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I'm probably missing something, but should it not be: MahalanobisDistance[data_?MatrixQ,u_,v_]:= Sqrt[(u-v).Inverse[Covariance[data]].(u-v)] instead of MahalanobisDistance[data_?MatrixQ,u_,v_]:= Sqrt[u.Inverse[Covariance[data]].v] ...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Richard, I guess you basically have to define your function ``labspace`` in a way to prohibit evaluation of non-numeric arguments. Try: labspace[l_?NumericQ, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ, i_, cs_] := ColorConvert[ColorConvert[LABColor[l, a,...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Wow, that's compact. Thank you for the programming insight. :)
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
If[overwriteBrightBandsPlot, Export[brightBandsPlotPNGfile, LPXH2]; Print["Wrote LPXH2 to ", brightBandsPlotPNGfile]; Print[]; ]; Should work as you think…
Hah! Good catch. I likely misordered them in FrameTicks.
You can use the option `ViewPoint` ChromaticityPlot3D[ "RGB", "RGB", Appearance -> "VisibleSpectrum", PlotLabel -> Column[{"RGB x RGB", "Rotated 180\[Degree] around vertical"}, Center, 0], AspectRatio -> 1, ImageSize ->...
I believe Dr. Gromov is referring to popular historic literature, such as Dantzig's book "Number".