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I just post this (somewhat ugly) code as just an illustration of customizability (in short time). There are nicer ways and there are issues of overlaps , above/below etc. [mcode] fun[f_, x_, a_List, x0_, x1_, c_, yp_, al_, off_, opts :...
Bruce Miller, I was uncertain regarding the nature of the question, hence my post. I merely wished to illustrate how to pass things to legend and how to customize.
I agree with Gregory Fridman, the behaviour with a list is not consistent with NextPrime[n,#]&/@list. To be specific:NextPrime[5, {-1, 2, 1, 0}]yields: {3, 11, 7, 5} However: NextPrime[5, {-1, 2, 1}]yields: {3,7,5}...
In Mathematica 9 you can program your problem using LinearProgramming.
Just another way (with no advantage) you can solve the system for the desired function: [mcode]r := 0.1; c := 1/r; c1 := 0.01; a := 1; b := 0; sol = Y[z] - Z[z] /.First@NDSolve[ {{ Z''[z] + r*(-c1*Sin[z]*Exp[-z/r] + c)*Z[z] == 0, Z[b] == 0,...
David, I too wait for WRI to deal with this issue. The diverse number of tools in Mathematica allows you to play/experiment and achieve your aim. I think there has been a significant progressive improvement in legend capabilities and the range of...
Thank you for this post and linking to you blog,esp mosaic plots with data summaries and quantile regression. Look forward to exploring these.
Just an alternative:m[l_] := Range[-l, l]You can produce list: res = Join @@ Function[x, {x, #} & /@ m[x]] /@ Range[0, 2] This yields: [mcode]{{0, 0}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, -2}, {2, -1}, {2, 0}, {2, 1}, {2,...
Just for fun: the 900 numbers can be partitioned  by the parity of the integer digits. Of the 8 (2x2x2) patterns the 4 which start with an odd number: they ae of size 125  (5 x5 x5) and the 4 starting with even number are of size 100 (4x5x5): 900=4...
Here is an attempt to generalize and perhaps serve as motivation for others, [mcode]qna[q_, a_, alt_] := DynamicModule[ {ln, funs, var, enb, layout, cusum, vis = "", perc}, ln = Length[q]; enb = Table[Unique["e"], {ln}]; Map[(#[_] :=...