User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
Importing the data into Mathematica 10 or 12 should be no problem if it has a consistent format. The question is what do you plan to do with it after you import it.
Take a look at [SymbolDependencyGraph][1]. This is one of my favorite resource functions. [1]:
Wolfram Workbench includes a [nice feature][1] for linking to notebooks: ![enter image description here][2] I have noticed that Mathematica's built-in package editor has been getting better and was wondering if these hyperlink are supported. If...
There is something wrong with the code. Probably an encoding issue when pasting it. I see a question mark as a variable name.
It looks like Arnoud Buzing has been making a list of them:
Linear system of equations? Maybe expressing it in matrix form could help. A 21x21 matrix certainly fits even in a small monitor.
Everything inside the `Manipulate` gets re-evaluated on every update, but a large part of what you have there is constant, like the `vector` constant, the `plot[1]`, ... `plot[8]`. My advice is to move out of the `Manipulate` body as much as...
A long time ago, out of the blue, my father purchased me a copy of Mathematica 2.2 for students during a Mac World Expo in Boston. I never asked for it, he just purchased it for me and I had not idea of what to do with it. At the time I preferred to...
Here is another way: mainList /. {n_Integer?(CurryApplied[2][MemberQ][listRed]) :> Style[n, Red], n_Integer?(CurryApplied[2][MemberQ][listBlue]) :> Style[n, Blue]}
This is how I do it. First define this function to that you can apply or insert a color with a single button: colorPasteButton = Button[" ", ib := InputNotebook[]; If[NotebookRead[ib] === {}, Paste[ib, #], ...