User Portlet User Portlet

Greg Hurst
An axes aligned bounding box (AABB) tree, a type of [bounding volume hierarchy](, is a spatial data structure designed to efficiently find overlapping bounding boxes. It is often used to find...
![enter image description here][1] I recently stumbled upon [Three Classes of Newtonian Three-Body Planar Periodic Orbits]( Here's a quick way to reproduce their findings using...
![enter image description here][1] Most cell phone cameras capture an image using a [rolling shutter]( This means an image is not captured all at once but rather is captured with a scrolling line,...
[![enter image description here][1]][2] I recently joined in the fun of making an NFT and created the art set 'Electrum Anatomy'. It can be found on OpenSea here: This collection contains images...
![enter image description here][1] The New York Times recently published [COVID-19 time series data for each US county]( This gives us a very granular look at the spread of the illness over time. This will...
![enter image description here][1] We can extract information from `WordCloud` in order to translate a collection of regions so they pack nicely. First I'll create some `BoundaryMeshRegions` similar to how the glyphs were created by OP: ...
**[Open in Cloud][1] | [See Original][2] | Download to Desktop via Attachments Below** ![enter image description here][3] &[Wolfram Notebook][4] [1]:...
**[Open in Cloud][1] | [See Original][2] | Download to Desktop via Attachments Below** ![enter image description here][3] Here I will explain how to perform 3D Thinning with Wolfram Language. Though I will admit there's a lot of room for...
[![enter image description here][1]][2] Consider constructing a [Jerusalem Cube Fractal][3]. It seems the logic is if there's a square of certain size (dependent on the level) available, then punch out the shape. I did not notice a nice pattern...
I recently saw a gif showing the [growth of a Voronoi diagram][1] on [this][2] wiki page. This gif shows a Voronoi diagram but restricts each cell to lie in a disk that slowly grows over time. I decided to recreate this with the Wolfram Language...