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Expanding on David's first suggestion epilog = MapIndexed[ Text[Style[ToString@First@#2, Black], {Last@partitions[[1]] + 3, #1}] &, partitions[[2]]] VSP = ListPlot[ {cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4}, PlotStyle -> ({#,...
I thought it would be interesting to reveal an outcome from the series found out on this publishing related to the Riemann hypothesis solution.
Hi h r, I'm not sure what you mean by "expression number". Are you trying to recursively define a function "In", so that In[i] depends on In[i-1] ? Or are you trying to define a List "In", so that In[[i]] depends on In[[i-1]] ?...
Not that I know of. Someone from Wolfram may comment on this.
Thank you Daniel, this is an eye-opener on how to use List or other Heads as the function in Outer and mapping operations.
Wow, thank you!
For text cleanup, I found that my old friend Regex was needed to clear punctuation. Also, I found occurrences of prefixed and postfixed adjectives (e.g., colors) in the names so I ended up sorting the words within a name: testCase =...
Here is a linear-time method. The idea is to `Sow` positions where a cleave should occur, then construct the sublists from those positions. cleaveList[ll_List, val_, rlen_] := Module[ {j = 0, k = 0, posns, td, res}, posns = ...
Please use the button (third from left) to provide some example rows of your table and also the operations you are trying to use.
Principle of computational equivalence (discovered by S. Wolfram): [][1] [1]:...