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Welcome to Wolfram Community! - Read this first

Posted 13 years ago
Hello and welcome to Wolfram Community! This is the official networking portal for the users of Wolfram technologies, a virtual home to our global family. Here you can connect, interact, share ideas, and ask questions. Start from the following: 
This is our “introduce yourself” thread where you can say a few things about yourself by simply replying to this post. As soon as you do, the thread will bubble up to the top of our front page and everyone will know that you have joined and have a chance to read about you. To give you an example, I will introduce myself.

I am a member of the Technical Communication and Strategy group at Wolfram Research. I get to play with almost every tidbit of the technologies we develop, build exemplary usage cases, and showcase them to the world through our sites and events. I publish at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, write for the Wolfram Blog, and am a faculty member at the Wolfram Science Summer School. Among these and other things, I oversee management and moderation of Wolfram Community.

Now it is your turn!

Please note this thread is long (so many new members!) and the reply box is at the bottom. Now, please, tell us who you are!
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
177 Replies

hi. my name is Herman.

I work in the field of design and manufacture of industrial machinery.

Visit my blog at to see my machine design. thanks.

POSTED BY: Ujang Hermanuloh
Posted 10 years ago

Hello name is Roger

first development as a scientific programmer writing Fortran in 1974 at USAF Dayton, OH

lotsa languages, lotsa debugging, lotsa design and analysis

my day job is as a consultant in Microsoft technologies SharePoint, .Net, C# and ASP.Net.

I can be described as a dilettante interested in math, graphics, software engineering, education, data modelling and computability ( <<--- the Wolfram dream)

used Mma since V5 or so (had a professional license)

attended Tech Conference in 2008

attended Mma programming class before the conference w/Roman Maeder

created some Mma educational videos in 2010 w/David Park (

obtained Home license this past month

interested in W|a, WDF, WL and WCloud (sic)

experimenting with 3D printing

planning some publishing approaches

planning some work for "opportunity-deprived" people

POSTED BY: Aeyoss Antelope
Posted 10 years ago

I just joined and am technically inclined but have a real software disability. I have just spent a couple of hours in extreme aggravation. I would just like to plot a curve and I get millions of pages of instructions and details of my options but nowhere I can find does it tell me how to get to a page where I can actually get it to do something. I go to the help line and they just ask ME questions and make me wwait, then tell me to send an email somewhere else. I understand the plot function how do I get to a place where I can actually do it?

POSTED BY: William Cooley
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Rodrigo Sambade

Hi, I am Martin. I am a health economist in the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. These days I mostly work on data and I use R and Stata. I have previously worked on economic theory and for that, at various times, I used Mathematica -- the last time about 15 years ago(!) . I am getting back into some theoretical work now, studying optimal incentive contracts and so picking Mathematica back up. I am very rusty with it. I very much appreciate the structure of Mathematica .... everything is an 'Expression' .... very neat and very unified. I know a bit more maths now than I did 15 years ago (I did an Open University maths degree in my spare time) and so like understanding a bit more of what is under the skin of this program. Wish I had had access to it whilst doing an introduction to Group Theory; I could have more successfully cheated on the assignments!

POSTED BY: Martin Chalkley
Posted 10 years ago

Welcome, Martin. I have used Mathematica on and off over the last 10 years. But in the past year, almost every day! Also a fan of group theory and a big fan of optimization problems. Do post questions if you need a hand spinning back up on Mathematica.

POSTED BY: Caitlin Ramsey


I have used Mma since about 1998 when I found it as part of my computer science studies at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. It first became my main, and later, as a became lazier, my only tool for computation-related problem solving. I have worked mainly in the social sciences and humanities in Sweden, with various kinds of more or less complicated data analysis and visualization.

For some years I worked as a "product expert" for the Swedish resellers of Mma, with information, courses and some development. I have also tried to introduce Mma in Swedish secondary education, with very little success.

Since January I work in an area called "digital humanities" and I am curious to see how Mathematica will measure up to the many other programming languages and tools in use there. It seems to me that Mma should do quite well, with its functionality for manipulation of strings and lists, not the least in combination with interactivity.

I have a specific question too, if perhaps someone reading this is an expert programmer. :) An interesting idea in digital humanities (DH) is to search large sets of text for common subsequences of words. Each text can consist of say 100 000 words, and the set can contain, say, 1000 texts. The problem is similar to that of sequence alignment in genomics, but also somewhat different. As a test I have used SequenceAlignment function on smaller texts, but it is not clear to me if it is possible to adjust its functionality for the "real" task. Help.

Kind Regards, Sverker Lundin

POSTED BY: Sverker Lundin

Hi I am Amy from Quebec. I am a dedicated person with a family of four. I enjoy reading, and the knowledge and perspective that my reading gives me has strengthened my teaching skills and presentation abilities. I have been successful at raising a family, and I attribute this success to my ability to plan, schedule, and handle many different tasks at once. This flexibility will help me in the classroom, where there are many different personalities and learning styles.

POSTED BY: Amy Brown
Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Thai Kee Gan

Hi everyone! I'm Ankit Sharma - a wireless communication engineer by profession. Have work exp. of about 5 years in product development related to wireless communication and signal processing before I started with post-grad research at IIT-Madras in the same field.

I use Mathematica quite a lot, for evaluation of system parameters in a wireless network, for instance, coverage probability and average rates have complex integral forms which could be evaluated through Mathematica (and sometimes even not!).

POSTED BY: Ankit Sharma

My training was in pure mathematics and I specialised in logic: recursive function theory and proof theory. I studied and taught the foundations of computing for 14 years at Edinburgh and Sheffield Universities. At the Open University I taught Mathematical Methods and Models for many years and now teach Pure Mathematics (M208). I am developing a permaculture project on 11.5 acres of land in Devon. My latest job is teaching A level Mathematics to students at South Devon College. It is challenging, stimulating and good fun too; there's a great A level team here.

I'm a Wolfram trainer in the process of certification (having passed the various hurdles, I believe) and an external Wolfram consultant via my new company Fairflow Systems Design. My latest job involved developing software to teach 2nd year Portsmouth University undergraduates basic concepts of graph theory (MST algorithms, max flow/min cut algorithms).

Specialties: Horticulture; Permaculture; Mathematics; Formal specification; programming in F#, Mathematica, Haskell and ML; software testing; teaching and training; publishing; ebooks.

Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 10 years ago

Hello I am a new student at a university in Houston and having to learn my Algebra and Pre-cal. late in life. But in this process of taking my math more serious now than when I was in high school, I find that I am slow to learn the topics. With a little help from time to time I hope to learn enough to move forward in my college venture.


POSTED BY: Daniel Salinas

Hey Patrick, wow impressive experience! Glad to have you on the forums, you seem like a great resource!


POSTED BY: Joaquin Roibal

Professor Emeritus Computer Science. Developer since 1961. Machine Learning and Remote Sensing. Big datas applications using various data warehouses. Still developing using c++, c, Swift, Adobe Creative Cloud and many other languages and machines. Was former Professor & Chair at U.S. Naval Academy, adjunct at The Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering Graduate program. Project Manager Naval Research Lab, AI Center.

POSTED BY: Patrick Harrison

Welcome Patrick. We share several things with out past work. I started working with FORTRAN in 69. I too have taught Mechanical Engineering to many officers from the Millington TN Navy base back in the 80s. I also did work on AI, and then ANN. By any chance have you worked with biological based neurons? I am writing a text book on the subject and would love to have some one to toss ideas out too.

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel

I cut my teeth on unoptimized fortran + my own collection of assembler routines. I studied CS at JHU rather than mechE. Call it CS and CE. It used to be one Depart now separate. I taught most of my JHU graduate courses at the JHU Applied Physics Lab. Also taught CS & Intro to Systems Engineering at USNA. We used to model differential equations using the old GP6 analog computer. Plug in the wires to model first, second and third order systems. No work with biological based neurons. Did my research work at NRL AI center under ONR and DARPA money. Most of my work was in remote sensing and asynchronous sensor fusion. I used connectionist networks to model and control devices. Yes I have used c and c++ extensively. Now, however, I am using Swift which has many of the qualities of c++ that I like.

POSTED BY: Patrick Harrison

Hello my name is Joaquin and I am a Graduate Student in Mining Engineering at the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology in Socorro, NM. I am interested in Mathematica due to the possibilites of programming and the applicability of geotechnical engineering. I previously learned MATLAB through a college course, but also C++ and others in high school programming class. I am looking forward to learning more about Mathematica!


POSTED BY: Joaquin Roibal

Hey everyone,

I am currently a full-time student studying for a MPhys degree at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. I have been programming for many years now, mainly in C++, but with a bit of VB and Java thrown in, and enjoy the flexibility and level of high-level tools that Mathematica offers.

My primary use for Mathematica is as a visualization tool, but I also regularly use the algebraic simplification features and the DE solver as well.

I sometimes write about using Mathematica on my blog, along with various other numerical method and C++ stuff, so please check it out if you are interested.

POSTED BY: Thomas Russell

Well, I am a student currently taking Engineering Physics))

POSTED BY: Altin Guberi

Hi there, Francesco from Italy here. 25 years old developer and student. Actually I'm working on a little PHP Wrapper Project for Wolfram|Alpha APIs that you can find here.


Hi , I am Charles Guderjahn a retired Physicist and a student of Mathematica for about ten years. I have found a way to factor large numbers quickly.

POSTED BY: Richard Rankin
POSTED BY: Richard Rankin

Hello, I am siddhant yadav working as a junior engineer at techM in india and i also have a website about clash of clans hack

POSTED BY: siddhant yadav
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, my name is Xavier Roudaut, I am an engineer and I try to work a lot on this amazing tool.

POSTED BY: Xavier Roudaut
Posted 10 years ago

Hi folks. I have joined Mathematica as it is on the Rasperry pi. I know nothing but I am an expert on everything!!

I was fortunate to leave High School in 1974 and that Calculators started being affordable as I started College on day release - the removal of the need to use Log Tables explained how I enjoyed Physics but hated Maths.

I have been a Toolmaker, Royal Navy Officer and Distiller.

POSTED BY: Mike Haldane

Hi Everyone, I am Suvadip from India. I am a student of basic science and currently studying in IISER Kolkata. I use Mathematica 10 and I like Mathematica. I joined to Wolfram Community about 40 minutes ago.

POSTED BY: suvadip mandal
Posted 10 years ago

Hi. Just testing whether I can post, and introducing myself.

POSTED BY: Caitlin Ramsey

Hi, I am having a problem with putting in equations for solving. I have no idea how to put in an exponent. I am not good at computers or maths so I have a double whammy. Can anyone explain how to put in the exponent? Please. Thanks

Posted 10 years ago

Hi for exponents you can use the "^" as in 3 ^2 which would return 9

POSTED BY: Mark Henwood
Posted 10 years ago

I am a fan of different programming paradigm, especially functional and logic programming. I admire the Mathematica programming language a lot. So I am here :).

POSTED BY: Yushi Wang

Hello, I'm studying @ University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka... I'm following the engineering degree.

POSTED BY: suranga lakmal
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I'm Igor Timofeev, an educator from Moscow, using Mathematica 10 for self-study.

POSTED BY: Igor Timofeev
Posted 10 years ago

Hello, my name is Arif, and I am new in the Wolfram Alpha.

POSTED BY: Arif Avdiu

Yesterday (11/8/2014) I spent a fair amount of time preparing a submission, but when I hit the "Publish" button my submission evaporated and the message "Message Boards is temporarily unavailable" appeared. What is going on??

POSTED BY: David Vasholz
Posted 10 years ago


I am a semiretired computer programmer. I used Mathematica v.2 and v.3 on Mac back when I was a structural engineering professor, and am now using v. 10, also on Mac. I have interest in many areas of math and physics and Mathematica eliminates most of computational drudgery of exploring topics.

POSTED BY: dave salmon
Posted 10 years ago

My Name is Eric Spahr

I have been a Mathematica User since 1989 when I purchased a NeXT (release 0.9) and got Mathematica 1. I was a derivatives trader at the time and used Mathematica to create functions for my business.

Several years have gone by and I now am using Mathematica 10, unfortunately on a Microsoft computer. I am now employed by Basel Solutions, Inc which a consulting company for US banks' regulatory requirements. I am now using Mathematica to model for the CCAR Annual Stress Tests. The supervisors: FRB (Federal Reserve Board), FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), and OCC (Office of the Controller of the Currency) released "2015 Supervisory Scenarios for Annual Stress Tests" with the scenario parameters for each: :2015 Macro Scenario Tables (Excel)".

I am now building models for the scenarios: I estimate some 900 + models. But I think many will be duplicates.

POSTED BY: Eric Spahr

Hi Eric, Your project sounds very interesting. If you have not all ready, you might investigate Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your project. FINRA moved all of its regulation analysis to the Amazon cloud so AWS has FINRA certification for security. Also, AWS offers a virtual desktop for sharing and storage. It's called Zocalo and should run Mathematica 10 which might give you more computer platform options.

POSTED BY: Jay Morreale
Posted 10 years ago

Hi all, my name is Filippo. I'm an italian Electronic Engineer and I'm studying for my master degree at Calabria University. I need to use Wolfram Mathematica for academic purpose. I hope to find useful advices and examples which could help me to approach Mathematica.

Regards Filippo


Hi all. I'm Piero and I'm graduated in Physic with max votes at Università Statale di Milano (Italy) 30 years ago ... but in my professional carrier I never worked as physicist. I worked in R&D Telecommunications , Software development and management in the Banking and Insurance markets, managing director in many technology service companies and so on. Now I'm a consultant in several italian technological start-ups. I decided to reserve some time to have fun with Mathematica (Mathematica 10 Home edition) deepening my knowledge and interest in Astronomical systems simulation and Physic-Mathematic analysis and simulation of general complex systems. Greetings. Piero

POSTED BY: Piero Di Stefano
Posted 10 years ago


My name is Joris Verrips, I make speaking software for the handicapped and do research in that area. Videos are on my website

I use Mathematica to make sense of the data from research, mostly Plot but also BarChart, FindFit, Location and related functions. Some days I try my hand at recreational programming, and I have attended a few courses at CAN, the Netherlands. This helped to understand how Mathematica operates internally and how the Evaluate and lambda functions fit in. It was very useful to me personally and was even necessary to see Mathematica is not as unpredictable as it seemed at first.

Very slowly I proceed to understand the Symbolic programming paradigm and I start to really like it. Took me a long while because I do not like details and tend to read and forget the manual. Also took me a while to accept how much the Plot command can do.

I would like to integrate my speaking software with Wolfram technologies, especially semantics, hope to meet some people with similar interests and even consider if I should not port all my speaking software, to distribute at low cost and get more feedback.

Also I wonder if and how Mathematica and related matters should be taught. It contradicts accepted wisdom like languages should be small, universal programming languages are impossible, and must be impossibly complex too. Also it uses Math for notation, amazingly, it is not fully object oriented and mixes high-level design with low-level details and extremely pluriform syntax. But it is much fun and it is very fascinating as well and rather helpful in my research and might well be better suited to math-inclined highschool students than the TI 82.

In the Appendix I have included an example of my recreational programming that aimed to reproduce some wall paper that I saw long ago and to write well documented code too. Not something I do every day, alas.

POSTED BY: joris verrips
Posted 10 years ago

Hi, I am a PhD in Mathematics in University of Minnesota, and now working in a company as senior researcher and data analyst. I am quite interested in Wolfram Alpha,and want to make a contribution to it.

Posted 10 years ago

My background is Naval Electronics technician, mostly communications, software engineering BSCS, have done software development and network administration and an interest in Mathematics.![enter image description here][1]

POSTED BY: Mark Henwood

Hola Omar, greetings from a former "rolo"! I spend my time as a bachiller at the german school in Bogotá! Allow me to tell you as somebody, who now retired due to health problems is updating his mathematical skills to be able to use the technique of design by modeling for his hobby building a sailboat. I have analyzed in some level of detail competing products and have decided to embarque in using Mathematica and System Modeller, because Wolfram offers the opportunity to acquire a license for none commercial use at a reasonable price. For the other tools I would have to sign in at a german university and would only be able to use their product while being at the university.

Mathematica, specially now in release 10.0, is a powerful tool for symbolical and for numerical mathematics and to combine it by connecting it to external hardware! System Modeller and the programming language Modelica represent a powerful toolset to combine mathematics and experiments. As it is 35 years ago that I left the university my mathematical skills have eroded and also mathematics has advanced a lot. So I have embraced to charter to make my bachelor in mathematics. Mathematica is a powerful and very adequate instrument to apply the mathematics I am studying following the courses offered from the MIT for free via "OpenCourseWare" to apply that to address the mathematics to deal with problems I do formulate myself. I am also still looking for a good source to study "Modelica" to create an adequate model of a stepper motor and its controls in such a way that it reflects the functionality offered to control a stepper motor using devices from a company called "Trinamic". So bottom line: mathematica from Wolfram is a great tool and its language probably the most advanced and sophisticated for symbolical mathematics. For simulations there are more advanced tools from the 2 competitor, but together with Modelica and the improvements system Modeller will have in the next years I have decided to go with this tool!

hi thank you, my name is omar from colombia i'm studying industrial engeeniering and im very interested in sciences computating technologies for the applied in my carreer, i would like to know if somehow wolfram lenguage can help me to create logical interpretations from a given information.

POSTED BY: omar hernandez
Anonymous User
Anonymous User
Posted 10 years ago

Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. This is a test of my access to the Wolfram Community Message Board.

POSTED BY: Anonymous User

That's not nice Dave.



Thank you for taking the time to point out the hole in our security. Only humans are allowed to post on the Wolfram Community.

Moderation Team



I am a longtime Mathematica user and readily acknowledge Mathematica's role in positively shaping my career. Thank you, people.

I am fortunate in having known individuals with varied interests who in turn encouraged me to develop varied interests, astronomy to zoology. I have spent more than a decade or two accumulating expertise in scientific programming, algorithm development and teaching. Although frequently called upon to work on complex algorithms, I believe in the value of keeping it basic, and the universal customer need for intuitiveness and simplicity in a product.

See for examples of completed projects. The graphics in the tutorial A Gentle Introduction to Backpropagation were created using Mathematica.

I am happy to be part of this forum and would love to hear from you.

Posted 10 years ago

my name is Hossein Haghi im bachelor physics student in Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran/Iran im working on a research which includes a lot of numerical calculations needing computational calculations. i started with matlab to solve my equations but it is unable to solve some so now im gonna try Mathematica and obviously im new and and i have a lot to learn about it, the first difference with matlab which i loved is its beautiful environment helping one to have almost no typing mistakes and its beautiful and user friendly plotting interface ! loved it !

POSTED BY: Hossein Haghi

My name is David Mackay. I graduated from Manchester University (UK) in 1978 with a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry. Having recently retired from a technical/engineering career that lasted since graduation, I am trying to teach myself sufficient modern mathematics and physics to properly understand the learnings from experiments such as the LHC. I am fresh to Mathematica but already I can see that it makes all my hours of writing Fortran code for my Thesis work seem a real waste of time!!

POSTED BY: David Mackay

Hi, I am Hellmut and I am refreshing and developing my math knowledge to be able to design, model, simulate and will be using Matlab and Simulink to optimize a sail control system I am developing as part of my activities as a hobby model boat builder. The boat I am developing is the red line along which I keep my grey cells active and the objective of modeling my concept for a sheet control system using a stepper requires to refresh and update my 35 years old math knowledge. With this goal i am studying in self study, using the free courses available from MIT at OpenCourseware and a few german universities to learn all courses that make up the math bachelor degree at the technical university of Munich. Once this goal has been achieved y will join that university to get the degree, just for fun. mathematica will enable me to "play" wit the math I am learning to deepen my understanding and practising to apply it! I will acquire the SystemModeler additionally to model my concept of the sheet control system I have in mind and simulate it to capture critical parameters and to optimize the parameters for best energy efficiency and to better understand the impact of design decisions! I hope God will give me enough time to follow those goals for the many years that hopefully are ahead of me!

POSTED BY: Henrick Jeanty
POSTED BY: honglong chen
Posted 11 years ago

Hello, I am Basheer Algohi a PhD in Civil Engineering. I am currently working on variety of research projects as well as teaching some courses and in all I am mostly using the program Mathematica. I started to look at the core language of Mathematica early 2014 and I found Mathematica very promising and very efficient tools for doing any kind of work. I like this program and I hope to get as much training as I can in this program and also to learn other features and tools of Wolfram products. my personal pages are here and here.

With Mathematica to the end :)

POSTED BY: Basheer Algohi

Hello everyone, I am currently a computer science and Pre-Engineering student at my small community college, but I will transfer and study Electrical Engineering soon. I also attended the Wolfram Science Summer School 2014, where I worked on developing drivers to control Arduino from Mathematica 10. I have posted some of my project here, and I was recently hired by Wolfram to continue the project. I look forward to doing more posts about electrical engineering and connected devices soon.

POSTED BY: Ian Johnson

Hello to all in the community,

I have been working with Mathematica since 2004. I use Mathematica daily to prepare class notes, often with dynamic content. I also use it for my study of the algebraic geometry related to elliptic curves. I am currently on a steep learning curve for constructing user interfaces with Mathematica 10. This forum and also the Mathematica Stack Exchange are proving most helpful.

You can find biographic information on LinkedIn.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi to all ! My name is Nuno Jorge, I am a Psychologist.

Kind regards for the wonder of Wolfram ;)

POSTED BY: jica raca


I'm Venkat, a data scientist at ThoughtWorks, Bangalore. Have been playing around with Mathematica officially and unofficially for the last 8 years. Excited to be exploring Mathematica 10 now.

Posted 11 years ago

Good day!

I'm a nuclear and mechanical engineer with PhD in physics. My primary professional interests are fluid dynamics and thermal hydraulics.

I've been using Mathematica since version 5. I just installed version 10.

POSTED BY: Glenn Carlson

Hi everybody, I am a cool developer and graphic designer from Paris, France ; interrested by Wolfram universal software mathematica 10 and Wolfram programming language for clear, smart and fun computing in arts and sciences ecosystems :)

POSTED BY: cheikhna diouf

Hello Wolfram Community i am still a +2 student studying at Saffron Public School, Phagwara, Punjab, India. Have you ever heard of it. it is the best school. I just love this school.

POSTED BY: raju Dewar

Hello Wolfram Community! I am a PhD student at the Colorado School of Mines focusing on sedimentary geology and process sedimentology. I am really into spatial statistics and numerical forward modeling. I have been using Mathematica for all my data processing for my dissertation and have really started to learn how to take full advantage of everything it can do. I am participating in the Wolfram Summer Science School 2014 as well and am learning more and more every day!

POSTED BY: Jesse Pisel

Hi everybody, I am an Undergraduate student, studying Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Warwick. I have used Wolfram Mathematica for nearly 2 years now, and am currently participating in the Wolfram Summer Science School 2014.

Posted 11 years ago
POSTED BY: Connick

Hi! I'm just here because I want to understand something about Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Processing, Quantum Information Theory and their possible relation with our inner self. In that funny path it turns up that Mathematica would be of great help and lots of fun. Bye!

Posted 11 years ago

Hello everyone! i'm a high school student from iraq , also a hobbyist programmer and visual artist. i am currently researching on links between visual patterns and neuro-system reactions

POSTED BY: barham hemin
Posted 11 years ago

I am Md Nasim Akhtar, a Research Scholar in the Department of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati, India.

POSTED BY: nasim.iitm
Posted 11 years ago
POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
Posted 11 years ago
I'm Dha Wait. I'm doing a diploma in IT.
POSTED BY: think wait
Posted 11 years ago
My name is Victor. I'm currently studying at Stockholm University.
POSTED BY: Victor Sago
Posted 11 years ago
Hello, my name is Scott and I'm new to the group today. I live 2 hours by car west of Seattle in the blue hole of Washington state.

I'm a retired naval officer who worked in passive submarine detection but came to it from a history/poly sci background. As such, my math background needs work and I'm doing that with Mathematica and Khan Academy. My aims are to use Mathematica for statistics and astronomy. I may branch into Arduino as well. I'm also waiting for the Wolfram language to hit the streets. Who knows where this will all go but I'm looking forward to the journey.
POSTED BY: Scott Clausen
Posted 11 years ago
Hello ! My name is Mark Butler. I work as an audio engineer in Berlin, Germany. I am very interested in digital signal processing, filters, fourier etc. I have a special interest in number theory since as a child I learned about prime numbers. Now I use Mathematica for experimenting with numbers and math and audio stuff FOR FUN ! 
POSTED BY: Mark Butler
My name is Sergio Cabral. I am full professor at the university of Blumenau, Brazil and my interest is to apply mathematics for the analysys of problems of power systems. By now I have been investigating the behavior of voltage to ground along a three-phase power transmission line. This chalenging problem has made me know Mathematica and now I am with troubles for dealing with it correctly.
POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral
Posted 11 years ago
This is Ted Ersek. I have been a devoted Mathematica user for 23 years.
POSTED BY: Ted Ersek
Hi at all,
My name is Fabio, I'm working on my master degree in Physics at the university of Parma.

I'm working on walk in inhomogeneous network.
By now this is everything.

POSTED BY: fabio sartori
Posted 11 years ago

I'm a Wolfram Language Neophite in addition to a Mechanical Engineer (Iowa State University) and Computer Scientist (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign).  I work in the telecommunications industry.

