User Portlet User Portlet

Greg Hurst
New contributions were added: **Detecting Global Community Structure in a COVID-19 Activity Correlation Network** by Hiroki Sayama **COVID-19 SIR models: transmission, vaccination, herd...
[ This will probably be my final update to the code, it's gotten quite fast! ] With a few more improvements, the call to `OverlappingBBoxes` mapped over the 100000 `testbboxes` went from **44.85 seconds now down to 0.68 seconds (a 65x speedup)**. ...
this application is very musical, dependent upon scales and harmonics... here is where the visual and the musical begin to dance...
We now have a collection of creative post about “Rolling Shutter”. Here is the full current list for them: Airplane propellers imaged with a rolling shutter Rolling Shutter III ...
We now have a collection of creative post about “Rolling Shutter”. Here is the full current list for them: Rolling Shutter III Imaging a rotating disk with a rolling shutter ...
Terrific contribution! I have an interest in multipoints since there is one near where I live where six borders meet; if we discard one of them (which is a mere boundary of a property), it is definitely a quintipoint, although in administrative...
Beautiful work, Greg! I really enjoyed reading that paper when I discovered it a few years ago. There is also a nice demonstration by [@Enrique Zeleny][at1] > Recently Discovered Periodic Solutions of the Three-Body Problem >...
As I asked the question, I offer a simple solution for a simplified ratio with low-poly and max-feature. Area is a metric of 2D surface, so I evaluate the area and check the difference between original model. As the compress ratio goes up, the...
Chip and me were discussing his function a few days ago, when I mentioned to him that this can be used to implement Lloyd relaxation in 3D. In the spirit of [this 2D Lloyd implementation][1] and [this spherical Lloyd implementation][2], I present the...
Wow, this is really amazing to see this in a gif format. Great job! Thanks for sharing this!