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The appended is a copy and paste of a reply/post  I made on: [url=]"How to type up a post" [/url]I noticed that that "discussion" had not been active for some months.  My post,...
Your functions can be combined into one well defined piecewise function, In the following {0,True) assigns the value zero to the function outside the defined intervals: [mcode]pw[x_] := Piecewise[{{2 x - 3 , -4 {{Red, Dashed},...
Here are approaches for single variable: tangent line and two variable functions (tangent plane). [list=1] [*]Single variable function: tg[f_, x_, p_] := (f'[x] /. x -> p) (x - p) + f[p]Here the argument f is function, x is symbol for...
I post this not as an answer, viz, speeding up code but as potential motivating alternate approaches. I am not sure what the ultimate aim is: simulation, modelling, prediction. My point is to illustrate some of the Mathematica's functionality for...
I post this answer to illustrate alternatives to  For loops; As David Keith has answered:[list] [*]the object returned by Solve is a list of rules [*]in this parrticular case, \mu (T) can be simplified [*]in the following I have avoided capital...
Thank you Vitaliy. I have corrected.  It should have beeng=WeightedAdjacencyGraph[mat]; Just a system graph object (not for visualization) to generate the adjacency matirx that Combinatorica is 'happy' to work with. grp was for...