My current interest is acoustic analysis of honey bee behavior so I'm working to understand Wavelet Transforms.
POSTED BY: Kevin Pauba
Hi all.

I think the affect of internet technology on the socialization and development of young peope is on the whole negative. I also think that every internet "discussion" would be better held in a coffee shop. That being said, I am willing to try out an online community to have rare conversations and to see if opportunities for positive socialization and development can be created online.

POSTED BY: Brad Klee
Posted 11 years ago data compression's what I'm doing at the moment, and wondering what the wolfram cloud service costs will be.
POSTED BY: Simon Jackson
Posted 11 years ago
Hello Wolfram Community!. I'm a sophmore undergrad chemistry student with an eye for Theoretical & Physical Chemistry, I wanted to start learning Mathematica to help explore various mathematical topics and I also believe that it would be useful to start working with some computational software in respect to chemistry. I hope to learn a great deal from this community, the little i've been able to accomplish in mathematica thus far has really been a joy.
POSTED BY: Zach Wolfe
Posted 11 years ago
Greetings. My name is Michael Stern. I work at a large hedge fund manager and use Mathematica in financial modelling and related tasks. I work with many asset classes, and have found Mathematica especially useful when working with actuarial data in connection with insurance-linked investments. The platform is particularly useful to me when connected to external sources of data, whether a database on my own network, or Bloomberg's financial data API, or others.

I've used Mathematica since version 1.2 for ocassional calculations, and began to program in it more seriously around v5 or v6.
POSTED BY: Michael Stern
Hello, I am a PhD student in quantum photonics at University of Bristol UK. I am quite new to Mathematica but I am already enjoying it a lot.  
Posted 11 years ago

My name is Chen Yu and I am a PhD statistics student in the University of Kent in UK.
I have been using Maple for nearly 8 years, not much mathematica.
But now, I'd love to have a deep look with Mathematica and have lots of fun!
Hello, I'm Francois, a Math professor. I have a quick question:

How can I plot 2 wave sound files on Mathematica all at once? Where can I find those commands about waves, waves equations, Fourier transforms, etc...Thank you 
POSTED BY: Francois Lubin
Dear Dr. Francois, welcome to Wolfram Community. This discussion is just to introduce yourself. If you would like to ask a technical question - please make it a new separate post.
Posted 11 years ago
Hello. I'm Eon, a recent compsci grad from University of Waterloo, and I'm currently unemployed... orz.

My first encounter with Mathematica was about 10 years ago. I was preparing for a algorithm contest with my friends, and some of them were using pirated ;) Mathematica 5. I had it installed on my laptop, too, and was so amazed by the power of symbolic computation. That's when I became a fan of Mathematica, but soon I had to say good bye to it because I decided not to use any pirated software.

In my second year in university, I finially purchased a copy of Mathematica 8 home edition, and it gave me lots of power. For example, while taking lecture notes, I could solve and plot mathematical equations and systems. Also, I could rapidly build prototypes of various algorithms, ranging from 3D graphice to computational vision and AI.

I also made little music using Mathematica. All the sound samples used in the music is generated by solving Lorenz system in Mathematica, with some effects and adjustments applied from composing software.
Posted 11 years ago
Hi everyone new guy here! Pleasure to meet you all and start playing with this amazing new technology! I am a renaissance tech and social type! I love all things digital as well as any form of educated or creative thought! I typically work in think tanks or play developmental roles in exploring and bringing new ideas into existence.
Posted 11 years ago
My name is Omer Ronen i am a highschool student. I have recently aquired an interest in programming. I started learning ruby but I want the wolfram language to be my first serious language.
nice to meet you all
POSTED BY: Omer Ronen
Posted 11 years ago
Hi everyone.
My name is kay chen, I'm currently studying Computer Science in GeorgeBrown College. Nice to meet you all.
POSTED BY: kay chen
Posted 11 years ago
i have a problem , that is how we can use loop option in mathematica 9 as we do in matlab
POSTED BY: Wajid ali
Posted 11 years ago
Hi, I'm Opeoluwa, student of Petroleum Engineering. Would be glad to have a chat with persons of high level of expertise in solutions of second order nonlinear partial differential equations.
POSTED BY: Opeoluwa
I'm a consultant that builds electronic proof-of-concept prototypes for telecom, optical networking, and power electronics. I'd like to start using Mathematica in my hardware projects. I'd also like to become a Mathematica expert to offer this skill as part of my consulting practice.
POSTED BY: Jay Morreale
Hi, my name is Dan Bach (the Math Jock). I'm a community college math teacher, a textbook author, math podcaster, and distance runner. I've been using Mathematica since version 0.9 in 1989 on a NeXT cube, and especially enjoy creating 3D graphics and animations to illustrate calculus and other concepts. My specialty in grad school was Algebraic Number Theory, and I have a certain infinity toward primes. For fun, I have been researching the subjects of Nested Circles, Highly Composite Numbers, and Minimal Tilings of Rectangles with Squares.
I'm new to the latest versions of Mathematica, but I never stop to be amazed over the things these people manage to come up with!
I'm considering purchasing a "Home" edition of the application, though I would really like the full version. 

I'm a software engineer, working in an array of different programming languages:
vector<std::string> languages {"C", "C++","C#", "Python"};

for( auto lang : languages) {
    std::cout << lang << std::endl;   // To name some

Have a nice time using Mathematica!
POSTED BY: Chris Sederqvist
HI Tom
First of all, I hope your wife is better.  I was a professor of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics.  I am also writing a book "The Dynamic Neuron".  I am using Mathemticat as my tool to write the book.  What are you using with your book?

Dr. Jake
POSTED BY: Jake Trexel
I just got out of the Virtual Conference for STEM Educators Jan 2014 where I found out about this community.

I started my career in I.T. with AT&T and Lucent Technologies and KPMG LLP where I was a technical architect. In 2000, I moved to higher education and became an instructor (later program chair) at a four year career college where I taught classes in information security, computer forensics and data networking as well as foundational math, college algebra and statistics.

I left in 2013 to care for my ailing wife and to pursue a career in writing. I'm currently working on "We Hate Math: A Guide for the Number Phobic" and "52 Weeks of Code: The Art and Philosophy of Computing". I still do some teaching as a adjunct instructor.
POSTED BY: Tom Sinclair
Posted 11 years ago
Hello everybody

I am an engineer by profession and currently using Mathematica to solve design of screw profiles and cutter profiles to produce them - product which I have been working with for past 15 years. 

I find the product very extensive and am sure that I will be able to come to solution with this and with support from Mathematica. 

I have already completed part of it using Mathematica and thanks for the same. 

Best Regards

Kamal Agrawal
POSTED BY: Kamal Agrawal
Posted 11 years ago
Hello everybody !
To begin with, I'm a french student learning Computer Science. I'm completely new to Mathematica, that I discover through a magazine.

For what purpose do I use Mathematica ? Since I want to become a game design, I use Mathematica to analyze game datas about game design (no, really ? ) and mainly to study balancing of the game.

No more things to say, so have a nice day everybody ;)
POSTED BY: Jack Cartier
Posted 11 years ago
My name is woodie. I'm a user of Mathematica from ver. 2.1, but today I tried using a command "URLFetch" first time,but I'm in trouble to get data beyond a login site.
I can't find how to login and fetch or import data on web site using “URLFetch”.Please help me or teach me it, please.
My code doesn't work.
content =  URLFetch["", "Parameters" -> {"loginid" -> "XXXXwoodie", "password" -> "XXXXXXX"}];
POSTED BY: woodie wopper
Hi all, here is more about me if you are interested:

I am a rather eclectic software engineer, turned technical manager, and entrepreneur. I got a double major BA in Math and Art from Grinnell College in the ‘80s then went back to Darden and got an MBA from Darden’s Global Executive MBA program in 2013. I have worked for many small companies as well as Fortune 100 companies.

I currently use Mathematica to analyze game designs, build project financial return models, and to find equations that give the gaming dynamics I seek. As the founder of a mobile game company I ware a lot of hats and do more coding than I have in a number of years.


POSTED BY: dale Strickler
Hello everyone.  My name is Fred, and I work on radiation sensitive materials and devices.  I use Mathematica for solving equations, performing simulations and data analysis, and have also used the CDF player to animate reports.   This community looks like a good resource; I already learned some new tricks.  -Thanks!
POSTED BY: Fred Doty
Hi, my name is Chris and I am the proud new owner of a Raspberry Pi and excited to experiment with Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica.  I enjoy listening to podcasts, bicycling and learning new technologies.
Posted 11 years ago
Hi. My name is Ain Ariff and I am a new user of Matematica. Maybe senior people that has more experience in using Matematica can help me solving problem that I can't solve later. Thank you!
POSTED BY: Ain Ariff
Posted 11 years ago
Hi! My name is Pierre Lehtola and I just found out about wolfram alpha and I want to explore all the possibilities. I love to try out my most crazy ideas and see how they pan out 
POSTED BY: Pierre Lehtola
Hi - 
My name is Grant Hearn and I teach software development for the Information Systems Department at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Our university recently purchased a site license for Mathematica and I was the first academic to install and use the software. I'm finding it a fascinating world and the software very useful. I'm pleased to find this community because there are quite a few things about MM that puzzle me and I'm looking forward to getting some answers from the community. :-)
POSTED BY: Grant Hearn

My name is Christian Néel, I am an engineer, my field of expertise is electrical engineering and control systems theory. My company (located in the south of France) works in the field of high accuracy intrumentation for industrial and scientific applications (non-contact measurement) and I am the R&D manager. I started working with Mathematica in 1989 and used it occasionally since. I have always loved this software but never had time enough to use it full time. I am now trying to generate CDF application sheets for R&D / Marketing purpose (And I'm glad I found this community!).

POSTED BY: Christian Neel
Hi everyone. I'm on the User Experience team at Wolfram, working to make sure the content you find in our products, on our websites, and in your inbox is useful and useable. I enjoyed meeting some of you in person at the tech conference and I hope to continue learning from you here on Wolfram Community. 
POSTED BY: Michael Metts
My name is Anton Antonov. I was a kernel developer at Wolfram Research, Inc. for seven years working, mostly, on numerical algorithms. I implemented and documented the framework and integrators of NIntegrate. During the last seven years I designed, prototyped, and implemented a variety of machine learning and data mining algorithms.
POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Hi my name is Khwezi Toni, I am a mechanical engineering student at University of Johannesburg, I have been recently introduced to mathematica and I think its a much greater tool than Matlab, anyway thats just me.
POSTED BY: Khwezi Toni
Hi - I am a software architect and digital artist. I use Mathematica both at work out software details. I also use Mathematic to develop the initial imagery that are the elments of  fine art prints. Examples of my art work are at
POSTED BY: Alex Benedict
Welcome, Alex Benedict! I find it very interesting that you are using Mathematica for art. Coding, programming in art are thought provoking subjects for me. I also sometimes try things in this area - for example: LISSAJOUS PATTERNS ON A SPHERE SURFACE.

I (and I bet quite a few other folks) would really love to see a separate post from you telling us about your art and how you use Mathematica for it!
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
I am a philosopher and an assistant editor of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at Stanford University.  I am particularly interested in the application of computational methods in the investigation of philosophical questions.
POSTED BY: Paul Oppenheimer
Am using Mathematica to "re-invent statistics using unbounded computing resources" (another story), and in some consulting work.  Per my LinkedIn entry by last two gigs have focused on making use of smart phone location information - where I had to correct for the non-spherical characteristics of the Earth(!) - and some modeling of 100+ metrics on ~100 branch offices - where some metrics proved to be redundant withtout looking so.  Still struggle with functional programming paradigm, but find it very powerful - when I can get it to work.  Am amazed at Mathematica's continued improvements, and the fact that I can explore large datasets on a laptop.
POSTED BY: Mark Tuttle
Posted 12 years ago
Hello everyone!

I am a software developer with a masters degree in Electrical Engineering (go figure!).  I have played with Mathematica over the years and I'm currently a Home Edition user of Mathematica 8 on my MacBook Pro.  I've always been interested in recreational mathematics and physics, so I came into knowledge of Mathematica through those topics.  As a programmer, I've always admired Mathematica's abstractions and the outstanding generality of it's functions.  I'm not aware of any other language that let's you do object-oriented/functional/procedural/rule-based/etc. programming all in the same package!  I'm still learning features of Mathematica, so I look forward to being a part of this community.
POSTED BY: Sean Wall
Hello, I'm Craig Bauling with Wolfram Research.
As an International Business Development team member, I put my 30 years experience in Engineering and Education to work helping others.  My passion is in Education, especially at the secondary and community college levels.   Recently I have had the pleasure to help the state of Victoria Australia adapt curriculum materials using the state's Unlimited Mathematica public school license pool.  Separately, I have had the pleasure of supporting the Victoria Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) in their use of Mathematica to develop their annual statewide Math exam with Mathematica and then deploy those exams as part of the student/curriculum assessment process.   I love gaming challeges, business applications and lesson planning with Mathematica. 
POSTED BY: Craig Bauling
Posted 12 years ago

My name is Randy Hutson.  I am a graduate of Texas A&M University where I studied Computer Science and Mathematics.
I would like to discuss certain iterated functions, and I hope to learn much here.
POSTED BY: Randy Hutson
Posted 12 years ago
I would like to make a suggestion for the community. The RSS feed pushes every new posting. I think some members would appreciate an option for an RSS feed pushing only new topics. I know I would to keep my RSS inbox from overflowing.
POSTED BY: Jon Rogers
Hi Again:  I wrote a few days ago, and Did my presentation and make a question; Now; I add a bit of me: I like Physics, math, Photography, Chemistry, Arts, and hoobies, Too I am intereseted in a best Planet,  Now, I am enagaged in Diffraction studies, trouhgh  novel approaches, Resuts are encouraging, but I perceive that more powerfull calculations, e.g. multicluster is needed for advance, So, I am searching for help in this matter, I know the power of Wolfram Grid Web and think is a very good option.  Nice to me being able to interact with math community, I have seen several presentations and I hope to write soon about interesting matters. Good look.
I am looking for anyone that is working on the mathematics related on neuroscience and dynamic systems.  I am disabled and have no other contacts exect through the net.  I am in the process of writing a text book on the mathemtics of a single neuron.  But due to my medical problems I have no way to keep up with the latest information. 

Any help would be appreacite, be it either how to write a book using mathematica, nurosciene or dynamic systems

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel
Hello, I'm Sarah!
In my second chapter at Wolfram Research I join the Account Support Specialist group with one goal in mind; helping my clients get access to the tools they need to succeed in business and academia. As a Wolfram Account Specialist, I help my clients harness the power of the world's largest and most powerful software products. These products include Mathematica, Wolfram SystemModeler, and Wolfram|Alpha. With over 10 years of experience working with customers I am very thoughtful in helping my clients with the small to large details and questions. When I am not busy helping customers get access to our amazing products I am experimenting with food, rooting for a Chicago sports team, going to a concert, or just having fun with my family.
POSTED BY: Sarah Thomas
Hi:   Nice to write to You.  I am  Gerardo, a physicist interested in Math for Physics and for exploring mathematical facts, puzzles and  problems.mathematica has been for me an ideal way to do research an calculations that otherwise simply I couldn´t do it. I hope to interact actively in the forum. Cheers.
I've been a graphics and user interface developer at Wolfram Research since Mathematica version 2. These days I work on an assortment of projects from the predictive interface to the Museum of Mathematics logo, editing the company blog, and occasionally running One-Liner competitions at our annual technology conference. I have a keen interest in applications of Wolfram technology to problems in design and architecture. These blog posts will give you an indication of where my heart lies:

Dumela Wolfram Community!!

My name is Sihle Mgobozi from South Africa and I'm the founder of the soon to be launched website called [currently under construction].

This site aims to help & assist learners from all walks of life who are either in High school or Tertiary level with their Mathematics problems & issues. I founded this product because of a need and demand I discovered during one of my quests and saw an opportunity that no-one seems to be aware of, well in my country that is. At first I didn't know of any products such as Mathematica that are out there that are offering Ernomous help/guidance/tools for the subject of Maths ,but something inside told me that in this dynamic world of the Internet I will find something.

And find it I did under the Wolfram Organisation!!!

So far i have discovered these two products Demonstration & Mathworld that I would like to obtain for my website even though it looks like I'm only scratching the surface here ,this has got me Ecstatic & Fuzzy inside regardless of my educational standing i.e. I only did Maths up until Grade 12. To be aware of the features and functionality of the Wolfram products that I didn't have while i was at school.

I would like advise on the following;
- Any Wolfram products that will make Mathematics or any High School subject for that matter fun & interactive for the students.

Whether they are free or need payment I will have to make the right adjustments to acquire them, overall I want to be a member or client of Wolfram.

