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EntityValue[] Not Working

Hi, I am trying to understand the knowledge representation primitives in Mathematica 10.1. While trying some of the examples given in the Help documentation, I noticed that the following expressions do not work for me:



When I evaluate these expressions, the same expression is returned. What am I doing wrong?



41 Replies






POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Thanks, but this also does not work. The same expression is returned. Weird!




then I do not understand what you are looking for. Does it not look like this:

enter image description here

This is expected behaviour, I believe. That looks just like in the Documentation, does it not? What happens when you do it? When you say the same expressions are returned, do you mean that they are not evaluating? Do you have a screenshot? Have you restarted the Kernel?

Cheers, Marco

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

What OS are you using? Evaluate ds. This prints a summary about which version of Mathematica you are using.

Maybe you have an internet connection issue? Do you see any error messages? Can you evaluate:


Something may be wrong with Mathematica's configuration. I would suggestion following this article:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

I am able to execute this:


It works as expected (I get some output from the site), so the internet connection is OK. But EntityValue[] and EntityProperties["Mythology"] are not evaluated. I do not get the output shown above. I have followed the suggestion given in the support URL, but no improvement.

I am running OSX 10.9.5 with Mathematica 10.1



Hi Everyone,

I can (sort of) reproduce this. It works just fine on my computers (mostly all sorts of Macs running OS X). I am, however, admin of a site license and I have now found people who have this issue. On their computers (Macs, Windows) Entity and related commands to not evaluate properly - see below. The symptoms are similar to the ones described here. All computers can see the internet. We reinstalled Mathematica - taking care of all previous Mathematica related files on the computers; and, because we suspected an issue with a new version of Java, we also used different Java versions, with no conclusive results.

Here is what happens:

enter image description here

This is as opposed to:

enter image description here

This only appears to concern MMA 10.1. MMA 10.0.2 runs well on these machines. We also tried different scenarios with and without removing MMA10.0.2 first. We also checked whether it could be a slightly updated version of Mathematica's installer, as described here, but we could not find any correlation.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Both of those results are the same except for formatting. The form at the top is how it actually looks in the language and the bottom version is a pretty version that is a bit more readable. Both, however, should work the exact same.

There are a couple of minor issues which sometimes cause this. They only affect how it looks - they don't affect how it works.

Do these entities not work when you try to use them?

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

I am seeing the same issue as Rangarajan.

In[1]:= EntityProperties["Mythology"]

Out[1]= EntityProperties["Mythology"]

using version 10.1 on OS X.

If I try one of the documentation examples, I get the same thing, rather than what the documentation shows is supposed to happen:

In[4]:= EntityProperties["Aircraft"]

Out[4]= EntityProperties["Aircraft"]

This was just cut and pasted from the documentation.

I seem to be able to get to the internet:

In[5]:= Berlin  »    
Entity["City",{"Berlin","Connecticut","UnitedStates"}]  \[SpanFromLeft]  \[SpanFromLeft]

Out[5]= Entity[City,{Berlin,Connecticut,UnitedStates}]

(I had trouble getting the = sign to show up.)

However, I do not get a pod that has information about Berlin.

I can try re-inatalling Mathematica 10, but somehow, I don't think that will solve the problem.

I found the problem.

After dumping the UserBaseDirectory, BaseDirectory, re-installing Mathematica, etc. I found out what would fix the problem.

I installed Java 8 update 45 on my system. I got this from the Java (Oracle) website.

After doing this, the code for EntityValue[] works -- even the documentation code works.

Previously, if you ran Mathematica on an Mac that did not have Java, the OS would notice that Java was missing, and offer to download and instal Java 6 SE. This worked just fine up to version 9, and I believe 10.0, but I can't be sure.

Apparently 10.1 requires Java 8.

I think that Mathematica should be smart enough to look for the required files and offer to install them.


thanks a lot for looking into this problem.

I followed your guidelines, George, but for me it unfortunately does not solve the problem. I tried various computers by now, I have the problem on all of them.

Best wishes and thanks for your help


POSTED BY: Bjoern Schelter

I included a link to this discussion in the e-mail I sent to tech support. (If you have not sent them a missive, I suggest that you do.) Perhaps they will read this and have some suggestions.

Mine is a pretty simple set up -- no corporate firewalls, etc. and, as of yesterday, a plain vanilla installation of Mathematica 10.1. Dealing with curated data involves a lot of 'moving parts'.

If I get a response from tech support, I will post it here.

Thanks everyone for looking into this. The Java remedy does not seem to fix it for me.

enter image description here

I'll try to get advice from tech support, too.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel


Can you let us know in the community what worked (assuming you find out). We may be in a similar position some day.

Perhaps the Java solution just applied to Macs -- Apple has been trying to wean users away from Java for the last couple OS releases.

Sure. If I find anything out, I will post it here.

