User Portlet User Portlet

Sander Huisman
Thanks for sharing! Great stuff! and thanks for explaining!
Fantastic! Really fun read!
Very hard to say without having both systems and so on. Likely functionality has been added that would solve the problem in a much more efficient manner using built-in functions. It could even be that some wrappers you used before are now actually...
That is really nice! Thanks for adding!
Rather than writing: V1 = {1, 2, 3} // MatrixForm Write: MatrixForm[V1 = {1, 2, 3}] Such that V1 is not assigned any MatrixForm, but it is displayed when printed.
You can write (a+bi)^(c+di) as exp(log(r)(c+id)+iθ(c+id)), where r and theta are the norm and arg of the a+bi. then write that out in pure complex and real part; the real part give you a simple exp(real) and exp(complex) give you a rotation.
Use SwatchLegend instead? Or adjust the PlotStyle of the plot; the legend will take over these colors/thicknesses/dashing etc.
And in episode 6 I solved some more: - [Digit fifth powers][1] - [Four sides of square][2] - [Permutations with some identical elements][3] - [Prime numbers which contain 123][4] - [Numbers in base 10 palindromic in base 2 4 16][5] -...
Perhaps more efficient is to use a substitution (though for 2x2 it doesn't matter): DistanceMatrix[{{a, b}, {c, d}}, DistanceFunction -> EuclideanDistance] % //. Abs[x_] :> x if you know for sure that a,b,c, and d are real numbers.
Without any code we can’t help, please post your code.