Here's to a long & fruitfull relationship!!!
POSTED BY: sihle mgobozi

I support Mathematica at the University of Manchester in the UK along with a host of other packages such as MATLAB, Maple, NAG Library, Intel Compilers etc.  The fun part of my job involves helping researchers make code go faster or assisting with curriculum development, the less fun part is dealing with licensing and deployment issues.  I've been a user of Mathematica since version 4.0.  I am also the author of

POSTED BY: Michael Croucher
Posted 12 years ago

I'm Andreas, and I enjoy playing around with formulas and checking them with Mathematica.
POSTED BY: Andreas Klaiber
I am the founder and President of Madison Area Science and Technology (MAST), a research organization doing science without regard to credentials. I had a book published this year that I co-wrote with Leonard Susskind entitled, "The Theoretical Minimum." I wrote the book entirely in Mathematica, including al the typesetting. I am currently doing research into stellar modeling and information theorey in Mathematica. See our web site to follow our work. We are currently planning a Winter School in Computational Science for some time in December. This will possibly be web-based. I am a long-time Mathematica programmer/developer (I started in 1989), and I am an accredited consultant and trainer.
POSTED BY: George Hrabovsky
Posted 11 years ago
     My name is William Simpson (I normally go by Bill, but I see there is already a Bill Simpson in this community).  I've been using Mathematica off and on since version 2.2, but don't use it all that frequently.  I work as a statistician at Harvard Business School and use it occasionally in my work, but my heaviest use recently has been for dealing with the equations of general relativity, which I am studying with a friend.  I have access to Mathematica through work, but am retiring soon, and recently bought the Home Edition so that I will continue to be able to use it. 
     I hope that in retirement I will develop more fluency with Mathematica.  I find it powerful, but sometimes it behaves in puzzling ways, which I think I could figure out if I understood the internals better. 

Best wishes,
POSTED BY: William Simpson
Posted 12 years ago
Hello Wolfram Community!

My name is Simon, and I am currently studying Chemical Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark. I started using Mathematica in order to solve problems related to thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, upscaling chemical processes and reactor design. I can't really brag about anything great that I have done in my scientific career so far, so I will leave that out :-)  My best piece of work, made together with a few of my fellow students, was a new method developed for detecting and quantifying levels of the active compounds of Hypericum Perforatum, Hypericin, Pseudohypericin and Hyperforin in human blood plasma, by the means of an MS compatible HPLC method with UV endpoint detection.

Beside that I've spent most of my time programming. This includes programs for PCs,  and Apps for Androids and iPhones. I hope to use the community for learning more about general Mathematica skills, and surely some best practices! 


I'm a mathematics undergrad at the University of Utah. I've started using Mathematica this spring semester to help me with my homwork. SInce then I've started to learn more about the language and its powerful programming capabilities. I have set it as my goal to learn how to properly program with Mathematica and use it to help me solve the kind of questions that interest me, both mathematical and biological.
POSTED BY: Michael Senter
Hello, I'm Martin from the Wolfram office in Oxford, UK - or WREL for short. If you come to a Wolfram event or training course in the UK there's a good chance you'll meet me, I work in the Technical Communications and Strategy group as a Technical Presenter. 

As my background is in biophysics rather than computing, I'm largely going to use Community for best practice advice, programmatic manipulation of notebooks and cell objects, and learning more about financial modelling.
POSTED BY: Martin Hadley
Posted 12 years ago
G'day, I am Steve Hill , a student of Mathematics who wants to eventually tutor in Calculus. I will watch the threads of current teachers and tutors with great interest.
POSTED BY: Steve Hill
Posted 11 years ago
Hi, I'm Opeoluwa, student of Petroleum Engineering. Would be glad to have a chat with persons of high level of expertise in solutions of second order nonlinear partial differential equations.
POSTED BY: Opeoluwa
Hi there, I've been named Udo by my parents. Life took a path which brings even greater distances between the job's content and Mathematica. You will ask, how is this possible, given that Mma grows into more and more directions. But believe me, it is. Nevertheless, in the german speaking mathematica user group I answer questions.
POSTED BY: Udo Krause
Posted 12 years ago

I'm a Physics graduate student at Louisiana State University. I love Mathematica very much and use it a lot in my research.

POSTED BY: xslittlegrass *
Posted 12 years ago

I'm working in the fields of algorithm design and methods for calculation.

Normally I'm developing software using C/C++. I think that there is a fine line between understanding an algorithm
and dealing with underlying machinery. That's why I'm using Mathematica. 

When you start to develop/explore a new algorithm you first want to understand how the algorithm does behave
and maybe later, after gaining a full understanding, deal with system specific issues such as:
  • Processor
  • Cache semantics
  • multi-precision

I found in Mathematica the ideal partner when facing the first part of the story.

POSTED BY: Stefan Schwarz
Hello from Champaign IL,

I go back a long way with Wolfram Research, and specialize in programming for notebooks and authoring tools, product management for CDF, and also oversee document production, tech writing, localization, editing, and video production groups. I will be trying my best to jump in and help answer questions about notebook manipulation, stylesheets, fonts, and CDF issues. While I may not always be able to answer promptly, I'm sure to be joined by a number of other experts on these topics from thoughout the company and in the community at large.

POSTED BY: Andre Kuzniarek

I am a longtime Mathematica user and readily acknowledge Mathematica's role in positively shaping my career. Thank you, people.

I am fortunate in having known individuals with varied interests who in turn encouraged me to develop varied interests, astronomy to zoology. I have spent more than a decade or two accumulating expertise in scientific programming, algorithm development and teaching. Although frequently called upon to work on complex algorithms, I believe in the value of keeping it basic, and the universal customer need for intuitiveness and simplicity in a product.

I am happy to be part of this forum and would love to hear from you.
I'm Christina, an Accelerator Physicist. I use Mathematica for data acquisition and analysis.
Posted 12 years ago
Hi, my name is Diego. I use Mathematica @ work as my swiss knife mainly to tackle data scrubbing, analysis and visualization. Also for operations research and optimization.
Love to use it @ home as a hobby, from performing financial portfolio simulations, solving puzzles, helping my kids with their math problems and learning more about this wonderful tool and language.
POSTED BY: Diego Zviovich
Posted 12 years ago
I teach high school physics and AP physics. I signed up in response to an email I received titled "Wolfram Insider for Education: Issue 5, 2013". I am hoping that by doing so I can learn about ways to improve my teaching. I would like to learn how to solve calculus problems and show my students. I am also interested in developing simulations for them so they can adjust parameters using a slider and visualize how the solution changes. I don't have much of a budget, so I am dependent on the free applications. In a previous career I developed the nonlinear mathematical model for the space shuttle main engine control system. I would have been very interested in Mathematica had it been available then (40 years ago).
POSTED BY: Joe Morin

My name is Chad Minick.  Nice to meet you all!

I am a manager of Web Technologies here at Wolfram.  I have been working on web technologies here since 2007.  The Wolfram Community is one of my projects I help with, so if you ever have any technical questions or problems with the Community I will be glad to answer them.  I am also very interested to hear about any feedback you have about The Community.

We still have a large number of features we plan on implementing so check back regularly!

I can also answer any other questions with any web related technologies including webMathematica, so feel free to ask.
POSTED BY: Chad Minick
I am Russell Hart. I am in highschool; fear my insanity.

I dislike intresting things that are taught in highschool, because the teacher's ruin it.
Other than that; SPARKLY math things! Distracted by mathematica's mindwarping powas.
Why is there no free student version emoticon can't share $50 things with friends >.<

Intrests: Math, science, Fractals, football, Chess, money, 3D modelling, design, Human Interactions, Knowledge, Education, swarm, bio->tech, 3D Printing.
I attended the mathematics highschool summer camp.
POSTED BY: Russell Hart
Hello All!

My name is Nishant Satanekar and I am a User Experience Designer at Wolfram Research. My role here is to design consumer-facing product websites and UI for web applications. I have been a primary designer for Wolfram Community website as well.

I joined Wolfram Research in 2009 in it's UX team. User experience is at the center of product development process here at Wolfram which interested me to join this team and the organization. I have done my Masters in Information Management from University of Washington in Seattle and Bachelors in Information Technology from University of Mumbai in India. My major responsibility is to infuse a customer-centered design in the product development lifecycle by determining user needs, gathering requirements, defining information architecture, prototyping user interfaces and interactions, conducting review cycles and soliciting user feedback. I have coordinated with Wolfram Community team through the entire process from its conception to implementation and we are pleased to bring this product to our users.

This is just a start and more exciting features are planned down the road. I hope the members here find Wolfram Community useful, usable and enjoyable. 

