User Portlet User Portlet

Marco Thiel
Hi Everyone, there is an updated version the functions and additional functionality available via my newer posts such as [Google's Gemini - API access from the Wolfram Language][1] and [Mistral AI via the API in the Wolfram Language][2] ...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
I tried something different. I gave the problem to GPT and asked it to optimise the code. The first time around it gave code that didn't work. The next time the code did appear to do what it is supposed to do. On my computer at least the optimised...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Dear Marco, you do not need Wolfram Alpha Pro for that, but you will need to make sure that you choose gpt-4. ![enter image description here][1] Once you have activated get-4 (step 1), you need to choose the Wolfram plugin (when it's...
This does solve the problem for me: LLMSynthesize["A mountain climber is on a mountain whose shape is given by the graph of the function f(x,y)=10-2x^2-y^2 at point P=(1,2,4). Find a track gamma(t) contained in the function that ...
Hi there, something like this? f = Interpolation[points, InterpolationOrder -> 0] Plot[f[x], {x, Min[points[[All, 1]]], Max[points[[All, 1]]]}] ![enter image description here][1] Cheers, Marco [1]:...
Hi there, this might be some definitions that could help: x_\[CirclePlus]y_ := Max[x, y] x_\[CircleTimes]y_ := x + y mplus[x_, y_] := MapThread[Max, {x, y}] mtimes[x_, y_] := Inner[Plus, x, y, Max] scalarplus[x_, y_] :=...
Dear Jonnny D, A typical piece of code to generate a time series of a Wiener Process looks like this: RandomFunction[WienerProcess[.3, .5], {0, 1, 0.01}] The outer function is RandomFunction. It takes the process as first argument. The...
Hi, I am not sure if this is what you want to achieve. But one thing could be that you take the matrix mata = {{6/10, a}, {2/3, 0}} and calculate its eigenvalues eigenvals = Eigenvalues[mata] you want the dominant eigenvalue...