User Portlet User Portlet

Marco Thiel
Hi, would this work? Rasterize[ Graphics[{Yellow, Rectangle[{1, 1}, {450, 450}], Black, Polygon[{{1, 163}, {243, 450}, {450, 219}, {450, 450}, {1, 450}}]}, PlotRangePadding -> None], "Image", RasterSize -> 450, ...
I also use sentiment analysis quite regularly. But there are some quirks you need to be aware of. E.g. Classify["Sentiment", "The weather is horrible."] gives "Negative" as expected. Classify["Sentiment", "The weather is horrible!"]...
Hi, is this what you mean? MinimalPolynomial[-64*Root[1485117014933504 - 63358257770528768*#1 + 175880452588961792*#1^2 + 3597580217985531904*#1^3 + 2886620541237067776*#1^4 - 7978677590095298560*#1^5 + ...
Hi, there are issues with convergence with your parameters. I have modified the start conditions to your start time and that seems to work ok. n = 67000000 cases = {713, 1089, 812, 1182, 1033, 1288, 1160, 853, 1184, 1048, ...
Hi, I get this when I run your code: ![enter image description here][1] which is what I would expect. Cheers, Marco [1]:...
The function N usually evaluates with the standard $MachinePrecision If you insist in higher precision e.g. like this: N[((-5551459608 + 3925475120 Sqrt[2]) Sqrt[2 - Sqrt[2]])^2, 100] and N[Expand[((-5551459608 +...
Dear Robert, thank you very much for your post. It is fascinating and very useful. I have some data files that are not from and will play with them a bit. Thanks a lot and all the best from Scotland, Marco
Hi Mads, I have no idea about the entropies. I think though that you are calculating some sort of cumulative string. If you do it per number: s = Table[N@Entropy@ StringDelete[StringJoin[IntegerName[#, {"Words", "English"}] & @i],...
Dear Vitaliy, thanks a lot for that hint! That website will be very, very useful for posts about the new computational audio features. That will facilitate future posts greatly. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Marco
Dear all, I cannot reproduce that issue either. You can try this procedure: [][1] Best wishes, Marco [1]: