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I have Mathematica version running on Windows 11 (64 bit). A number of integrate services do not work(that worked previously). For example: WebImageSearch["cat"] gives this error message:...
Thank you this resolved this issue.
Just some other approaches to tallying (no advantages but to illustrate Mathematica diversity): list = {1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0} Tallying: {#, Count[list, #]} & /@ Union[list] yields: {{0, 1}, {1, 3}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}} Unsorted: ...
If you aim is to plot a discrete (but not necessarily arithmetic progression) you could use (where f here is x^2): ListPlot[Table[x^2, {x, {1, 3}}]] or use DiscretePlot : DiscretePlot[x^2, {x, {1, 3}}]
I post this for illustrative purposes (if I have understood underlying aim correctly). f[n_] := {DirectedEdge[##], Boole[Divisible[##]]} & @@@ Tuples[Range[2, n], 2] g[n_] := With[{ds = Transpose@f[n]}, Graph[##, ...
TextCell[" "] is the problem. f[a_, b_] := 10 Sqrt[5] \[Sqrt]((215. + 43.566 a + 37.336 b) (0.25 (5/(2 a) + 1500 (1/800 - (-1 + a)/(1000 a)) ) + 0.25 (5/(2 b) + 1250. (1/700 - (-1 + b)/(1000...
The solution is correct. Size relative to circle is small. For illustrative purposes see the following.The points are plotted at bottom of circle. There is a fixed line as a reference and then gauge 'moves' (rotates line): note second point is around...
If you provide correlations in covariance matrix you cau useĀ MultinormalDistribution, e.g. (from documentation):RandomVariate[ MultinormalDistribution[{1, 2, 4}, {{2, -1/4, 1/3}, {-1/4, 2/3, 1/5}, {1/3, 1/5, 1/2}}], 10^3];This...
As has been expressed by David Reiss there are a number of syntax errors. Please note that N is a special symbol in Mathematica and in general it is advisable not to capitalize your own functions to avoid such conflicts. The following is your code...
Just another way:x = {{a + b, b*c}, {c + d, d + (a + c)}}; rep = # -> RandomReal[] & /@ Variables[x]; x /. rep