1]] + bb, 2^31], aa >= 0, bb >= 0}, 
             {aa, bb}, Integers, 5] // AbsoluteTiming


{0.467047, {{aa -> 210453397504, 
   bb -> 785979080717}, {aa -> 188978626658, 
   bb -> 689342250923}, {aa -> 0, 
   bb -> 193273593869}, {aa -> 141733986317, 
   bb -> 0}, {aa -> 128849084491, bb -> 575525617602}}}


I like the idea of looping through the modulo (2^k) though that assumes that the modulo is always a power of 2, which might very well be correct.

Regarding your comment that looping through possible modulo values is leaving the cryptanalysis domain, I would say that we are still in that domain since everything is allowed to get a solution (well , perhaps except for a Kevin Mitnick kind of social engineering :-)).

I had hoped that Solve would be of some (more) help here.

Again, thanks!

Here is a notebook exploring if some of WL's simpler hash functions generates hash collisions for some of WL's wordlists.

Posted 3 years ago

Note that this is not a very serious crypto analysis of hash collisions since we know that these hash functions are not secure (and some of them are not designed to be crypto secure).

As you also mentioned above, Adler32 is not a serious hash function. It is easy to study from first principles and find how to design a collision algorithm. This was done on a previous thread "Hello World = Goodbye World: chosen-prefix collision attack" (editors note: we have since learned that the word "attack" is better replaced by "analysis").

I did not put very much thought or effort into the above, so it would be interesting to see who can improve these results and how. If anyone has a good MD5 collider, that might make a good contribution to Wolfram Function Repository. Happy searching!

POSTED BY: Brad Klee

Brad, thanks for the link of your analysis. I'll read it more carefully and also the "SHA-1 is a Shambles" article you cited ( ).

A related idea is to search for the smallest hash collisions for the two weak hash functions (CRC32 and Adler32) and use all possible strings of a certain size. Unfortunately, for the generated wordlists that I could test, there wasn't any hash collisions which surprised me a little. Anyway, here's the idea and the code.

Let's assume that we use words with strings of the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and generate all possible strings up to a certain length, i.e. size = 3 generates all possible strings of length 1, 2, and 3.

Here's the alphabet and 30 random samples:

alpha = Flatten[{CharacterRange["a", "z"], CharacterRange["A", "Z"], 
   CharacterRange["0", "9"]}];

 Table[StringJoin[#] & /@ Tuples[alpha, n], {n, 1, 3}] // Flatten, 30]

{"oEg", "LMZ", "j3n", "GDY", "dUe", "7ma", "Z5x", "jtb", "6OI", \
"HdL", "EzE", "VMY", "OYM", "p7Z", "PNg", "Vqz", "obw", "Kyj", "OUi", \
"pda", "LwI", "S2A", "4KO", "Ah0", "VsX", "XI4", "ZiC", "tRE", "EMv", \

We reuse some of the functions from the original notebook:

crc32[word_] := Hash[word, "CRC32", "HexString"]
adler32[word_] := Hash[word, "Adler32", "HexString"]

listCollisions2[words_, fun_] := 
 Module[{hashList, counts, hashMap, collisions},
  hashList = fun[#] & /@ words;
  If[Length[hashList] != Length[words],
   counts = Counts[hashList];
   hashMap = AssociationThread[words -> hashList];
   collisions = Keys@Select[counts, # > 1 &];
   Table[Select[hashMap, # == c & ], {c, collisions}] ,

   {} (* else: no collisions *)

As mentioned above, we don't found any hash collisions for CRC32 or Adler32 for sizes up to 4:

Table[{n, listCollisions2[generateWords[n], crc32]}, {n, 1, 4}] // AbsoluteTiming
{25.0142, {{1, {}}, {2, {}}, {3, {}}, {4, {}}}}

Table[{n, listCollisions2[generateWords[n], adler32]}, {n, 1, 4}] // AbsoluteTiming
{25.9066, {{1, {}}, {2, {}}, {3, {}}, {4, {}}}}

One major problem with this approach is that the size of wordlists increases very fast and soon be forbiddingly large:

Table[{n, Length[generateWords[n]]}, {n, 1, 4}] // TableForm

 {1, 62},
 {2, 3 906},
 {3, 242 234},
 {4, 150 18 570}

For size 5, I couldn't even generate the wordlist (got the error "No more memory available. Mathematica kernel has shut down"), but using WL's excellent FindSequenceFunction we can at least estimate the sizes of the wordlists for larger sizes:

FindSequenceFunction[{62, 3906, 242234, 15018570}]
{#, %[#]} & /@ Range[1, 10] // TableForm

which outputs

62/61 (-1 + 62^#1) &
 {1, 62},
 {2, 3906},
 {3, 242234},
 {4, 15018570},
 {5, 931151402},
 {6, 57731386986},
 {7, 3579345993194},
 {8, 221919451578090},
 {9, 13759005997841642},
 {10, 853058371866181866}

Thus, generateWords[5] would give a wordlist of 931 151 402 words.


Perhaps it's not that surprising that there are no hash conflicts for Adler32. Here are some of the words and their Adler32 hashes for the size 4 generated words, i.e. the hashes are distinct and just incrementing from the last (two counters) and are in order.

Short[{#, adler32[#]} & /@ generateWords[4], 20]

{{"a", "00620062"}, {"b", "00630063"}, {"c", "00640064"}, {"d", 
  "00650065"}, {"e", "00660066"}, {"f", "00670067"}, {"g", 
  "00680068"}, {"h", "00690069"}, {"i", "006a006a"}, {"j", 
  "006b006b"}, {"k", "006c006c"}, {"l", "006d006d"}, {"m", 
  "006e006e"}, {"n", "006f006f"}, {"o", "00700070"}, {"p", 
  "00710071"}, {"q", "00720072"}, {"r", "00730073"}, {"s", 
  "00740074"}, {"t", "00750075"}, {"u", "00760076"}, {"v", 
  "00770077"}, {"w", "00780078"}, {"x", "00790079"}, {"y", 
  "007a007a"}, {"z", "007b007b"}, {"A", "00420042"}, {"B", 
  "00430043"}, {"C", "00440044"}, {"D", "00450045"}, {"E", 
  "00460046"}, {"F", "00470047"}, <<15018506>>, {"999E", 
  "024a00f1"}, {"999F", "024b00f2"}, {"999G", "024c00f3"}, {"999H", 
  "024d00f4"}, {"999I", "024e00f5"}, {"999J", "024f00f6"}, {"999K", 
  "025000f7"}, {"999L", "025100f8"}, {"999M", "025200f9"}, {"999N", 
  "025300fa"}, {"999O", "025400fb"}, {"999P", "025500fc"}, {"999Q", 
  "025600fd"}, {"999R", "025700fe"}, {"999S", "025800ff"}, {"999T", 
  "02590100"}, {"999U", "025a0101"}, {"999V", "025b0102"}, {"999W", 
  "025c0103"}, {"999X", "025d0104"}, {"999Y", "025e0105"}, {"999Z", 
  "025f0106"}, {"9990", "023500dc"}, {"9991", "023600dd"}, {"9992", 
  "023700de"}, {"9993", "023800df"}, {"9994", "023900e0"}, {"9995", 
  "023a00e1"}, {"9996", "023b00e2"}, {"9997", "023c00e3"}, {"9998", 
  "023d00e4"}, {"9999", "023e00e5"}}

Testing with some longer words and it use the same principle of two counters:

{#, adler32[#]} & /@ {"aaaaa", "aaaab", "aaaac", "aaaaaaaaaaa", 
  "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab"}

{{"aaaaa", "05b401e6"}, {"aaaab", "05b501e7"}, {"aaaac", 
  "05b601e8"}, {"aaaaaaaaaaa", "190d042c"}, {"aaaaaaaaaab", 
  "190e042d"}, {"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 
  "48110734"}, {"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab", "48120735"}}

The hashes for CRC32 is much more random like:

Short[{#, crc32[#]} & /@ generateWords[4], 20]

{{"a", "e8b7be43"}, {"b", "71beeff9"}, {"c", "06b9df6f"}, {"d", 
  "98dd4acc"}, {"e", "efda7a5a"}, {"f", "76d32be0"}, {"g", 
  "01d41b76"}, {"h", "916b06e7"}, {"i", "e66c3671"}, {"j", 
  "7f6567cb"}, {"k", "0862575d"}, {"l", "9606c2fe"}, {"m", 
  "e101f268"}, {"n", "7808a3d2"}, {"o", "0f0f9344"}, {"p", 
  "82079eb1"}, {"q", "f500ae27"}, {"r", "6c09ff9d"}, {"s", 
  "1b0ecf0b"}, {"t", "856a5aa8"}, {"u", "f26d6a3e"}, {"v", 
  "6b643b84"}, {"w", "1c630b12"}, {"x", "8cdc1683"}, {"y", 
  "fbdb2615"}, {"z", "62d277af"}, {"A", "d3d99e8b"}, {"B", 
  "4ad0cf31"}, {"C", "3dd7ffa7"}, {"D", "a3b36a04"}, {"E", 
  "d4b45a92"}, {"F", "4dbd0b28"}, <<15018506>>, {"999E", 
  "8fef8e8d"}, {"999F", "16e6df37"}, {"999G", "61e1efa1"}, {"999H", 
  "f15ef230"}, {"999I", "8659c2a6"}, {"999J", "1f50931c"}, {"999K", 
  "6857a38a"}, {"999L", "f6333629"}, {"999M", "813406bf"}, {"999N", 
  "183d5705"}, {"999O", "6f3a6793"}, {"999P", "e2326a66"}, {"999Q", 
  "95355af0"}, {"999R", "0c3c0b4a"}, {"999S", "7b3b3bdc"}, {"999T", 
  "e55fae7f"}, {"999U", "92589ee9"}, {"999V", "0b51cf53"}, {"999W", 
  "7c56ffc5"}, {"999X", "ece9e254"}, {"999Y", "9beed2c2"}, {"999Z", 
  "02e78378"}, {"9990", "af800b3e"}, {"9991", "d8873ba8"}, {"9992", 
  "418e6a12"}, {"9993", "36895a84"}, {"9994", "a8edcf27"}, {"9995", 
  "dfeaffb1"}, {"9996", "46e3ae0b"}, {"9997", "31e49e9d"}, {"9998", 
  "a15b830c"}, {"9999", "d65cb39a"}}
Posted 3 years ago


Can you use UTF-16 encoding with the Hash function in Mathematica?

In Python :-

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Good catch! Thank you! I will fix it in the course notebook!

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Wolfram does not support UTF16 encoding unfortunately

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Here is my write up on Dariia's Weekend "assignment" (attached).


That's neat! Thank you for taking on the "assignment" responsibly! You could also try some more complex tests like and others without having to implement them

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Thanks, Dariia!

I'll check out those more complex tests. Though I do like to implement stuff. :-)

You can always implement others and contribute to the Function Repository too!

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna
Posted 3 years ago

Questions for Dariia (or other experts): Is there a list where WFR covers diehard tests, and are we missing any? What does it really mean if an encrypt fails diehard? I'm thinking that a combination of steganography with cryptography could fail diehard and still be decently hard metal. For example, did anyone decode the fake NFTs that I made for the "happy new years" contest?

POSTED BY: Brad Klee

I tried to set up a UTF-8/UTF-16 conversion code in WL, see attached notebook (for UTF-16 it is also important to know what the underlying endianness of the byte stream is). Hope that it helps! Suggestions for improvements are welcome :) maybe at some point this could be turned into an entry into the function repository? (I haven't seen any existing UTF16-related function there).

Using these functions, the UTF16-LE example of Mr. Beveridge would look as follows:

In[1]:= Hash[UnicodeToUTF16LE[ToCharacterCode["password"], "ByteArray"], "MD4", "HexString"]
Out[1]= 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c

This agrees with the Python result.

Posted 3 years ago

Hi Hermes

Wow , that is impressive . I will play around with it to test it but it looks great and a candidate for the repository.

There does not seem to be a textbook of "Encryption with Mathematica" so I got the next best thing, "Encryption with python " books and as the functions are similar it is quite easy to convert from python hashlib library to the Wolfram Hash Function. The textbooks I have consulted all use the Windows NTLM Microsoft authentication protocol that uses UTF-16 Little Endian encoding as examples. (Maybe there is a little bias by Wolfram to Mac and Linux against Windows :) )

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge
Posted 3 years ago

I have been looking at how to create a quality metric for various ciphers and came up with a couple of tests. I'm sure there is some standard "cookbook" of tests that get applied but haven't seen such a thing yet. Have a look at my take on this. It considers frequency and statistics to compare the spiky image from lesson 13.

POSTED BY: Mark Ross


Did you look at NIST's "A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications" ( that Dariia mentioned in the session about Randomness/Pseudorandomness? It contains a Fourier related test (section "2.6 Discrete Fourier Transform (Spectral) Test") and a lot of other statistical tests. Though I don't find anything about your other test, the QuantilePlot Analysis.

The notebook "09_Randomness and pseudorandomness.nb" has some other recommended documents as well (in the Further Reading section)..

Posted 3 years ago

After watching the last session on Feistel schemes and reading some of Hakan's code, it seems like we have a pro-binary bias sneaking in here. The overall theme of this post is to say that cryptography still works with more than two symbols (or without self-inverse properties), but the implementation may not be as neat and simple. For example, Dariia's transformation analysis of Feistel scheme might not apply at higher radix, if XOR is generalized to addition modulo base $b>2$. As long as implementations still run fast, added complexity can even serve a purpose relative to the adversary.

Here is some encrypted data, which I claim is the output of a sort-of Feistel Cipher:

encrypt data Repeated Encryption of a length 32 message over 4 symbols

To the eye, it looks random, but we need to do testing. Normality does not imply randomness, but it is a necessary condition. We can easily check run lengths in base 5 (the encrypt base is one higher than the message base), but first let's look at base 10 encoding:

encodes =  Partition[Partition[#, 4][[All, 1]] & /@ Transpose[ReplaceAll[
       {{1, 0, 0} -> 2, {0, 1, 0} -> 3, {0, 0, 1} -> 1, {1, 1, 1} -> 
         0, {1, 1, 0} -> 4}]], 4][[All, 1]];

Row[Show[#, ImageSize -> 300] & /@ {Histogram[
    FromDigits[#, 5] & /@ encodes, 10],
   ListLogPlot[FromDigits[#, 5] & /@ encodes]}, Spacer[20]]

base 10

Decently flat between $10^{21}$ and $10^{22}$. Now here are run length tests, which I have written in a base-dependent graphical form:

TestNormalListPlot[data_, runLen_, base_] := ListPlot[
  Tally[FromDigits[#, base] & /@ Flatten[
     Partition[#, runLen, 1, 1] & /@ data, 1]],
  PlotRange -> {0, Automatic}]

TestNormalHistogram[data_, runLen_, base_] := Histogram[
  Tally[FromDigits[#, base] & /@ Flatten[
      Partition[#, runLen, 1, 1] & /@ data, 1]][[All, 2]],
  PlotRange -> {{0, Automatic}, {0, Automatic}}]

And the output data looks Gaussian distributed as is expected for random inputs:

     TestNormalListPlot[encodes, #, 5],
     ImageSize -> 300] & /@ Range[4], 2]]

     TestNormalHistogram[encodes, #, 5],
     ImageSize -> 300] & /@ Range[4], 2]]



The purpose of the entire battery of diehard tests is to look beyond normalcy for other hints of randomness. Diehard is considered state of the art in practice, but I've heard that machine learning can sometimes do better finding bits of unexpected order. So I'll leave the question open, does anyone have a test on the data above that is predictive of at least one digit (without peeping at the keys, which are online somewhere)?

We definitely can't look at an Feistel Cipher output and identify it as such. For the output above, we probably can't rule out that it follows from a Feistel cipher (again, unless someone starts predicting digits). So instead we have to go back to algorithm analysis. Dariia's transformation analysis gives us a nice place to start--if we just ignore the issue about S-Boxes. I don't know anyone else's opinion, but Daniel Bernstein's argument against S-Boxes has influenced my thinking that "S-Boxes are just mathematical functions with some certain properties, and they may not always be necessary".

Now, Dariia has emphasized self-inverse as a defining property of Feistel cipher, but I disagree by saying that the self-inverse property is a result of choosing $\bigoplus$ as Addition modulo 2, and choosing a parity permutation group, for which group action is self inverse. If another choice is made, say addition modulo 5 with cyclic permutation of order 4, then the parity symmetry is broken and an inverse round function is needed. Such an algorithm keeps a reversible key-schedule, and may mix blocks more effectively, thus reducing need for round function $F$ to be overly complex.

Here again is the code for producing encrypts above, and for decrypting them when the corresponding secret keys are known. First an apparently(?) almost pseudo-random number generator (thanks again Larva Labs!):

ONE = 4294967296;
SIZE = 32; HALFSIZE = 16;

xyz[ind_, aVal_] := With[{x0 = 2*(ind - HALFSIZE) + 1},
    x0*aVal^2 (*hacked to force overflow, no sym*)]

v[x_, y_, z_, mod_] := With[{v0 = Mod[Floor[
            If[# > 2^255 - 1, Mod[(# - 2^256)/ONE + 1, 2^256],
                  #/ONE] &@Mod[x*y*z, 2^256]], mod]},
    If[v0 < 5, v0, 0]]

AutoGlyphM1D[aVal_] := With[{mod = Mod[aVal, 11] + 5},
    Outer[v[xyz[#1, aVal], 1, 1, mod] &,
      Range[0, SIZE - 1], 1]]

Next the round functions, key iterator, etc. : : :

ItKeys[key_, nInd_] := 
  Map[Mod[Floor[key Pi^#], 2^160] &, Range[0, nInd - 1]]

(* Eigenvectors of CyclicG4 *)
ForwardMix = {
   {1, 1, 1, 1},
      {1, -1, 1, -1},
      {1, 0, -1, 0},
      {0, -1, 0, 1}};

ReverseMix = 4 Inverse[ForwardMix];

Div2 = MapThread[Rule, {Mod[2 Range[0, 4], 5], Range[0, 4]}];
Div4 = MapThread[Rule, {Mod[4 Range[0, 4], 5], Range[0, 4]}];

EncodeRound[sig_, AGmat_] := Flatten[
    Mod[ForwardMix . Partition[Plus[sig, AGmat], 8], 5]]

DecodeRound[sig_, AGmat_] := Mod[Subtract[ReplaceAll[
        Mod[Flatten[ReverseMix . Partition[sig, 8]], 5], Div4], 
   AGmat], 5]

Char4Encode[sig_, key0_, recd_] := Fold[
    EncodeRound[#1, AutoGlyphM1D[#2]] &,
    sig, ItKeys[key0, recd]]

