User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
I find the ExpressionLineDiff resource function to be very useful:
Was the power cord connected? This can have a large impact.
You can do whatever layout you want and `ExpressionCell` will take care of the conversion. For two buttons you want something like `Row[{Button[],Button[]}]`
Hello Ernesto, Check out the Input/Output table (second row) in this link: In summary, the InputField is probably disabled on purpose for your license . You can...
Here I move a list of 101 strings into a new notebook: CreateDocument[ExpressionCell[RandomWord[101]]] You could also insert into an existing notebook.
Could you provide examples of valid math code that starts with "=" or ">" ? I think that those shortcuts are made under the presumption that you would never start a command with those characters.
If you don't like having too many & and # you can also do this: Thread[{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 4, 9, 16}}] // OperatorApplied[ListPlot][PlotStyle->Black] For more than one option, put them in a list: Thread[{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 4,...
Well, we can extract the graphic primitives from the ListPlot output, even though it feels a bit hackish: Graphics[ Join[({Black, Circle[{#, 0}, {0.1, 0.4}]} & /@ centers), {{Red, Inset["|", {75, 0}]}}], ImageSize ->...
This also works: Button["Click Here", Print[ Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 6 Pi*RandomReal[{1, 10}]}] ] ]
Not exactly what you are asking, but Word can export to the RFT format, and Mathematica can import that.