User Portlet User Portlet

Chad Knutson
Unfortunately I don't have good news. I went with automatic dependency collection for APIs and Initialization>Get[...] in cloud notebooks. I am fortunate that there isn't anything fancy in my code like working with the LibraryLink, external...
The website you are trying to import is built with AngularJS. I don't think there is any way to 'get' its contents other than viewing in a modern web browser. Perhaps you could ask that company if they have an api that you could programmatically...
In the doc page for Binarize (under Details and Options), is this statement: Binarize works with 2D and 3D images. It converts multichannel and color images into grayscale images, then produces an image in which every pixel has value 0 or 1. ...
"stopping" does not appear because the button parses the entire [`CompoundExpression`][1] in the second argument. For example, DynamicModule[{state = 1}, Column[{Dynamic[state], Button["Trigger", state = 2; Pause[1]; state = 3]}]] only...
Wolfram Research has another cloud product called [Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud][1] , which features all of the functionality that you have seen in the 'Wolfram Cloud'. Because it is 'private', owners of these clouds can configure them to allow...
Thanks to help from Wofram this code works. Needs["NETLink`"]; InstallNET[]; LoadNETAssembly["C:\\XIMEA\\API\\x64"]; LoadNETType["xiApi.NET.xiCam"]; LoadNETType["System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle"]; ...
Thank you Mr. Mertig. I'll take this for a spin soonest. I did dabble with NETLink/COM a few days ago. I wasn't able to get something like "var = sh@Range[...]@Value" to complete on a single column of height 86370; no doubt mostly due to my...
Hi Rolf, Thanks very much for the hint! First of all, your reply reminded me that I forgot about the SaveDefinitions -> True option, this is why I had to re-run the notebook when it appeared in the Cloud. Including the above will generate...
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now a [Staff Pick][2] as distinguished on [your profile][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! [1]:...
Recall from your initial post that your professor's code takes the last part of the $CommandLine script and sets that value to 'n'. So, if you are typing 'n' in that position, Mathematica will set n=n, which is an acceptable expression at that...