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Mathematica 10.4 Release

7 Replies

Thanks. Forgot about looking in the System Files folder. We now have a universally available form of Garamond -- at least for 10.4 or later.

Some of the other fonts look promising. I will make a test style sheet and see what they can do.

Now, if the glitch in OpenGL (OS X) can get fixed....

FileNames["*",FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "Fonts", "TrueType"}] ]

That will give you a listing of the font files included in the layout. In 10.3, this directory only included the files for Mathematica and Source Sans Pro. The file name is generally a good hint...

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

Of the following lines, only the first one gives what I was expecting:

Style[TraditionalForm[a + b <= 1], 
 FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]
Style[TraditionalForm[a + b <= 1], FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Math"]
Style[TraditionalForm[a + b <= 1], FontFamily -> "Computer Modern"]
Style[TraditionalForm[a + b <= 1], FontFamily -> "LaTeX"]
Style[a + b <= 1, FontFamily -> "LaTeX"]

The purpose was to imitate the standard TeX look.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

I can find no documentation about the 24 new font families. Any clue where to look?

Thanks Jennafyr for sharing that list. @Silvia Hao has made this comprehensive infograph of the new functionality in M10.4 using ClusteringTree:

MMA 10.4 ClusteringTree

POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé
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