User Portlet User Portlet

With is used to inject a value into an expression, then releases it. Handy for building up arguments inside HoldAll functions like Plot.plotCurves[n_] := With[{b = bounds[[n]]}, Plot[curves[[n]], b]] This version inserts both values,...
Check this result make sure it fits all the boundary cases you where expecting:[code]T = Ki = 0; i = 0; While[i
Many patterns can be gathered into one structure with a Switch statement,[mcode]function1[{a_, b_, c_}] := Switch[{a, b, c},   {_?NumberQ, _?NumberQ, _String}, {a, b, a + b + 1},   {_String, _?NumberQ, _?NumberQ}, {b + c - 1, b, c},   {_?NumberQ,...
The list of conditions do not resolve into True or False, try putting them into a structure like Or in case one of them turns True. The symbol pi is not being treated like the constant Pi, use Pi or Esc p Esc instead. The result will look like...
In the ListPlot it looks like you have data points falling along several curves. What you really have is a flat list of data points and what looks like curves are not made up of sequential points, but are quite interlaced together. Have a look at the...
Try moving Evaluate outside your list of plot functions.Plot[Evaluate[{v[t], 49}], {t, Quantity[0, "Seconds"], Quantity[30, "Seconds"]}, PlotRange -> {0, 50}]
Wrapping the pattern expression head Pattern in Verbatim is the type of hold you are looking for.In[ ]:= GP /. Verbatim[Pattern][p_, _] :> p Out[ ]= GeoPoint[Name, {East, North}, Elev]
Here is an example of the Switch function control structure, that looks at the pattern of the input then desides what to do based on the first match it finds[code]In[ ]:= result = 5 x + 3 I; Switch[result, 2 x, "Do 2x", 5 x + 3 I, "Do 5x+3I", _,...
I tried your example code out both with ImageMargins option for Export and with ImageMargins as an option for Graphics and seem to be getting the same thing that you describe. When round-trip testing using ImportString[ExportString it seems to...