I am a mexican philosophy teacher who has devoted their last 29 years to develop learning environments. I am a Wolfram user since many years ago. My favorite search is "The Tempest Shakespeare" who let me show students how to deconstrute concepts (the conceptual analysis with Wolfram is really  awesome) and "water" who let understand the element with a completly new sight.

I am interested in use Wolfram in education, specially with info visualization to foster a bran new cognitive model in kids and  adolescents
I'm Tomas, from Mexico. I´ve been a Mathematica fan since the early nineties. Its most important contribution - for me, at least - is that it helped me learn Mathematics properly and without pain, filling gaps in my former education, and letting me try my hand at a few problems which would previously have been out of my reach. I feel I know something and can explain and teach a few things using this system, which I usually introduce to my audiences as a "djinn"  (in the tradition of ancient arabic literature), residing not in a bottle, but inside my Mac, and is a powerful and obedient servant, able to quickly and painlessly complete long and tedious calculations, produce millions of random numbers for experimental simulations in a few seconds, and solve otherwise very difficult problemas - all without a complaint. Nowadays I am retired, but invariably spend a few hours every day doing maths by computer in order to keep myself in good spirits and mental health.  
POSTED BY: Tomas Garza
Posted 12 years ago
I'm teaching specialised technical subjects on Highschool of Communication and Broadcasting Technology in Prague.
I'm using Wolfram Mathematica on daily basis in the teaching process, I'm preparing demonstrations for my students and I also authored few demonstrations for Wolfram Demonstration Project. From time to time I also teach seminars of Wolfram Mathematica for other high school teachers in Czech Republic.
I'm very interested in physics, mainly particle and quantum physics.
I'm continuously studying (in person language courses and online courses on edX, Coursera etc.).
My beloved sport is paragliding and my hobbies are electonics and photography.
POSTED BY: Jakub Serych
I'm Flip... I'm ex-Pixar, ex-WRI. Do human perception research (mostly vision but also haptics / action). 

I've been using MMa since 'before it was born' (publically, anyway). 
POSTED BY: Flip Phillips
Hi, I am working at Environmental Engineering Department of the  Szechenyi Istvan Univertsity, Gyor, Hungary, EU. I simulated CA for my theoretical ecology PhD in Mathematica 5. Now I am relearning Mathematica, in order to apply to  any spatial modeling problems in ecology and environmental sciences.
Hello! My name is Gavin Holt and I work as a European Direct Sales Executive for Wolfram Research Europe Ltd where my current emphasis is to consolidate and build on existing territories whilst identifying opportunities and developing business in new areas. Previously I worked with one of the UKs biggest renewable energy companies delivering bespoke renewables solutions to a range of customers both domestic and commercial. I have a BA honours degree in International Relations from Loughborough University. 

I look forward to the Wolfram community growing into a dynamic environment for discussion, collaboration and general Wolfram related tittle tattle!

POSTED BY: Gavin Holt
Posted 12 years ago
Hi all,
I'm Carlo, I live and work in Naples, Italy. I'm totally new in Mathemetica and in Wolfram Technology in general.
I'm a Certified E.F.F.A.S. Financial Analyst (C.E.F.A.) and I'm a specialist in building models that deal with Corporate Finance, M&A, Management Control, Balance Sheet Analysis, Investment Valuation, etc.
For my job I use Quantrix Modeler, a mutidimensional spreadsheet that works per matrices and that can be used also as BI tool.
I'm thinking to switch to Mathematica so, as you can imagine, this Community is very important for me.

Greetings from Naples.
POSTED BY: Carlo Capasso
My name is Paul Beeken and I am currently a physics teacher at Byram Hills High School where I teach advanced and AP physics. My degree is in atomic and molecular physics. I am an experimentalist who started working with Mathematica back in the eighties when I developed computer algorithms and data visualization tools. I have worked with a large number of CAS systems, they all have their strengths and weaknesses but, for me, Mathematica has been the tool I keep returning and use almost exclusively now.

I have worked in a variety of applied research applications before returning to teaching which informs my instructional approach. I am mostly interested in pedagogical applications and developing tools to improve student understanding of physics through data analysis. Lately, I have been also exploring using Mathematica's graphical visualization tools for analyzing student performance and the effectiveness of instructional techniques.
POSTED BY: Paul Beeken
Posted 12 years ago
Ahoy there. I'm Cordes and I enjoy FWD Turbo Mopars and Shelby Dodge vehicles. When not on I'm playing with various electronics projects around the house. I'm currently trying to get my Arduino outputing data to Mathematica so I can make better use of it for a boost controller project. 
POSTED BY: Brian Cordes
Greetings everybody, I'm Manuel from Taiwan, and is a pleasure to joing.
I just started using mathematica 2 month ago and I love so much to do my research with this language. I'm so happy and I wish to learn more of Mathematica!
I'm a PhD student at NTU taiwan, and my research involves topics like: Kinetic Theory, Statistical mechanics, Semiclassical Boltzmann theory and solve hyperbolic conservation laws with discretizations methods such as TVD, WENO and DGFEM. If anyone is also working on any of this fields lets keep in touch through GitHub

Btw, are we going to see CDF player for notebooks in iOS any soon? ; )

POSTED BY: Manuel Diaz
Greetings, I'm Sevrin, but i preffer to be called Sevy!
I just went through the mathematica summer camp, and had a huge amount of fun.  I also learned alot about mathematica, and made a demonstration for the demonstrations project!  Hopefully in the next few weeks it will be uploaded, and i may even be able to edit a link into this reply (i hope, haven't tested this...).  Anyway, i found out alot about mathematica, especially the AstronomicalData function.
Well, unfourtunatley i'm not much for giving out personal info online, so that's it for now!

Edit 1: Yep, i found out i can edit! Will post link to demonstration when (if) it's uploaded!
POSTED BY: Sevy Ride
Posted 12 years ago
I am Rob. I am a Mathematica Home user. I have been aware of Mathematica in one way or the other since the early 1980’s. At that time I thought I would like to own a Rainbow computer, install Mathematica and become Dr. Rob physicist. However due to economic reality; I enlisted in the Navy as a nuclear operator Rob instead.

After my enlistment I again became aware of Mathematica while going to college at Colorado School of Mines. I did start with the intention of becoming Dr. Rob Physicist, however; my wife caught pregnancy and I stuffed all my 1st and 2nd semester physics courses into electives and became…. Go to work Rob Chemical Engineer…. In hindsight the most excellent thing/decision that could have happened.

Through the years, I did, however; always maintain some level of fascination with Mathematica. In truth my poor math skills would have precluded me being a great (possibly even adequate) physicist. The language simply eludes me someplace around tensors and eigenvalues, etc. I did, however; think if I could just learn to program my way through the heavy math as I did with spell and grammar checkers through English courses. I may have had a better shot. Well let’s just say I never succeeded at the time…In addition I have never looked back as I truly am happy at Chemical Engineering.

Anyway turn the clock forward some decades and my children in High school and Mathematica 7-8 comes out and computer power is so much cheaper, etc. I finally bought a copy of Mathematica and programed a couple of demonstrations and have been hooked one way or the other ever since. Combine that with the fact that I am enamored with Mr. Wolfram’s contribution of Mathematica and the active documents and the repository of knowledge he makes available and his commitment to people like me via the home user pricing, etc., etc. etc.

Anyway, All in all I am very happy to be here. I have some fuzzy and as yet undefined fully, intention of trying to program and utilize Mathematica in my consulting business. I currently model Chemical Process in several commercially available products I won’t name here. I would like to either write code or possible leverage in System Modeler or? In order to possibly give my end users and clients access to interactive documents so that they can do some of their own “what if” analysis in my deliverables, etc. However, to date, this is a lofty goal given my skill set and time constraints so I remain a Hobbyist with a dream for now.
I'm Blanca Parra, from Mexico.
40 years ago I decided that Math Education was my call. I've been a researcher in this field but, most importantly, a math teacher in every level from Junior High to Post grad education, including training teachers. I retired last year but I continue to teach Calculus and Statistics at college level.
My first Mathematica licence was 3.0.1 or something like that. I still have the very big volume accompanying the software.
POSTED BY: Blanca Parra
Hi everybody,
I'm Ruben Garcia Berasategui and I teach math to last-year high-school students and first-year college students in Jakarta International College in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I've using Mathematica since 1997 when, while in Berkeley,CA, I fell in love with functional programming after discovering the beauty of statements like this:

I'm trying to spread my enthusiasm about Wolfram technologies and functional programming to my students and also to other schools and universities in Indonesia.
I'm currently also the only Wolfram Certified Trainer in ASEAN although I hope that as a result of my activities others will join me soon!

I'm looking forward to sharing experiences about incorporating Mathematica and WolframAlpha in the classroom with other community members.
Salutations! My name is Joshua Towns, and I am the Chief Information Officer at the Indiana Department of Education.

I am looking for innovative ways to incorporate Mathematica technologies in the display, manipulation and analysis of student information, in order to better inform teachers, parents, administrators and policy makers.

I am making the sometimes painful but consistently exciting experience of transitioning from procedural programming to functional programming--and I can think of no better technology to take this journey with! I very much look forward to interacting with you all!
POSTED BY: Josh Towns
Hi, I'm Rob Lockhart.  I worked at Wolfram|Alpha right around the time of launch, and I still love the Mathematica language.

I'm currently the founder of an independant game studio specializing in educational games.  It's called Important Little Games.  If you need help designing and building an educational game, I'm your guy.

POSTED BY: Rob Lockhart
Hello, I am Julio de la Yncera and I use mathematica for creating mathematical animations. 
an example can be seen at

 am also planning to use it for animations and diagrams in a book.
Posted 12 years ago
Hi. I'm a PhD student at Stanford, and I am also disappointed that (1) this new community site doesn't allow emails with "+" symbols and (2) Wolfram won't allow you to change the email address linked to your account. As a result, I had to make a new Wolfram account to join.
POSTED BY: Ted Sanders
Hi All,
I'm a high school Mathematics teacher and eLearning specialist, and I use Mathematica to teach my pupils about programming and problem solving. I'd love to hear from anyone else with experience in this area, to share resources or just to cheat.
Nick James
POSTED BY: Nick James
Posted 12 years ago
Hello! I'm Peteris Krumins, co founder of [1] and chief hacker at [2]. Super excited to be joining this forum. Been using Mathematica for over 10 years.

POSTED BY: Peteris Krumins

I have been associated to Wolfram since 2006. I have been involved in various projects in the company including some related to languages and computational linguistics, and basic and applied research. I am based in the UK but I often travel to Sweden and the U.S.

I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Lille, France, and I am particularly interested in the theory of cellular automata, complex networks, algorithmic randomness, and information theory. And more recently in computational systems biology with particular emphasis to network biology (network reverse engeneering and reconstruction) for hypothesis testing.

As a highlight of my research work, I can mention the conception of a Block Decomposition Method that I conceived together with colleagues, as an extension of the power of an alternative way to measure the Kolmogorov complexity of objects such as strings, images and networks, based on the algorithmic Coding theorem that relates the algorithmic complexity of a string to its frequency of production as a result of running a random computer program.

Feel free to visit my webpage and contact me if you have any interesting projects or have any questions:
where most of my papers are freely available. 

I look forward to meeting people in this great community.

- Hector Zenil
POSTED BY: Hector Zenil

I am the events manager for Wolfram Research.  Most of my time is spent facilitating discussions that can lead to great advances in a multitude of areas...these discussions occur at Trade Shows, Conferences, Meetings, Virtual Conferences, Picnics, Parties, and any other time/place combination I can think of! 

Right now my main focus is split between the Wolfram Data Summit and the Wolfram Technology Conference, our two main conferences both held annually in the fall.  With topics as varied as big data, programming, education, finance, engineering, optics, data science, physics and more - our conferences attract a wide range of professionals and students that all have one thing in common: advancing their abilities with the help of Wolfram technologies.

For more information, please see:
Wolfram Technology Conference
Wolfram Data Summit
Trade Shows, Training, etc.

I look forward to meeting many of you at a conference or trade show in the near future!
POSTED BY: Danielle Rommel
I am a theoretical physicist with specialization in relativity, gravitation, and quantum field theory. My main work has been in curved space renormalization methods and black holes. The very long and tedious tensor calculations in this work lead me to symbolic computation via computer and thus to Mathematica. I was one of the very first users of what became Mathematica in the mid-1980's and using it, I co-wrote the tensor analysis system MathTensor, which has been sold as a commercial product for 25 years.

In the process of doing this work, I started the Mathematica mailing list which evolved into the comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica newsgroup that I moderate. More than 131,000 posts have occurred in that group over the years. I am now a co-moderator of this Community effort.

My other work consists of the creation of packages for the Sun/Oracle operating system Solaris. This can be found in the and web sites. I build and distribute thousands of such packages to many places in the government, military, academic, and business worlds in more than 200 countries and territories.

My consulting company provides assistance to organizations needing help in physics, mathematics, and computing projects and software.

I am also a very avid amateur astronomer.

Details of my education, work, and publications can be found on the pages at: [url=I am a theoretical physicist with specialization in relativity, gravitation, and quantum field theory. My main work has been in curved space renormalization methods and black holes. The very long and tedious tensor calculations in this work lead me to symbolic computation via computer and thus to Mathematica. I was one of the very first users of what became Mathematica in the mid-1980's and using it, I co-wrote the tensor analysis system MathTensor, which has been sold as a commercial product for 25 years. In the process of doing this work, I started the Mathematica mailing list which evolved into the comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica newsgroup that I moderate. More than 131,000 posts have occurred in that group over the years. I am now a co-moderator of this Community effort. My other work consists of the creation of packages for the Sun/Oracle operating system Solaris. This can be found in the and web sites. I build and distribute thousands of such packages to many places in the government, military, academic, and business worlds in more than 200 countries and territories. My consulting company provides assistance to organizations needing help in physics, mathematics, and computing projects and software. I am also a very avid amateur astronomer. Details of my education, work, and publications can be found on the pages at]
I'm a Marketing and Public Relations Specialist for Wolfram Research in Champaign. Most of my work deals with press relations and outreach strategies, but I also enjoy helping out with social media and blogging. In my spare time, I assist space and science non-profit organizations with outreach and communications.

I'm a North Carolina native and graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, and I'm in the final stages of receiving my M.A. in linguistics from The Ohio State University. (My graduate research looked at linguistic features of Internet-based communication, particularly how we produce and perceive language variation on social media.) I've joined Wolfram Research fairly recently, but I'm a long-time fan and user of Wolfram technologies, especially Wolfram|Alpha.
POSTED BY: Brice Russ
Posted 12 years ago
Hello! I am Tom Pauly, a Public Relations Specialist. I studied Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to coming to Wolfram I was the Director of Media Relations and Broadcasting for a minor league hockey team.

My role as a PR Specialist is quite dynamic - I aid with product rollouts, social media, analytics, blogging and many other things. I'll be keeping an eye on Community and look forward to seeing it grow!
POSTED BY: Tom Pauly
I am in International Business Development team and work with customers and partners in South Africa, South East Asian countries and Pakistan. I have an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering with a Masters in Business Administration. I am working with Wolfram Research Inc since Oct 2011. Before joining them, I have vast experiences working in Oil & Gas Industry in Africa region.

I am a Wolfram Certified Instructor and travel frequently to conduct training, seminars and technical talks on Mathematica and Wolfram SytemModeler at universities, community colleges and high schools in my region. 
POSTED BY: Farid Pasha
Hello! My name is Amy and I am a Public Relations Project Administrator in the (what else?) Public Relations department of Wolfram Research. I have an undergraduate degree in human geography from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and a Master of Social Work with an emphasis on community organizing and administration from UIUC. I will be monitoring Wolfram Community, but otherwise coordinate our wonderful Wolfram|Alpha blog posts and other PR initiatives.
POSTED BY: Amy Wolff
I have a bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Business, where I majored in Business Administration--Marketing. In April 1995 I started working for Wolfram Research as an Academic Account Executive in the Sales Department. Today I am the Senior Academic Program Manager, and focus my efforts on creating programs and resources to help students, educators, and schools incorporate Wolfram Technology into the classroom. I use Mathematica daily at work for data analysis, visualization, and presentations, and am a regular user of the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. I was involved in creating and moderating the Wolfram Faculty Program Forum, and have joined the team of moderators for the Wolfram Community.
I am in the Wolfram Technology Group, which includes Technical Support.  I am helping to moderate the Wolfram Community.  
I've been moderator of the Student Support Forum since mid-2010, and substitute moderator occasionally before that.
Mathematica user since version 2.2.
POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

Hi, I have a problem. Before installing the workbench , I need to register my mathematica software. However, after I finished the registrition, the system told me that I still haven't finish the registration. So, What should I do.?

Do you know what the problem is?


POSTED BY: a0120177 Liang
Posted 10 years ago

I am Palas Kar, a Research Scholar in the Department of Physics, IIEST Shibpur, India.

POSTED BY: Palas Kar

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