User Portlet User Portlet

Robert Nachbar
Given that the graph g is acyclic, there is one and only one path between any two vertices. The path is necessarily the shortest path, and in general will not include every vertex. I think you need to reconsider the your problem more carefully,...
This is and issue in general with medical data, and is only slowly being addressed. Part of the problem is that to account for gender, race, and age differences literally makes the study design and analysis at least 25 times harder. With limited...
Great. Let me know if you have difficulties, and I'll help out as time allows (I'm just embarking on a 3 week long virtual summer school as an instructor).
Nice post! I'm glad you had better success fitting the data than I did, and the comparison of several countries with quite varied mitigation strategies is interesting. I'm still concerned that the total population has to be made so small, and we...
Nice post! I like the way you very "conversationally" retrieve data and visualize them! The time series plot very clearly shows the increased number of deaths in April 2020, but that observation does not come across in the subsequent bar charts....
I have always found it best to use `\[DirectedEdge]` and `\[UndirectedEdge]` instead of `\[Rule]` and `\[TwoWayRule]` when creating a list of edges for a Graph. The keyboard shortcuts ` de ` and ` ue ` make it very easy to do that.
No, this is an instantaneous rate, not a daily rate.
There is a syntax error in the Entity specification. Use fitData = fitDataWDR[Entity["Country", "Iran"], "1 March 2020", "dateRange" -> All];
It would probably be easiest if the HTML documents were first imported as symbolic XML, then "fixed" with ReplaceAll and the appropriate set of replacement rules, and then exported back as HTML. Could you please provide a couple of smallish files...
First, may I humbly ask [@Robert Rimmer][at0] to accept my apology. As I read Seth's problem, there are only 3 terms, not 4. The design matrix you constructed did indeed represent 4 terms, but I don't see where the 4th one comes from. [at0]:...