User Portlet User Portlet

Chad Knutson
A simple option is to wrap the entire Show[...] expression with Dynamic.
The ImageSize option in Plot should solve this. The simple option values are Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, but you can also specify a specific size using numbers (see the ref page for ImageSize). Here is an example using the simple input: ...
Yes, URLExecute does work for "POST" requests. As an example, try using it with a deployed FormFunction: In[5]:= co = CloudDeploy[FormFunction["x" -> "Number", #x &]] Out[5]=...
There are ways to do what you like. However, because of the way data is stored at the DataDrop, the speed of the query doesn't really increase if you select a single "group" as opposed to the whole group. The simplest example is to just wrap...
Since there are only 3 "ordinates" with 3 choices each, there are only 6 possible permutations for each variable (v1 and v2). So how about a different type of form that doesn't require any checks on the selected values? Something like below. Note...
Developers are aware of this and will hopefully have a solution soon.
I'd suggest talking directly to Tech support at Wolfram so that they can try to exactly match (or come close to it) your configuration.
Are you still seeing this problem today? I think that there were some recent issues with the cloud servers. I tried the following, and it worked just fine with my accounts (note that I deleted the apifunction, so it's url won't work): ...
Try something like this: Image2 = Show[g2In, g2IIn, go, go1, Graphics[{Inset[Import["C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\New folder (3)\\SAM_4058.JPG"], {1, 1}]}], AxesLabel -> {"x", "y"}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotRange -> {{-1.2, 1.2},...
Could you show the result for this evaluation? Options[CloudObject["out.dat"]]