User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Denis, In your last comparison, perhaps you mistyped/pasted? The second appearance of `testData[]` should use key `"Reals"` and not `"Ints"`?
Thanks, Daniel, for following up on this.
Hi, In 2009 I posted this about SuMoPack: and just now located its present home: from the homepage of its author...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Same answer on 13.0.1 (Windows 10).
Hi, Ah - try this modification: VoltFim = Plot[outiv, {t, 0, 6}, and eliminate from that expression the option `Joined -> True, then in your final Show[...] add the option `PlotRange->All` You are plotting both the voltages and...
Dr. Frank: Neat application of IPOPT! Just curious how the optimization approach compares to solution via collocation method. I surmise the collocation might not (gracefully) handle the eigenfunction orthogonality constraint?
It's the damndest thing, but I got it to work by changing the upper-bound value of theta to: {\[Theta], 0}, 0, 2 N[\[Pi]],
Hello Pavel, At issue is you need to account for the presence of record markers in the Fortran binary file. For each Fortran Write statement, a record is streamed out, consisting of start and end record markers, and the record payload in between....
Oh, and this Import [[1]] change is for version 11.3, NOT 11.2.