User Portlet User Portlet

Sander Huisman
*MODERATOR NOTE: a submission to computations art contest, see more:* ---------- ![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]:...
*MODERATOR NOTE: a submission to computations art contest, see more:* ---------- ![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]:...
*MODERATOR NOTE: a submission to computations art contest, see more:* ---------- So I wanted to create a looping gif where a curve is chasing itself: ![enter image description here][1] So here is how I did it: ...
Yeah Indeed, it seems perhaps an oversight… As you said, providing both Dimensions and ImageDimensions properties would avoid confusion… You could submit this as bug/suggestion.
*MODERATOR NOTE: a submission to computations art contest, see more:* ---------- &[Wolfram Notebook][1] Download the video here as attachment. [1]:...
A lot has happened in 8 years. But now it is easy to use VideoCombine, and plug in various Audio and Video objects in it to get a combined video with synchronised audio.
Hi Joseph, perhaps you need the Normal command: n=20; out=Series[Sin[Sqrt[(2+Cos[\[Phi]] Cos[\[Theta]])^2+(Cos[\[Phi]] Sin[\[Theta]])^2]]^2,{\[Phi],0,n},{\[Theta],0,n}]; out=Normal[out]; ...
Very neat! Thanks for sharing! I use the Trace function to get the non-rounded values for sunset/sunrise. Normally it is rounded to the minute (reflecting the precision you can get because of local elevation, elevation around the horizon where the...
You would need to do something like: F[x_?(ArrayQ[#,1|2,IntegerQ])] := Look at pattern testing and ArrayQ
It is probably not defined because the resulting region is a surface rather than a filled body.