Char4Decode[Crypted_, key0_, recd_] := Fold[
    DecodeRound[#1, AutoGlyphM1D[#2]] &,
    Crypted, Reverse@ItKeys[key0, recd]]

And the call to decrypt is:

AbsoluteTiming[  decodes =  MapThread[Char4Decode[#1, #2, 4] &, 
       {encodes, SecretKeys}];]
 Union[Style[ StringJoin[
          FromCharacterCode[FromDigits[#, 4]] & /@ Partition[#, 8]], 
    Bold,  16] & /@ decodes]
Out[]= l.t. 1s

So what are we still arguing about? Well, it may be possible to choose a self-inverse permutation, starting from something like:

Mod[# . # &@(ForwardMix . ForwardMix), 5] /. Div2
Out[]= Identity Matrix 4

And maybe if we applied more creativity and / or chose an even radix, we could find an operator such as $x \bigoplus y=x+b/2\times y \mod b$ which would be self inverse for radix $b$, I don't know, and don't know if we should spend time on that question.

So, in the end, Dariia and the rest of the experts might be right, self-inverse could be a necessary property of the Feistel Scheme. In that case, how to categorize the encrypt / decrypt algorithm presented above? Clearly we can change to whatever base, and use whatever permutation group representations so long as the inverse details work out. Does anyone have a reference to anything like this in the literature?

POSTED BY: Brad Klee

If you are interested in Feistel-like ciphers but not limited to xor as a main operation, you could look at Lai–Massey scheme (IDEA cipher, for instance) starting page 21

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Question for the community: Should hash values calculated with the same algorithms but on different platforms agree?

I tried comparing the hash digest for a simple text string ("abcdefg") calculated with Mathematica and calculated with an online calculator . The notebook is attached. I tried a few different hash algorithms but the hash digests did not agree with the Mathematica digest.

POSTED BY: Joseph Smith

Nice analysis! Some pretty common ways to assess quality of ciphers are also described he

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

Specify "HexString" as 3rd argument to Hash, by default it produces an integer.

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna
Posted 3 years ago

Is it not that you must select the correct output type


Hash["abcdefg", "Adler32"]


Hash["abcdefg", "Adler32", "HexString"]


POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Thanks! The daily study group is very interesting and informative.

POSTED BY: Joseph Smith
Posted 3 years ago

The confusion property on P. 31 looks good. One weakness of the above algorithm is that linearity of encode rounds ensures after four rounds that the ciphertext is permuted back to its original place with a factor 2, not ideal. In that sense, my simple algorithm looks more like a one time pad. However, I could also argue that Feistel cipher is just a clever way to apply one time pads. Back to the drawing board... maybe a permutation over all 32 indices?

POSTED BY: Brad Klee

Should hash values calculated with the same algorithms but on different platforms agree?

Yes they should. If you find they don't, as pointed out by Dariia and Doug, check whether it's because their output representation is just given in a different way (for numbers -> different bases, etc.) Otherwise it may be due because the data being hashed might have looked the same but is actually different in some way: e.g. for strings: they were provided in different encodings (for example, utf8 vs. utf16 vs. something else). Within WL, check whether the data you want to encode is not "embedded" into an overall WL "object" that would thus change what's going to be actually encrypted.

Just watched Stephen Wolfram, Dariia and others in "Live CEOing Ep 555: Language Design in Wolfram Language [Hash Related Functions]" (YouTube: and Twitch: ). It's always interesting to listen to this kind of discussions. They discussed new features in Wolfram Language regarding Hash function, Digital Signature etc. How appropriate for us. :-)

Posted 3 years ago

Also thanks for the proof around 30min. It is quite nice and easy, and lends itself well to a discussion of "confusion" from your suggested article. Here is another notation using Fold:

FeistelForm[kn_] := {#[[2]], Xor[#[[1]], F[#[[2]], kn]]} &
FoldList[#2@#1 &, {L, R}, {
    FeistelForm[k1], FeistelForm[k2], FeistelForm[k3], Reverse,
    FeistelForm[k3], FeistelForm[k2], FeistelForm[k1], Reverse
    }] ;
SameQ[%[[1]], %[[-1]]]
Out[] = True

Let's try and make this a little easier for Physicists (or former) by assuming that $F$ is just addition, then the naive form reduces to linear algebra:

NaiveFeistelForm[kn_] := {{0, 1}, {1, 1}} . # + {0, F[kn]} &
FoldList[#2@#1 &, {L, R}, {
    NaiveFeistelForm[k1], NaiveFeistelForm[k2], NaiveFeistelForm[k3], 
    NaiveFeistelForm[k3], NaiveFeistelForm[k2], NaiveFeistelForm[k1], 
    }] /. {_Integer?EvenQ -> 0, _Integer?OddQ -> 1};
SameQ[%[[1]], %[[-1]]]

What happens here is basically a nesting $g \cdot( \ldots( g\cdot(g\cdot s + p_1) + p_2 ) \ldots ) + p_n $, and it's easy to see if distributive holds we get $g^n \cdot s +P$ where $s$ is signal, $P$ a summed pad, and mixing matrix $g$ satisfies $g^3=Id$. This is the same problem I mentioned previously, where Feistel scheme essentially reduces to a one time pad. However if the pair of operations $(\cdot,+)$ do not allow distributive property, then the nested form above might actually be a decent characterization of what is meant (loosely) by "Feistel Scheme".

There is one alternative, applying the pad before the mixing: $g \cdot( \ldots( g\cdot(g\cdot (s + p_1) + p_2 ) \ldots + p_n) $. In this case distributive does not hold if $g\cdot (s + p_1) \neq g\cdot s +g\cdot p_1 $, which is what we want to fix the previous algorithm. Start by generating test data:

randPad = RandomInteger[{0, 4}, 32];
randMessage = RandomInteger[{0, 4}, 32];

And weakly prove (in terms of test data) distributive holds in the previous case:

SameQ[ Flatten[ Mod[ForwardMix . Partition[Plus[randPad, randMessage], 8], 5]],
 Flatten[Mod[Plus[ ForwardMix . Partition[randPad, 8],
    ForwardMix . Partition[randMessage, 8]], 5]]] 

This is what we don't want, so we need to add new Addition and Subtraction functions (the idea is taken from Dariia's suggested reference above):

BoxSubtract[dat1_, dat2_, part_, base_] :=With[{ints = (FromDigits[#, base] & /@ 
        Partition[#, part]) & /@ {dat1, dat2}}, Flatten[
   IntegerDigits[#, base, part] & /@ Mod[Subtract @@ ints, base^part]]]

BoxPlus[dat1_, dat2_, part_, base_] :=  With[{ints = (FromDigits[#, base] & /@ 
        Partition[#, part]) & /@ {dat1, dat2}}, Flatten[
   IntegerDigits[#, base, part] & /@ Mod[Plus @@ ints, base^part]]]

(* test inverse property *)
SameQ[BoxSubtract[BoxPlus[randPad, randMessage, 8, 5], randPad, 8, 5], randMessage] 

Again here is a proof that distributive doesn't hold:

(* not distributive *)
SameQ[  Flatten[ Mod[ForwardMix . Partition[BoxPlus[randPad, randMessage], 8], 5]],
 Flatten[Mod[BoxPlus[  ForwardMix . Partition[randPad, 8],
    ForwardMix . Partition[randMessage, 8]], 5]]]

Then our Encode / Decode functions need only minor modification, replacing Plus and Subtract for BoxPlus and BoxSubtract:

EncodeRound[sig_, AGmat_] := Flatten[
    Mod[ForwardMix . Partition[BoxPlus[sig, AGmat, 8, 5], 8], 5]]

DecodeRound[sig_, AGmat_] := Mod[BoxSubtract[ReplaceAll[
        Mod[Flatten[ReverseMix . Partition[sig, 8]], 5], Div4], AGmat,
    8, 5], 5]

Using these updated functions, we can produce another set of encrypts:

encrypts 2

These are possibly better than the previous set since we are doing a little more than just padding, but the run statistics really don't look any better. I am still skeptical--What exactly do we gain by requiring non-distributive property? Is one data set easier to decrypt than another?

I think that the non-distributive property must be an important defining part of what makes a Feistel Cipher, but I don't yet completely understand the theory why. Anyone else, agree / disagree? Thoughts?

POSTED BY: Brad Klee
Posted 3 years ago

for the vigenere question I have

h e l l o w o r l d 08 05 12 12 15 23 15 18 12 04

m y k e y m y k e y 13 25 11 05 25 13 25 11 05 25

Mod[8+13,26] = 21 Mod[5+25,26] = 04 Mod[12+11,26] = 23 Mod[12+05,26] = 17 Mod[15+25,26] = 14 Mod[23+13,26] = 10 Mod[15+25,26] = 14 Mod[18+11,26] = 03 Mod[12+05,26] = 17 Mod[04+25,26] = 03

U D W Q N I N C Q X 21 4 23 17 14 10 14 03 17 03

Using the Vigenère cipher, what is the encrypted form of the message “helloworld” using the key “mykey”?




->None of the above

Shows a wrong answer for quiz 1, am I off base on this? Thanks for a good clue Luke and a really great course, I could do another month of this class!

This seemed a little specific for the community discussion, but if it is apropos I am happy to stand corrected of course.

POSTED BY: Sam Fergis

It's always fun to hear about these kind of discussions, especially about how a function should be named or which parameters / their orders should be, in order to be the most general and not have to be changed in the very near future of its introduction.

