User Portlet User Portlet

Chad Knutson
If I understand your new question correctly, the issue is when the FormLayoutFunction is defined. I have assumed that it must be defined (evaluated) when the FormFunction is deployed to the cloud. But I don't know for sure. I have asked the...
My apologies. I didn't read the documentation carefully enough. Note that it says that forms are pure functions that are applied to an association of previous input. So just define the subsequent forms explicitly as pure functions. Here are...
Our documentation for webM installation for Linux can be found [her][1]e: Here are some things that I've found to be quite useful: 1. give the tomcat user a shell. That way, you can log in to your machine as that user and test things out...
Animations like this have not been implemented yet. Another simple example to try (the result in the cloud is just a Manipulate) CloudDeploy[Animate[Plot[Sinc[a x], {x, -10, 10}, PlotRange -> 2], {a, 1, 5}, AnimationRunning -> True]]
I'm not certain about this, but I suspect that lock files are used to ensure that the same file cannot be modified simultaneously in two different places (different browsers or by multiple users for shared files).
FormLayoutFunction will do some of the things you want. For example, here I set the input labels to be White. f = FormFunction[{"name" -> "String", "question" -> "TextArea"}, Grid[{{"your name is"}, {#name}, {"your question is"},...
The URLExecute is returning a login page, as expected. To return a result, you have to provide credentials. The simplest way to do this is to wrap CloudObject around the url when you are connected to the cloud ($CloudConnected is True). ...
The current behavior is as designed. It should be implemented soon.
Your first link works fine for me. I get a "this file is locked" message at the bottom of the screen (odd, but not a critical issue).
ColorQuantize should do what you're suggesting. Here is an example that you can try: im = LinearGradientImage[{Red, Blue}]; ColorQuantize[im, 4] where I have specified that 4 colors should be displayed. See the doc page for...