User Portlet User Portlet

Thales Fernandes
In a previous post of mine [Google Translate Structure][1], I've shown how to a TextStructure-like box. In this post, I'll show how can you create a button that changes dynamically when clicked (I didn't find too many examples of it) to show the...
> I really like this way of annotating text though. With some work, it > might be useful for language learning. That was my main intention, to show how cool can we make this. I just wish there was a less hacky way of doing this. Perhaps with a...
> That depends on who "we" is. Physicist usually call a two-index tensor > a matrix, even if it is a 1 by 1 tensor. I know that many engineering > books just fall back to "row matrices" and "column matrices" for > vectors. As a physicist...
> I've used URLSaveAsynchronous to do similar. Then create a rudimentary dashboard of active jobs with the below. My first go at this "problem" was to use it too. But I needed to download hundreds or even thousands of HTML only to get minimal data...
In a recent code I'm doing I needed to clear the OwnValue of a variable to assign a UpValue to it, thus I needed to clear the OwnValue, and only it, otherwise I would get nonsense. As far as I know, Mathematica doesn't seem to have a function with...
> For me it's just conservation of sand As a physicist myself, I'm ashamed I haven't thought that... Perhaps a better generalization would've be a graph, where a node topple its content to its neighbors if it has more sand than neighbors and...
## 0 Zero ## Don't be mislead and read the following misleading introduction. All caution is advised. Jump straight for **2**. ## 1 Misleading Introduction ## People have been asking themselves for eons things like: > Is my variable **Real**?...