User Portlet User Portlet

Sander Huisman
And in episode 6 I solved some more: - [Digit fifth powers][1] - [Four sides of square][2] - [Permutations with some identical elements][3] - [Prime numbers which contain 123][4] - [Numbers in base 10 palindromic in base 2 4 16][5] -...
Perhaps more efficient is to use a substitution (though for 2x2 it doesn't matter): DistanceMatrix[{{a, b}, {c, d}}, DistanceFunction -> EuclideanDistance] % //. Abs[x_] :> x if you know for sure that a,b,c, and d are real numbers.
Without any code we can’t help, please post your code.
Use AssociateTo update terms of an association.
Perhaps do something like this: ParallelMap[Apply[Total[{#1 + #2, #2*#3, #3/#1}] &], b]
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing! Perhaps this could be implemented in some Wolfram function repository function? Have you thought about this?
You would need to do some tricks and make your own function: ClearAll[UpperTriangularizeNull] UpperTriangularizeNull[m_?MatrixQ] := Module[{mask}, mask = ConstantArray[Null, Dimensions[m]]; mask = LowerTriangularize[mask,...
No. At least not in an easy way. The Mathematica notebook is much more advanced.
I knew it was imminent, but didn't know it was that imminent. Perhaps try ConcaveHullMesh in 13.1? The documentation example works for me fine in 13.1 beta. I didn't have time to get 13.1 final yet…
Great summary. Thanks for creating and sharing. Did you also see my WFR function: which implements the conversion?