User Portlet User Portlet

Attached is suggestions for improving your SecondFundamentalTheorem notebook. As indicated, corrections and suggestions are in pink- and blue-background cells.&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:...
Is the "tool" you refer to *Mathematica* or some other Wolfram product? If so, I recommend that you watch the video"Hand-on Start to Mathematica" ( ). What specifically are you trying to do with...
David Park's *Presentations* add-on applications provides a function to do this:
Those 2D input shortcuts work perfectly with Mathematica 12.1 on my iMac under macOS Catalina (10.15.3).
You could get around this by: sgn[x_] := Piecewise[{{-1, x 0}}] sgn'[x] (* Piecewise[{{0, x 0}}, Indeterminate] *) D[sgn[x], x] (* iecewise[{{0, x 0}}, Indeterminate] *) I'm showing the...
(Cross posted from Somewhere I obtained definitions of functions `SetBuilder`, `Mapping`, and `Math`, which produce traditional math expressions as...
Yes, that `StringSplit` with a `RegularExpression` expression does precisely what I need. (Even if it leaves prepositions and conjunctions upper-cased, contrary to usual rules for titles.) Thank you! (One of these days I'll once again try to learn...
Note that including `Evaluate` in the `Plot` expression cuts the time roughly in half (on my system, from around 0.293 sec to around 0.017 sec). This should hardly matter — except, say, if you were going to be changing the function or the...
And, as I suggested before, give each function as an additional argument the dataset. For example, using the `files` and `datasets` given in Neil's reply: files = FileNames["~/Downloads/Moto_data/*.txt"] (* change as needed *) datasets...
Yes, I've read the ASA statement. But I didn't ask about related documents on the top, but rather specifically about predecessor documents from the blog post's author, since the post seems to begin "mid-stream".