It appears that when they encoded the message and the key, before doing the "encryption" step, they just offsetted by the character code of "a", i.e. offsetted everything in such a way that the letter 'a' gets coded to 0, 'b' to 1, etc., and then after the encryption step, to go back from the new character codes to letters, they did the reverse offset. They didn't add an extra offset of "1" to the character code of "a", in order to make 'a' coded to 1, 'b' to 2, etc.

Posted 3 years ago

ok, so really to use zero to 25 and then use the mod 25 is the best policy...I should have thought to try that. Thanks Hermes, I will recalculate and we can continue. Great conversation here!

POSTED BY: Sam Fergis

Given the number of times Claude Shannon's name has come up during the study group, I thought that SG participants might want to learn more about this amazing man. I thought he was brilliant before joining the study group and my admiration has only increased over the past two weeks.

A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age Kindle Edition by Jimmy Soni (Author), Rob Goodman (Author) In their second collaboration, biographers Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman present the story of Claude Shannon—one of the foremost intellects of the twentieth century and the architect of the Information Age, whose insights stand behind every computer built, email sent, video streamed, and webpage loaded. Claude Shannon was a groundbreaking polymath, a brilliant tinkerer, and a digital pioneer. He constructed the first wearable computer, outfoxed Vegas casinos, and built juggling robots. He also wrote the seminal text of the digital revolution, which has been called “the Magna Carta of the Information Age.” In this elegantly written, exhaustively researched biography, Soni and Goodman reveal Claude Shannon’s full story for the first time. With unique access to Shannon’s family and friends, A Mind at Play brings this singular innovator and always playful genius to life.

POSTED BY: Joseph Smith
Posted 3 years ago

I took the first quiz and there is some problem with the evaluation system. I scored 0/14. Attempted again and the same result. Then for one of the question, I picked one answer , submit the result and observe the behavior, and repeated it three more times. No matter what option is selected as an answer, score is always 0

POSTED BY: Mitesh Pandey

Earlier this week I took Quiz 1-4 without any problems. Yesterday I tried Quiz 5 and got the same result as you, i.e. only 0-scores. After quite much of reloading the Quiz page, changing some answer and submitting the answers, it finally worked and I got a proper score.

(I reported this to so they should be aware of the problem.)

Just in case anyone is interested, Eric W. Weisstein's notebook in modern notations is simply (show its main part):

In[3]:= curves = {x^3 - 1, x^3 + 1, x^3 - 3 x + 3, x^3 - 4 x, x^3 - x};

In[22]:= GraphicsGrid[{ContourPlot[y^2 == #, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}, ContourStyle -> {Red, Thick}] & /@ curves}]

enter image description here

There is no need to install the packages, GraphicsImplicitPlot and GraphicsColors, and some functions are now (13 years later) outdated.

I confirm this problem: Taking the first quiz today and got 0 scores as well. The quiz frame also errors out with the following errors: enter image description here

(It also shows : v1.20220128 )

(Note: The book by Stinson is from 1995, not 1999 as is stated in the first paragraph.)

(Notebook attached)

Posted 3 years ago

The two resources that gave me a better understanding of elliptical curves in Mathematica

"Elliptic Curve Cryptography with Mathematica" by Jouko Teeriaho (attached )

and a better understanding of the algorithms associated with elliptical curves at

Elliptic Curve Cryptography: a gentle introduction by Andrea Corbellini

I found the visual tool very handy

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Good to know! Thank you, Doug.

I did not check Doug's suggestion (first goes first :) ) but Stinson's book mentioned by Hakan looks impressive. Its 1995 edition is available at Apparently, it is close if not identical (Hakan, pls comment if you can) to the aforementioned 1999 edition.

Thank you! Will check it out. Best. M

Thanks, Doug. Great links, very "hand-on"! Best. M

At the bottom of the course page, the last entry is "Track My Progress." When clicked, it lists two conditions for successful completion of the course:

    "Earn your certificate of course completion by watching 25 course videos and ..."

However, it gives me, and I guess others, ZERO credit for watching the videos during Dariia's lectures. I assume this feature is meant for the future course takers, not for the current cohort. Please clarify.

POSTED BY: Zbigniew Kabala

Great find, the elliptic curves notebook by Jouko Teeriaho, Doug!

POSTED BY: Dariia Porechna

I did what you suggested but did not work, I am still awaiting contact from the email I sent to

Update on the course quizzes: We are seeing many people who have passed Quiz 1 and a few who have already passed all the quizzes. Keep up the impressive work! We are investigating a couple problem reports from emails received at Thank you for sending detailed problem reports when you encounter them.

