User Portlet User Portlet

Sander Huisman
Also the use of For loop is very awkward and can be much simplified for readability: data = ParallelTable[ pf = \[Rho][r]; pf /= Tr[pf]; ef = Chop[Eigenvalues[pf]]; fdiag = 0; fSp = 0; Do[ ...
Very cool! Thanks for sharing. Many of my solutions are similar in nature. I;m still thinking about automating 24 part 2…
hmm strange, but I don't know why it runs much slower to be honest. Despite having a Home Edition license I think you can submit a bug here:
Very cool! Very nice coloring. I had done something similar some time ago. I made a function that can give you all kinds of configuration of points. Have a look at...
The easiest would just be removing the absolutes: yourexpression /. Abs -> Identity
This has been implemented in the function **SignedRankTest** since version 8:
Using Subdivide is convenient: Hue /@ Subdivide[15] Not that subdivide will return 16 items (15 partitions).
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
[@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0] Has this been submitted to the WFR? [at0]: