User Portlet User Portlet

Marco Thiel
Dear Mads, Thanks for posting. I really like this; it is useful for some projects I run with students. There are interesting problems about the fractal dimensions of countries and coastlines, or adjacent countries reporting different lengths of...
Well, you said "stop at a specific point when a variable reaches a certain value" so you probably need to know the value? Or a condition that needs to be fulfilled to stop the integration? And yes, x[t] will continue, but that is because...
I appear to be getting relatively consistent solutions: NMaximize[{g, -0.01 - 1.5 g + 0.8 r == 0, (1 - E^((-g + r) (-60 + S)))/(-g + r) - 1.25` S == 0, -((1 - E^( 60 (g - r)))/((-E^(60 (g - r)) + E^((g - r) S))...
Sorry Daniel, your answer only showed up after I submitted my attempt at a reply. Cheers, Marco
Hi, Have you tried using Ball instead of Sphere? r0 = Ball[{0, 0, 0}, 1.0] r1 = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2 + z^2
Dear Mads, this is the type of table I add at the end of lecture notes. This one contains a list of functions used at the WTC2019 in oder of frequency used. Each function is active and links to the documentation. &[embedded notebook][1] ...
I suppose that there is a problem with the code that generates that list, but here is how you can clean it up: {#[[1]], #[[2, 0, 1]]} & /@ {{0, {0.}[0]}, {1, {309.56}[1]}, {2, {123.06}[2]}, {3, {-302.53}[3]}, {4, {-136.92}[4]}} ...
Dear Rohit, Thank you very much for your message and the time it took you to run everything. It is possible that GeoIdentify worked better for you. But I have another hypothesis. As far as I can see you are based in the US. I ran the code from...
Hi, I am not quite sure, because you haven’t used the code window, but if you haven’t put the name of the ResourceObject in quotation marks you might want to try that. Cheers, Marco
Very impressive and very useful. Thanks for posting. Cheers, Marco