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It's raining crystal structures: Cloud-based VASP viewer

You may remember that I've already posted packages for crystal structure plots. I just wanted to dump a piece of code here that's based on these packages and will let you plot crystal structures from VASP input/output files on a webpage... in case anyone else is using VASP.

For anyone who wants to try the app but doesn't have a VASP file handy, here's a sample you can copy and paste into a plain text file:

     4.5937300000000000    0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000    4.5937300000000000    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    2.9581200000000000
   Ti    O
     2     4
  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000
  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000
  0.3053000000000000  0.3053000000000000  0.0000000000000000
  0.6947000000000000  0.6947000000000000  0.0000000000000000
  0.8053000000000000  0.1947000000000000  0.5000000000000000
  0.1947000000000000  0.8053000000000000  0.5000000000000000

The actual code is below the image. Have fun!

enter image description here

   {{"file", "Upload a VASP POSCAR or CONTCAR file here:"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "UploadedFile"|>}, {
    {"sysdim", "Periodic repetitions"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> 
         " " | "," | ";" | "/" | "x" | "X"], 3], "Input" -> "1x1x1"|>,
    {"retractq", "Retract atoms to cell?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"addq", "Add periodic duplicates of atoms?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"atomrad", "Atom radius"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", 
      "Input" -> 0.4|>,
    {"bonddist", "Maximum bond length"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", "Input" -> 2.1|>,
    {"monobond", "Want to pick your own bond color?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"bondcol", "Bond color"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedColor", 
      "Input" -> GrayLevel[.8]|>,
    {"bondrad", "Bond radius"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", 
      "Input" -> 0.1|>,
    {"linecol", "Cell outline color"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedColor", "Input" -> Black|>,
    {"linerad", "Cell outline radius"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", "Input" -> 0.02|>

  Module[{file, sysdim, retractq, addq, atomrad, bonddist, monobond, 
     bondcol, bondrad, linecol, linerad,
     data, speciesQ, atomcol, chemoffset, chgoffset, lattscale, 
     lattvec, coord, conf, coordP, confP, new, tubearrow, lines, 
     atoms, tuples, bonds},

    file = #file;
    sysdim = #sysdim;
    retractq = #retractq;
    addq = #addq;
    atomrad = #atomrad;
    bonddist = #bonddist;
    monobond = #monobond;
    bondcol = #bondcol;
    bondrad = #bondrad;
    linecol = #linecol;
    linerad = #linerad;

    (*import: *)
    data = Import[file, "Table"];
    (*offset if chemical species are given: *)
    speciesQ = MatchQ[data[[6]], {_String ..}];
    atomcol[type_] := 
     If[speciesQ, ColorData["Atoms", data[[6, type]]], 
      ColorData[97, type]];
    chemoffset = If[speciesQ, 1, 0];
    (*offset for missing "Selective Dynamics" line as is common in \
    chgoffset = 
     If[TrueQ[Length[data[[chemoffset + 8]]] > 0] && 
       MatchQ[data[[chemoffset + 8, 1]], _?NumericQ], -1, 0];

    (*lattice vectors and atoms: *)
    lattvec = data[[3 ;; 5]];
    lattscale = data[[2]];
    If[TrueQ[Length[lattscale] == 1], lattscale = lattscale[[1]]];
    If[TrueQ[Sign[lattscale] == -1], 
     lattscale = (-lattscale/Det[lattvec])^(1/3)];
    lattvec = 
     If[TrueQ[Length[lattscale] == 3], 
      N[lattscale[[#]]*lattvec[[#]]] & /@ Range[3], 
    conf = 
       ConstantArray[#, data[[chemoffset + 6, #]]] & /@ 
        Range[Length[data[[chemoffset + 6]]]]]];
    coord = 
     N[data[[chemoffset + chgoffset + 
          9 ;; (chemoffset + chgoffset + 8 + 
           Total[data[[chemoffset + 6]]]), 1 ;; 3]]];

    (*reprojection for cartesian coordinates: *)
    If[TrueQ[Length[data[[chemoffset + chgoffset + 8]]] > 0] && 
      StringMatchQ[ToString[data[[chemoffset + chgoffset + 8, 1]]], 
       "c*" | "k*", IgnoreCase -> True],
     If[TrueQ[Length[lattscale] == 3], coord = #*lattscale & /@ coord,
       coord = coord*lattscale];
     coord = coord.Inverse[lattvec]];
    {coordP, confP} = {coord, conf};

    (*retraction, moving all atoms back into the cell: *)
    If[retractq, With[{retracttol = 10^-4},
      coordP = 
        If[# > (1 - retracttol), # - 1, #] & /@ 
         Flatten[# - Floor[#] & /@ coordP], 3];
      new = DeleteDuplicates[Transpose[{coordP, confP}],
             Round[#1[[1]], retracttol] - Round[#2[[1]], retracttol] -
               Floor[Round[#1[[1]], retracttol]] + 
              Floor[Round[#2[[1]], retracttol]]] < 
            retracttol) && (#1[[2]] == #2[[2]]) &];
      {coordP, confP} = Transpose[new]]];

    (*periodic repetition: *)
    coordP = 
     Flatten[Table[(# + {a, b, c}) & /@ coordP, {a, 0, 
        sysdim[[1]] - 1}, {b, 0, sysdim[[2]] - 1}, {c, 0, 
        sysdim[[3]] - 1}], 3];
    confP = Flatten[ConstantArray[confP, Times @@ sysdim]];

    (*add peridic duplicates if desired: *)
     new = Transpose[{coordP, confP}];
     new = 
      Join[new, # + {{sysdim[[1]], 0, 0}, 0} & /@ 
         Abs[#[[1, 1]]] < 0.01 &], # + {{-sysdim[[1]], 0, 0}, 0} & /@ 
        Select[new, Abs[#[[1, 1]]] > 0.99*sysdim[[1]] &]];
     new = 
      Join[new, # + {{0, sysdim[[2]], 0}, 0} & /@ 
         Abs[#[[1, 2]]] < 0.01 &], # + {{0, -sysdim[[2]], 0}, 0} & /@ 
        Select[new, Abs[#[[1, 2]]] > 0.99*sysdim[[2]] &]];
     new = 
      Join[new, # + {{0, 0, sysdim[[3]]}, 0} & /@ 
         Abs[#[[1, 3]]] < 0.01 &], # + {{0, 0, -sysdim[[3]]}, 0} & /@ 
        Select[new, Abs[#[[1, 3]]] > 0.99*sysdim[[3]] &]];
     {coordP, confP} = Transpose[new];

    (*cell lines: *)
    tubearrow[{tail_, head_}] := 
     With[{scale = .5*Sqrt[Mean[Norm /@ lattvec]*linerad]},
      Tube[{tail, head - 4*scale*Normalize[head - tail], 
        head - 4*scale*Normalize[head - tail], head}, {linerad, 
        linerad, scale, 0}]];
    lines = {linecol, Tube[#.lattvec, linerad] & /@ {
        {{0, 0, #}, {1, 0, #}, {1, 1, #}, {0, 1, #}, {0, 
            0, #}} & /@ {0, 1},
        {{0, 0, #} & /@ {0, 1}, {1, 0, #} & /@ {0, 
           1}, {1, 1, #} & /@ {0, 1}, {0, 1, #} & /@ {0, 1}}
        }, tubearrow[{{0, 0, 0}, #}] & /@ lattvec};

    (*atoms: *)
    atoms = 
         Sphere[coordP[[#]].lattvec, atomrad]}, #] & /@ 

    (*bonds: *)
    tuples = 
     Select[Subsets[Range[Length[confP]], {2}], 
      Norm[(coordP[[#]].lattvec)[[1]] - (coordP[[#]].lattvec)[[2]]] < 
        bonddist &];
    bonds = If[TrueQ[tuples == {}], {},
         {bondcol, Tube[coordP[[#]].lattvec, bondrad]},
             Total[coordP[[#]].lattvec]*.5}, bondrad]}, {ii, 1, 2}]
         ] & /@ tuples];

    (*return the plot: *)
    Graphics3D[{lines, bonds, atoms}, ImageSize -> Large, 
     BaseStyle -> {Specularity[Gray, 100]}, Boxed -> False, 
     SphericalRegion -> True, Lighting -> "Neutral"]
   &, "PNG", 
  AppearanceRules -> <|
    "Title" -> "Crystal Structure Viewer for VASP"|>], 
 Permissions -> "Public"]
POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert
11 Replies

Excellent post, @Bianca Eifert, thanks for sharing! I added a small movie to show what people should expect. I made a slight modification to the code with "PNG" changed to "HTML"

CloudDeploy[FormFunction[X, Graphics3D[Y] &, "HTML"]]

which centers the output graphics.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

We are happy to see you at the tops of the "Featured Contributor" board. Thank you for your wonderful contributions, and please keep them coming!


