User Portlet User Portlet

Thales Fernandes
Suppose you want to convert a Wolfram Language Neural Network to a Keras one, how should you do it? With a few lines of code you can build a code to convert simple Net elements (others can easily be expanded. Let's start by creating a function...
A quick search on [GitGub][1] shows more than 20k repositories for the query "sudoku". There are many Mathematica packages that attempt to solve a Sudoku. But, many of those approaches don't fully utilize all Mathematica capabilities. In special:...
Yeup. If you try the following piece of code you will get a nice error > *The current computation was aborted because there was insufficient memory available to complete the computation.* Table[i, {i, 10^14}]; So this error handling...
A friend of mine has shown to me this Facebook game, 8 ball pool. I particularly don't like playing games, and this pool game has a prediction-line for the balls (which I find it kind of a cheat, since real life pool there no guides). And I thought...
FindRoots[f[x*2] - 5, {x, -10, 10}, Debug -> True, ImageSize -> 300] // Quiet Just shift the y-axis, it has the same desirable result. $y=y_0$ can be modified to $y-y_0=0$.
`Subsuperscript` only accepts three arguments, hence it is not possible to create tensors components as is done in General Relativity. For this, I created `TensorScript`. Simple usage is as follows: ![enter image description here][1] Where...
> I would only add that there is a difference between "coordinate-free" and "index-free". Perhaps I used interchangeably component-free (or index-free) with coordinate-free... I should have made the distinction more clear. I didn't use other...
As a physicist, I cringe when I see errors with so many significant figures. ![data][1] I usually fit my data and use it as input for another simulation (in another program). I could interpolate the result, but this leads to bad derivatives. I...
> I think they never will: you should see equations as things that are either True, False, or Unevaluated. For the unevaluated case discussed above it makes sense to add '1' to each side, or to square both sides. However, for the True and False case,...
Gif inspired by [beesandbombs][1]. ![A][2] ![B][3] ![C][4] ![D][5] Code: DynamicModule[{\[Sigma] = (2*Pi)/25, r, f, \[Phi], P}, r[t_] := 8 {Cos[3 t], Sin[2 t]}; f[t_, t0_, \[Phi]_] := Exp[-((t - t0)^2/(2 \[Sigma]^2))]...