User Portlet User Portlet

Greg Hurst
Thanks for the info. For point 4 I think the answer is use DynamicArray when you are only appending, for performance reasons. I found the source code for data structures in FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles",...
Looks like since V12.2 Gorubi can be accessed in WL, given a license for it. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed now.
![enter image description here][1] I recently stumbled upon [Three Classes of Newtonian Three-Body Planar Periodic Orbits]( Here's a quick way to reproduce their findings using...
![enter image description here][1] Most cell phone cameras capture an image using a [rolling shutter]( This means an image is not captured all at once but rather is captured with a scrolling line,...
Yeah that would be be great!
I think the issue is that `ChildrenMultiPoints` needed a second argument. I edited the post to give a default value of `4`. The following now returns a 10-point and a quadripoint: ChildrenMultiPoints[Entity["AdministrativeDivision",...
Yes, the slowness comes from the call to `Nearest`. It's using the `GeoDistance` metric on 100,000's of points as my way of approximating distance to a polygon with a non-Euclidean metric. See my edit to `COVID19DistanceMap` though. I added a line...
Here's a heat map showing distance to the nearest confirmed COVID-19 case:
![enter image description here][1] We can extract information from `WordCloud` in order to translate a collection of regions so they pack nicely. First I'll create some `BoundaryMeshRegions` similar to how the glyphs were created by OP: ...