User Portlet User Portlet

What David Park writes is totally sensible: the built-in Mathematica syntax for graphics has definite limitations, especially for the newbie (and sometimes for the expert, too). As to his example with the disappearing `Tex`t given in the `Epilog`...
The missing corners on the left-hand plot are a not uncommon phenomenon when one is trying to use equalities for regions. I'm sure this has popped up before on Wolfram Community or but at the moment am not finding it. ...
One point I was making is that Mathematica ought to have a built-in function, what I named `ComplexParametricPlot`, that uses a complex-valued function of a real variable as argument — without the user having to explicitly break the complex...
Another possibility for clearing out definitions is to use the old package `CleanSlate` by Todd Gayley. See:
The cited CRC Press book, alas, has an astronomical price, even for the paperback edition.
I do not disagree with the result, but rather meant to suggest that some kind of rigorous justification is really needed for such things, as in the math.stackexchange reference I cited.
Some obstacles (Mathematica 12.1 on macOS Catalina): - With current versions OpenJDK, there is no jre! - I cannot get rJava to install; ends up with a compile error.
Is Mathematica 12.2 available yet for download? I haven't got notice yet and haven't seen it show up on my user portal. (My experience is that new releases of Mathematica are rolled out to users over some days to balance server load, so just...
What exactly is the step `JLink`UninstallJava[ ]` of Szabolcs method doing — and why?
One of the questions on (the version I got) of this quiz is defective: Problem 7: Which of the following facts about the functions x^2 in the interval [-2,2] follows from the mean value theorem? ***None*** of the proffered answers is correct!...