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Is there a missing step in the examples for SocialMediaData?

I would like to create a network graph of my Twitter account. According to the Mathematica 9 documentation, after I have given Mathematica authorized access to my account, I should be able to accomplish this with:
SocialMediaData["Twitter", "FollowerNetwork"]
Instead of a Twitter Follower network graph, I receive the error message:
SocialMediaData::notprop: FollowerNetwork is not a known property for SocialMediaData. Use SocialMediaData["Properties"] for a list of properties. >>
When I run
it yields:
During evaluation of In[12]:= SocialMediaData::notent: Properties is not a known entity, class, or tag for SocialMediaData. Use SocialMediaData[] for a list of entities. >>
I am copying these simple expressions directly from the documentation - I would appreciate any suggestions for a source of error that I am overlooking.

Thank you,
Justin Smith
9 Replies
This should work.

Can you edit your post and include the following information (your outputs may be different):
 In[1]:= Needs["PacletManager`"]
 In[2]:= PacletFind["*Social*"]
 Out[2]= {
  "Name" -> "SocialMediaData", "Version" -> "",
   "MathematicaVersion" -> "9+", "BackwardCompatible" -> "*",
   "Extensions" -> {{
    "Resource", "Root" -> "Data",
     "Resources" -> {"SocialMediaData.wdx"}}},
  "Location" -> "C:\\Users\\arnoudb.WRI\\AppData\\Roaming\\\

In[3]:= SystemInformation["Small"]

Out[3]= {"Kernel" -> {"SystemID" -> "Windows-x86-64",
   "ReleaseID" -> " (4055652, 4055188)",
   "CreationDate" -> {2013, 1, 25, 0, 3, 27}},
"FrontEnd" -> {"OperatingSystem" -> "Windows",
   "ReleaseID" -> " (4055652, 4055634)",
   "CreationDate" -> {2013, 1, 25, 11, 32, 33}}}
POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
Welcome to Wolfram Community, Justin! I read your bio and it is very interesting to see Mathematica used for medical data mining. With relation to this post I'd like to say 3 things.
  • If you are trying to use a real social media account, like Facebook or Tweeter, - did you obtain authentication key from social media site to paste back to Mathematica?
  • I recommend watching this video if you have not yet: Mathematica Experts Live: Social Network Analysis
  • Now about this community guidelines. Have you notice that your posts are being edited and code is placed in special dedicated code-blocks? This is done to preserve proper code formatting and highlighting and help folks who is trying to help you in processing your code. Could you please please always use code-blocks as shown below? Thank you!
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
Thank you Arnoud for your suggestions and comments. Here is the output from my system:
 In[1]:= Needs["PacletManager`"]
 In[2]:= PacletFind["*Social*"]
 "Name" -> "SocialMediaData", "Version" -> "",
 "MathematicaVersion" -> "9+", "BackwardCompatible" -> "*",
 "Extensions" -> {{
"Resource", "Root" -> "Data",
"Resources" -> {"SocialMediaData.wdx"}}},
"Location" -> "/Users/JPS1/Library/Mathematica/Paclets/Repository/\

In[3]:= SystemInformation["Small"]

Out[3]= {"Kernel" -> {"SystemID" -> "MacOSX-x86-64",
"ReleaseID" -> " (4055646, 4055073)",
"CreationDate" -> {2013, 1, 24, 20, 31, 41}},
"FrontEnd" -> {"OperatingSystem" -> "MacOSX",
"ReleaseID" -> " (4055646, 4055633)",
"CreationDate" -> {2013, 1, 25, 11, 29, 54}}}

You may be exceeding the Twitter API rate limit (which is actually very easy to do in the Twitter case):

I just ran into the same issue while looking into your problem and I am getting those API client errors (429).

The errors issued by Mathematica are not helpful (I will report this to the developer).
POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing
Thank you Vitaliy:
1. Yes, I did authorize Mathematica to access my Twitter account.
2. I will watch the recommended video and appreciate the reference which I was not able to find on my review of the learning resources and knowledge base in Mathematica.
3. Oops. While I did read the ground rules for the community, I overlooked the point you raised - I did wonder how everyone else posting preserved the structure and coloration of their code while I consistently failed to do so despite looking for a solution. My apologies for any inconvenience I have caused and thank you for educating me.
Note: Regarding my research interest in big data applications in clinical medicine and epidemiology, I have undertaken to learn Mathematica such that I can set up my own analyses and have direct access to the possibilities that this software affords to improve health care.  Given the maturity and sophistication of Mathematica I am at a loss to explain why so few academic physicians and epidemiologists use it.
Great observation. The API limitation makes sense as a cause for this error. I am running into a similar problem with LinkedIn, too. Given the intrinsic limitation, I don't imagine that there is a reasonable workaround. Does this mean that until the developers address the API limit, Social Network Analysis is hit or miss?
Thank you,
Follow up information:
I received a note from Wolfram Technical Support indicating that the error I was encountering is caused by an error in the underlying Mathematica code and will repaired in the next release. From what I understand, the error does not result from an API limitation.
I wonder if there already is some feedback from Wolfram Technical Support. I'm still getting the exact same error message and Justin's answer regading tch support is more the 4 months old.
Alexander this site is user community. For communications with technical support team please visit their contact page.
POSTED BY: Moderation Team
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