User Portlet User Portlet

Yes there an example of MFD calling data from DLMF but when I try to go to other sections: MathematicalFunctionData[ Entity["Source", "DigitalLibraryOfMathematicalFunctions"] -> "1.2(i)"] or try: ...
Seeking wisdom and knowledge how to understand and solve $CellContext` problems in reported errors. Spending time thrashing about trying to figure it out is not helpful. The Doc Center is rather unhelpful. Thanks. ps. why does dynamic prevent...
adding a screenshot for others to understand better. The structure of the lists as a database as shown here is common, at least to me. Eric, please consider making any additional robustness needed for polish. I think others would enjoy using your...
Does anyone have or willing to construct a PopupActionList? Scrolling a long list of menuitems can be problematic for users who have trouble holding down mouse button or keep tapping downarrow. So the user sees a scrolling list popup which has...
Thank you! Off to explore...
Very nice! Thank you! And thanks for how to make a GIF. Enhancements: Random color fills (bright ones, UpTo 7 to 12 colors) for the tiles I have no idea how to do the request; anybody? Thanks :-)
Brian, In the process of figuring out how to parse apart the original System` Symbols usage by using the function Information (and later WolframLanguageData) definitions I discovered many boxes formatting bugs (reported) and inconsistent handling of...
Magnification->1.65 works too and better.
Rohit, Thanks; however your code does not make the entire background that color. There still is a grey "frame" around the colored text. None of these work: ActionMenu[ Style["Print Factorials", Background -> Cyan], {Style["4!",...
Here is a code fragment, a tool to insert a function template, showing one way: ActionMenu["Plot", ht = gettmp[#] & /@ getUsg3@"Plot"; (# :> NotebookApply[InputNotebook[], #]) & /@ ht, Appearance -> {"Frameles"}]