User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
You can make the arrow black by adding a `CalloutStyle -> Black` option to the `Callout`. As for the marker, try addding a `PlotStyle -> {Automatic, Black}` option to the `ListPlot`.
Many hints here:
The problem is not that it is version 4.2 notebook. The problem is an "u" at the very beginning of the file. It opens nicely after you delete it.
This is an alternative: Outer[OperatorApplied[f, {2, 3, 1}][myarg], {a, b}, {x, y}]
I think this works: cclPGAK227Left1 // Map[(Prepend[ OperatorApplied[Composition][First] /@ {Dimensions, Tr, Det}, Length])/*Through] but it is hard ot read
You can add the arrows (or anything else) using the Epilog and Prolog options.
How about this way: test[Select[DateObjectQ[#b] && #b
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
The "Spy Museum" in Washington DC is also a good place to see an Enigma machine:
To make your workflow even faster, instead of saving the screenshots to the desktop, you could save them to the clipboard (use Control-Command-Shift-4 and drag) and then just paste into your Mathematica notebook. This way you don't generate temporary...