To clarify the video logging, this is a feature of the course, and videos watched outside of the course (in the Study Group) are not tracked with your course progress. We do have attendance and recording views logged for the Study Group, and this, along with quiz results, allows us to issue certificates of program completion for the Study Group. The Introduction to Cryptography Study Group certificate of completion is considered equivalent to the course completion certificate, and we're pleased to offer both options for earning a certificate for this material.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson
Posted 3 years ago

Is there a way to Solve Mod[9 x, 23, x] == 1 algebraically with Mathematica ?

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Solve[Mod[9 x,23,x]==1,x]

Please note, that the 3-argument form of Mod means, according to the documentation,

Mod[m, n, d] uses an offset d.

Using the Integers option give some answers:

Solve[Mod[9 x, 23, x] == 1, x, Integers]
Reduce[Mod[9 x, 23, x] == 1, x, Integers]

{{x -> -5}}
x == -5


Solve[Mod[9 x, 23] == 1, x, Integers]

{{x -> ConditionalExpression[
    18 + 23 ConditionalExpression[1, \[Placeholder]], 
    ConditionalExpression[1, \[Placeholder]] \[Element] Integers]}}
Posted 3 years ago

Sorry , error , i have updated , the problem remains the same

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge
Posted 3 years ago

I had updated my post as I did try that option but I need a positive integer 18.

If I use Z x->18+23 c1 which is correct

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

It's (the field of) Integers (with 's'), and this will be the same as Z.

Posted 3 years ago

Thanks , updated

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

You can restrict the value of x via an extra constraint:

Solve[{Mod[9 x, 23] == 1, 0 <= x < 23}, x, Integers]
Reduce[{Mod[9 x, 23] == 1, 0 <= x < 23}, x, Integers]

{{x -> 18}}
x == 18

The question is being edited. Thanks to Doug and Hakan for their very helpful comments.

Posted 3 years ago

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Can anyone help me with the following question from the cryptosystems chapter?

Perhaps I missed this during the lecture, but what does the CirclePlus[ ] statement have to do with the figure that follows? The statements are: CirclePlus[x, y_] := Mod[Plus[x, y], 5]; G = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Screenshot from Cryptosystems Chapter

POSTED BY: Joseph Smith

Thank you, Doug. Good points. Still,

(.) I can make up some scenarios where one needs to memorize a key. Besides, the correspondence between key, cipher, and plain text is not necessary so direct.

(.) As to the second part, I used sequences of all 1s or 0s just as an example. As a memorable one, I can use a sequence taken from the phone numbers or plate numbers, or addresses.

The question stays. When you say "more random", what does it mean? In the example with the coins, which sequence of the equally probable outcomes is "more random"?

Put differently, you can discuss the randomness of a large sample of sequences. You do not usually quantify the randomness of one particular sequence*.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * As opposed, for instance, to the subset of sequences with m and n occurrences of 0 and 1 (whose probability should converge to the Binomial distribution if PRNG is good).

Corrected after reading Hermès' post and Wolfram documentation x(+)y is by default interpreted as CirclePlus[x,y]. It can be entered as [CirclePlus] or esc c+ esc. In the mentioned context it is the group operation, modular addition, such that z = x (+)y belongs to the same group as x and y.

In[26]:= CirclePlus[#, #] & /@ G

Out[26]= {0, 2, 4, 1, 3}

Modulo 5 in the definition of (+) in our case guarantees that the outcomes do not leave the "group" of 5 elements.

This "CirclePlus" operation, defined as the addition of two elements (x and y) modulo 5, can be interpreted as the additive law that, together with the set of elements G = {0,1,2,3,4}, provide a representation for the cyclic group Z/5Z (see the explanations that follow in the notebook).

Furthermore, there exists a generator element "g", that is such that, when being "summed" (with the CirclePlus law) together with itself repeatedly, can generate all the elements of the group. The diagram that follows is the so-called "cycle graph" for this group Z/5G : it basically gives a pictorial representation of the statement about the existence of the generator element from above. Each edge in that graph, represents one iteration of such sum with the generator.

Posted 3 years ago

The question stays. When you say "more random", what does it mean? In the example with the coins, which sequence of the equally probable outcomes is "more random"?

In information theory, the entropy of a random variable is the average level of "information", "surprise", or "uncertainty" inherent to the variable's possible outcomes. Entropy is used to measure how random the information is.

So , your sequence 11111111 has the same probability as any other binary sequences , say 10101010 (as in coin toss ,heads 1 ,tails 0 ).

but Entropy[{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}] == 0 (* Shannon Entropy*)

Entropy[{1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}]==0.693

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge
Posted 3 years ago

The bitcoin elliptical curve Secp256k1 has an order which is a prime number . What is the advantage of having a prime number order (if any ) and I assume no subgroups ?

POSTED BY: Doug Beveridge

Thanks very much. I need to think this over before I am confident in understanding it.

POSTED BY: Joseph Smith
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