Thanks a lot,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

It seems that something might be generally wrong with accessing curated data from MMA 10.1. This is from the documentation of StarData:

enter image description here

But when trying out the example, the result is less than informative:

enter image description here

Tried this on two different PC's. One W7, the other W8.1

POSTED BY: Hans Milton


I believe that that is the same issue. If I execute that on a "good" computer it works. If I run it on a "bad" one that does not work. Could you please run one of the commands we discussed above to check whether they work?

A couple of minutes ago I got one computer working by reinstalling Java, deleting Mathematica completely and then reinstalling it. But this does not always seem to work. I am not really sure what is going on here, but I am getting more and more convinced that George is right and it is a mere Java issue. I just do not understand why reinstalling Java and then Mathematica does not always fix the problem. There might be some remaining files on the system or something.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

The input of EntityProperties["Aircraft"] just returns the input. On both PC's.

On one of them I have tried to:

  • Reset Mathematica according to KB12464. The problems remained.
  • Uninstalled and then reinstalled Mathematica 10.1. Still the problems remains.
POSTED BY: Hans Milton


which Java version do you use?



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Hans Milton

not sure who the query was addressed to, but here is what worked for me.

On a Mac, OS X will offer to install Java 6 SE if an app needs Java. This did not solve the problem with Mathematica. I went to the Java (Oracle) site (, and downloaded Java 8 update 45, which is what was available for OS X. This solved the problem.

Note sure about Windows, but I guess that there are various versions of the Java runtime available, and the most recent is the one needed. From the Java website, there are 32 and 64 bit versions, versions for different browsers, and a lot more complications than for OS X. I have not heard from Wolfram technical support, but I am hopeful to do so in a couple days.

This bugs me now. It works on one computer, but not on another one:

enter image description here

The Java version is from Oracles website. I have removed the ~/Library/... folder and reinstalled everything. Restarted the computer several times. This is on OS X 10.10.3 with MMA 10.1. Same versions do appear to work on another system I have.

MMA 10.0.2 on the exact same system works very nicely.

Best wishes,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Another thing that is interesting. On the systems that have problems:

EntityValue[Entity["City", {"Berlin", "Berlin", "Germany"}], "Population"]

does not work. But

CityData[Entity["City", {"Berlin", "Berlin", "Germany"}], "Population"]

does work. On healthy systems both work.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago

Here's a couple of additional data points:

EntityValue[ ] works on: Fedora 21 Linux 64-bit, Mathematica 10.0.2 and Wolfram Desktop 10.0.2

EntityValue[ ] fails on: Fedora 21 Linux 64-bit, Mathematica 10.1, Windows 7 64-bit Wolfram Desktop 10.1

On Linux, I've tried the support note on resetting Mathematica and even tried removing Java without any change in the behavior of EntityValue.

The Linux system has Mathematica 10.0.2 and 10.1 installed, the Windows system doesn't have any version of Mathematica. I've also removed Mathematica from another Fedora Linux system to test whether a clean install of Mathematica 10.1 would work correctly, but it didn't.

One thing that I've noticed is that when EntityValue[ ] works on both Mathematica 10.0.2 and Wolfram Desktop 10.0.2, the first invocation of EntityValue[ ] displays:

Initializing Wolfram Knowledgebase connection

This isn't shown on systems where EntityValue[ ] doesn't evaluate correctly.

POSTED BY: Kenneth Barker
Posted 10 years ago

I got an e-mail from Wolfram Support, and suggested that I un-install Java. As I discovered when doing this, The Java 8 installer (for the Mac, at least) just installs a plug-in. It does not install the JDK, as, apparently, it used to.

The strange thing is that once I uninstalled Java 8, Mathematica 10.1 still evaluated EntityValue[] correctly. As the tech support person pointed out, how Mathematica works should not be influenced by what is essentially a browser plug-in.

Kenneth's observation is correct: when the function was not working, the blue box indicating that the WolframKnowledgebase connection was being initialized did not appear. Now, it does.

So, what I am left with is a working Mathematica 10.1 after some voodoo that was a side effect of installing Java 8 on OS X. Now that it works, the presence or absence of the plug-in makes no difference.

Completely resetting Mathematica 10.1 (deleting the base directories, re-installing from a fresh download) did not fix the problem. Whatever it did, running the Java 8 installer made the problem go away.

Since others have tried this bit of magic without success, clearly something else is going on, to state the obvious. If, as Marco discovered, CityData[] works and EntityValue[] does not, accessing the same data, the issue cannot be in the connection to the knowledge base.

I'm out of ideas. I had a magic trick that worked for me (good for me) but no idea why, or what to do to solve the problem.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Great! That leaves me stranded. I have uninstalled Java; Mathematica does not work. I have deleted Mathematica and reinstalled. Mathematica does not work. I have reinstalled Java 8 (JDK) Mathematica does not work. I have deleted Mathematica and reinstalled it; it does not work. I also tried older versions of Java. Does not work either.

I will probably get the same piece of advice from TechSupport, and it will not work for me. I am not really sure what Voodoo suggests in these cases...



