User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
Not sure if this will help, but you mentioned "the database I'm querying is remote". In case the bandwidth of your connection is the bottleneck, it might be possible to activate compression so that the connection may work faster. When creating ssh...
Hello Yvan, I think the issue is that you need to store the result of the import into a variable that is shown somewhere else and wrapped inside a Dynamic[]. For example: DynamicModule[{result = "please load file"}, {Dynamic[result], ...
How about this: data = {90, 89, 88, 87, 86, 86, 85, 84, 84, 83, 82, 81, 81, 80, 80, 79, 78, 78}; Show[ Plot[{91 - n + Floor[(n - 1)/4]}, {n, 1, 10}], ListPlot[data]] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Are you saving to a network drive or a local drive? I have noticed corrupt notebooks are very rare when saving to a local drive (at least under Windows). By the way, take a look at ...
I opened the file in a text editor and found that your file has commas, not semi colons.
I just received my new MacBook Air M1 (16GB of RAM) to replace my old 2011 MacBook Air. I just installed Mathematica 12.2 and this is the result: Machine Name: macbook-air System: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) Date: December 17, 2020 ...
I have something like this: styles = Get @ FileNameJoin @ {$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets", "YourCustomStyleSheet.nb"};
I have a question about `JoinAcross`. In this case the left association is returned unchanged: JoinAcross[{ 1, b -> X|>}, { 2|>}, Key[a], "Left"] (* { 1, b -> X|>} *) The result is expected. Notice that the "Left" is documented as...
You may find this demonstration useful: [Mechanical Involute Gears][1]. [1]:
Try adding the SaveDefinitions->True option to the Manipulate. BTW, please don't put you code in hidden cells when asking here.