Thank you, and thanks especially for the movie!

In case anyone's wondering: Selecting a bond colour as shown in Vitaliy's movie doesn't do anything because unfortunately you also have to check "Want to pick your own bond color?". I know that's not pretty, but I couldn't figure out how to make an input field that would accept input that's either a colour or Automatic (or something along these lines). The "default bond colour", if you will, is not really a colour, but rather the instruction to use the atom colours and make two-coloured bonds. There's probably a more intuitive way to do this. The good news is that once you've generated the plot, you can go back and edit the layout options without having to pick out the file again. (And if you really need to fine-tune the layout, you're better off with Crystallica anyway.)

Vitaliy, is there an output variety I could use instead of "PNG" or "HTML" that actually produces an object that can be rotated and resized like a Graphics3D object in a notebook?

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

By default


will make interactive object. But if Graphics3D will get too large byte-wise or complex it will be automatically rendered as static image. I am not sure about exact criteria when it renders as static.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

I see, thank you. I remember now that I've seen examples of an entire Manipulate inside a CloudDeploy. But I can't get that sort of thing as a result to a FormFunction, is that correct?

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

Do you mean something like this?

CloudDeploy[FormFunction[{"PlotLabel" -> "String"}, 
  Manipulate[Plot[Sin[a t], {t, -Pi, Pi}, PlotLabel -> #PlotLabel], {a, 3, 6}] &]]
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Oh, that actually works! I don't recall what I was trying earlier that didn't work, but this is good to know. Thanks!

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

@Bianca Eifert Really amazing post indeed! Is it possible to have 3D interactivity (like rotate or zoom) after the final output?

@Vitaliy Kaurov Changing PNG to HTML is really useful. Are there more options available to format the final output? For instance, if we want to compose two or more than two outputs from the same Cloud app?

POSTED BY: Vijay Sharma

@Vijay Sharma I think I answered your question to Bianca already about interactivity in the comments above, --- Bianca herself was asking the very same question. Regarding your second question, I would ask it separately. It is better to keep discussions streamlined around the topics at heart with the top post. Something quite deviating, even though related, should be run as a separate discussion. This would also give you a chance to formulate your goal in more detail.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

@Vijay Sharma yes, Vitaliy is right, I was wondering the same thing. Maybe something will surface if you make a new thread about this. In the meantime, if you have a desktop version of Mathematica, you can use my packages (linked in the original post) for more options and interactivity.

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert

Just a quick fix: WL 11 doesn't like the two-stage form. You can make the app work again by changing the layout to a single form page. To do that, simply replace all code before the Module starts with the following:

   {{"file", "Upload a VASP POSCAR or CONTCAR file here:"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "UploadedFile"|>}, {
    {"sysdim", "Periodic repetitions"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> 
         " " | "," | ";" | "/" | "x" | "X"], 3], "Input" -> "1x1x1"|>,
    {"retractq", "Retract atoms to cell?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"addq", "Add periodic duplicates of atoms?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"atomrad", "Atom radius"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", 
      "Input" -> 0.4|>,
    {"bonddist", "Maximum bond length"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", "Input" -> 2.1|>,
    {"monobond", "Want to pick your own bond color?"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "Boolean", "Input" -> False|>,
    {"bondcol", "Bond color"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedColor", 
      "Input" -> GrayLevel[.8]|>,
    {"bondrad", "Bond radius"} -> <|"Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", 
      "Input" -> 0.1|>,
    {"linecol", "Cell outline color"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedColor", "Input" -> Black|>,
    {"linerad", "Cell outline radius"} -> <|
      "Interpreter" -> "ComputedReal", "Input" -> 0.02|>

My initial motivation for the two-step process was to allow users to select a file once, plot the structure, then go back and change the layout without having to find their file again. (Since that can be a hassle on a phone in particular.) If anyone wants to play around with a solution that allows for that in WL 11, feel free to post here!

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert
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