User Portlet User Portlet

Thank you very much for this posting. Have been waiting for over a decade for this kind of MMA application. What I wish is a pdf book to teach using MMA on texts. Rock on.
Thank you, thank you for the vid. I had to enlarge the vid to see what you were doing. Really helpful. I was able to tweak a lot of visual textsize issues bugging me for 3 yrs now. Tools for full accessibility! A few outstanding items I will document...
I can only afford to play in the View only mode for now. I noticed MMAonline does support cmd+ to enlarge controls/text, thanks. However, when I try to use the autocomplete by clicking near a MMA keyword, its nearly impossible to get the drop...
Nope, am strictly talking about MMA, 10.3. Nevermind I get that Wolfram has backtracked on supporting parsing of other languages within MMA going forward with 10.3.1. From what I can tell from 10.4 docs, yes, its strictly English. I guess to further...
Guess Hell froze over? ;-) Thank you, thank you… you have put in place key tech that will become very important as MMA grows… Now how about returning to me -- and all those with visual impairments -- some control of the visual aspects of the...