User Portlet User Portlet

Marco Thiel
Dear Dave, this is probably not the solution you are looking for, and it is neither the shortest nor the most elegant one. It is also a Mathematica solution and not a WolframAlpha one. In Mathematica there are symbols with no built-in meaning....
Hi, there is a clue in the error message. {FindRoot[y214862+2y21486-name,{y$21486,0}]} FindRoot attempts to find a root numerically. As you see the error message says that it fails to do so, because there is the variable y (with the...
Dear John, do you mean something [like this][1]? ![enter image description here][2] Within Mathematica this might work: {WolframAlpha[ "integrate sin(x)cos(x)^2", {{"IndefiniteIntegral", 1}, "Content"}, PodStates ->...
Hi Frank, because the expression is not defined at x=0. You cannot substitute x->0 because you would divide by zero. The limit that you calculate does exist. If you run: FunctionDomain[(x + 1/x), x] You obtain: x 0 The...
Well, the Wolfram Language is case sensitive. Try using a capital E and spell Infinity with a capital, too. Cend[x_] := Limit[1/(E^(-x*n) + 1), n -> Infinity] If you then evaluate the function for x->1 you'll get your result. Cheers, ...
Dear Mike, it is true that the newer versions of OSX do not support Nvidia drivers. I do run GPUs only under older versions of OSX. I have had to downgrade one computer to make it work, which is a pain because of a new chip which makes downgrading...
Hi I also am having issues with four IFTTT I am was running. They have been running for years and are broken since 31December. Other (non IFTTT-based) processes work as usual. Best wishes, Marco
It does appear to work on my computer: Sound[{Play[Sin[1000 t], {t, 0, 1}], Play[Sin[2000 t], {t, 0, 1}]}] ![enter image description here][1] I have attached the wav-file. Cheers, Marco [1]:...
Hi, I think that this might work: a = Input["Enter No."]; convert = {} While[a > 0, AppendTo[convert, Mod[a, 2]]; a = Floor[Divide[a, 2]];] Print[Reverse[convert]] But why don't you just use something like: ...
Well, in fact you do not even need the Flatten or Partition: Select[#