User Portlet User Portlet

Mike Besso
Rohit: Thanks again for teaching me a new trick. I can see how BlockMap[] can be very useful.
Martin: Thanks for the great question. I'm surprised that `f[]` matches. `FullForm[a + b + c]` is `Plus[a, b, c]`. Of course this is equivalent to `a + Plus[b, c]`, but I don't understand why Mathematica would have transformed...
Angus: I think the answer depends on: - What you are trying to do... - and, what kind of professionals?
I found the following creative ideas using google: - -
It looks like Widgets have been in "beta" mode for a while. It is interesting that the widgets themselves do not require Flash. It looks like, at least for now, to create new widgets you will need Doctor Strange's Infinity Stone?
CompliationOptions needs to be part of the call to Complie[], not do. Try something like this: Do[ Compile[ { {aFile[[i, 1]], _Real}, {aFile[[i, 2]], _Real}, {aFile[[i, 3]], _Real} }, ...
Check out [Sequence\[\]][1]. [1]:
Nicholas: I tried running your code, but SimpsonsRule and ResPote are undefined. Could you provide code that the community to run? That would make it easier for the community to help. That said, you can use ToString[] on an expression. For...
Hans: Thank you for the mind expanding insight. From the documentation, I do not think I would have ever figured out that you could use Evaluate like this.
Great question. I find myself going down this rabbit hole often. First I look for a documentation page with the name of the option. If I cannot find it, then I google. Unfortunately, I could not find a documentation page for GlassQuantile,...