User Portlet User Portlet

Mike Besso
Sumit: I think your reasoning is reasonable. But, I can see it from the other side. That is why you will see me use parenthesis more often than technically needed. Sometimes my reasonable reasoning is not reality. Have a great rest of...
I suggest using Task Manager or Activity Monitor (or the like) to see where your bottleneck is.
Try showing the "Cell Expression". It is the last item in the Cell menu. For an input cell with "abc", the Cell Expression is: Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"abc", "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input", ...
You can apply Sequence[] to turn a list into arguments: GCD[Apply[Sequence, {3, 9/2, 4}]] or GCD[Sequence @@ {3, 9/2, 4}]
Thanks Jeff. I will try as you suggest.
Paul: I'm confused. After removing the dupes of d, you have a list of 286 lists that each have 10 integers between 0 and 3. The integer partitions of with arguments of [10, 4] is a list of 23 lists of lengths between 1 and 4 with values...
Jay: You will find the answer to all of your questions in the documentation. One thing to note, is by default, all of your open notebooks share the same kernel. Therefore, the same names are defined in all open notebooks. Of course, there are...
check out:
check out this se article:
Lawrence: Have you considered deleting the resource objects before you deploy a new one? Check out [DeleteObject\[\]][1]. [1]: