User Portlet User Portlet

Chad Knutson
I'm very glad that method for googledocs worked for you, Pieter. As you have learned, the VisualBasic option is not directly useable by Excel. I think that an EmbedCode option for Excel is being planned, but I have no idea when it would be...
There are a couple of problems I see (note that I'm not looking at your input carefully): 1. Model3 is a function of 2 variables. When calling our fitting function, you give it 3 variables. One of these is wrong. Model3[ka_?NumericQ,...
Ah, I see. Instead of nbexpr= Notebook[...], I was doing nbexp = Notebooks[][[3]], which was the *existing* notebook I wanted to deploy. That works as you expect. I'm not an expert in front end functions, so I'll ask about why the method you...
All unnamed cloud objects can be deleted from a notebook (I assume that you want to do this from your desktop) easily: DeleteFile[CloudObjects[None]] I do this periodically, and this reminds me that I should save "important" cloud objects as...
Set the ExportForm to something that the browser can display. The default is "WL" (wolfram language), which the browser cannot interpret. You can use an image format instead, like PNG, JPEG, etc. Below, I use "PNG" ...
I looked at this more last week. I suspect that NDSolve rather than parallel tools is the source of the problem (your ode results in something quite close to a step function. Quite challenging to solve!). I tried several different implementations...
I'm not sure about basic/free user features. Assuming the Export evaluation worked, the gif should be in your home directory ($HomeDirectory, or Directory[]). You can look for the file using the tabs on the right side of the screen (Home button,...
One more thing, Mathematica has a built in function called FourierDCTFilter. If you'd rather use your own implementation (you seem to want 8*8 matrices rather than the 16*16 matrices used there), the documentation page provides some guidance about...
David, yes, I use Unprotect and Protect out of habit. The kernel should not have any user definitions when the APIFunction is evaluated.
Raul, thanks for noticing. This is a bug which should be fixed soon. In the meantime, you can use an alternate form of SendMail: co2 = CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{{"char", "enter some text"} -> "String"}, SendMail["To" ->...