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A simple option is to wrap the entire Show[...] expression with Dynamic. |
The ImageSize option in Plot should solve this. The simple option values are Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, but you can also specify a specific size using numbers (see the ref page for ImageSize). Here is an example using the simple input: ... |
Yes, URLExecute does work for "POST" requests. As an example, try using it with a deployed FormFunction: In[5]:= co = CloudDeploy[FormFunction["x" -> "Number", #x &]] Out[5]=... |
There are ways to do what you like. However, because of the way data is stored at the DataDrop, the speed of the query doesn't really increase if you select a single "group" as opposed to the whole group. The simplest example is to just wrap... |
Since there are only 3 "ordinates" with 3 choices each, there are only 6 possible permutations for each variable (v1 and v2). So how about a different type of form that doesn't require any checks on the selected values? Something like below. Note... |
Developers are aware of this and will hopefully have a solution soon. |
I'd suggest talking directly to Tech support at Wolfram so that they can try to exactly match (or come close to it) your configuration. |
Are you still seeing this problem today? I think that there were some recent issues with the cloud servers. I tried the following, and it worked just fine with my accounts (note that I deleted the apifunction, so it's url won't work): ... |
Try something like this: Image2 = Show[g2In, g2IIn, go, go1, Graphics[{Inset[Import["C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\New folder (3)\\SAM_4058.JPG"], {1, 1}]}], AxesLabel -> {"x", "y"}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotRange -> {{-1.2, 1.2},... |
Could you show the result for this evaluation? Options[CloudObject["out.dat"]] |