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel


sorry to bother you again, but I noticed that if I look up the Wolfram System Information (which is on a Mac under the "About Mathematica" item) it shows this for a working system:

enter image description here

and this for a not working system:

enter image description here

Is it important that it does not load the EntityFramework on the bad system? That folder does not exist on the bad system....



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

My installation directory is

"/[InvisibleSpace]Applications/[InvisibleSpace]\ [InvisibleSpace]Contents"

and there are lots of files in it. Not sure why your app is called Mathematica

Unfortunately, I did not do SystemInformation[] when my system was not working.

The last e-mail I got from tech support was that the developers were looking into the problem. I think you have found an important clue. On the off chance that the developers are not aware of this thread, I suggest that you send them both SystemInformation[] outputs. (I already sent my SystemInformation[] data for my working installation, and I do not have the 'before' version.)

With so many files, etc., apparently missing, there my be other functionality not working.

Anyway, this may point to a solution....


Did you try deleting the BaseDirectory and UserBaseDirectory and let Mathematica re-create them? (On my system, Mathematica only rebuilt $UserBaseDirectory, but that is sufficient.)

I did that, and it didn't work, but it was right before I had the 'bright' idea of installing Java 8. It is possible that the Java bit was just a co-incidence, and the real problem was a messed up library directory. If I had restarted or something else, it may have been that the problem would have gone away.

It may be just a hunch, but if Mathematica does not put a Mathematica folder in the System Library (OS X -- other systems have different names), try not making one by hand or copying from an older/other computer. I had some issues with old cruft in the Mathematica folder in the system Library folder in the past -- which is why it is no real pain to toss it. I do know that an issue I had with the welcome screen not remembering recently opened notebooks went away when I tossed the library folders and used only what Mathematica built on its own.

Considering the lack of content in the library folders of the non-functional systems, it may be worth a shot. It would not explain the issues on Linux or Windows, but OS X after 10.8 or so has had restrictions on what goes into the system library folder, and I have noticed that a lot fewer apps put things there, and when they do, it seems to be read-only. Just a guess.

A suggestion from tech support:



Considering the lack of paclet files in your printout of SystemInformation[], it might do something.


they are looking into this and are aware of the issue. I got the same suggestion, but it does not fix it.

I will try "transplanting" the folder from a healthy system. Perhaps that fixes it?

Cheers and thanks,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel


tried this as well. Did not work for me either.

Best wishes


POSTED BY: Bjoern Schelter

Ok. Transplanting the respective paclet folders does not work either. The folder in the broken MMA10.1 is much smaller than in the functional one.

It appears that only WRI will be able to help out here....



PS: It still bugs me that sometimes it appears to be working.

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Mathematica 10 comes with, and should use, its own installation of Java (specifically a Java 7, I believe at $InstallationDirectory/SystemFiles/Java). There should be no need to install Java yourself, even on Mac.

I'm suspicious of the space character in the $InstallationDirectory of /Applications/Mathematica for the non-working system quoted by Marco above. I could easily be wrong, but try using a different installation directory that does not include a space?

POSTED BY: Jeremy Michelson

Hi Jeremy,

thanks for your help. That does not seem to be the problem. It does work on some of the functioning system with the same labelling of Mathematica's app-file; and if I change it to a "non-space" version. I believe that the naming convention comes directly from the Mathematica installation which adds the 2 if there is an older version of MMA installed.

In fact, It appears to be a problem with the Paclets rather than Java directly. The respective folders do not exist on the sick system.

Best wishes and thank you,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi everyone,

I got a very useful piece of advice from technical support:


apparently fixes (some of?) the problem at least for the active session. If you restart Mathematica then you will need to run that again. I gather that this is not the final solution, but we are definitely getting there.

I would be grateful if other people with that problem could try this and report back whether it worked for them. It worked on all computers I currently have access to.

The technical support was extremely friendly and helpful. A very good service indeed.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 10 years ago


Wanted to check this. But, before doing so, noticed that the problem has now gone away!

Voodoo in action ...

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Dear Hans,

thanks a lot for checking. I am getting frustrated that Voodoo does not seem to apply to me. Is it included in Premier Service Plus?



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi Marco, Thanks for sharing this. It works for me now!

Regards, Rangarajan

Posted 10 years ago

Works for me as well now in both Fedora Linux systems with Mathematica 10.1 and Windows 7 with Wolfram Desktop 10.1. I can see the initialization of the Wolfram Knowledgebase connection after loading the EntityFramework and running EnityValue again

POSTED BY: Kenneth Barker

Hi everyone,

it some time ago I got feedback from the technical support team that this will be fixed in a future release. Meanwhile, there are two versions of MMA10.1. I only have the OS X ones. On the computers on which I installed the file dated 24th March 2015 everything works fine. On the machines with the version from 27th April there is the problem with the EntityValueFramework.

So I think that it is indeed related to this post on StackExchange:

I suppose something else broke when the CPU issue was fixed.

Hope that an update will be available soon.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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